Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 353 The Power of the Sword Master

Chapter 353 The Power of the Sword Master
"Leave it to me... Hehe, I have to say, Sect Master Bai, your calculations are really deep, I admire you!"

Su Fei had just cleared the door for the Heavenly Sword Sect, and this old guy didn't even have a word of thanks, so he asked Su Fei to continue working.

I have to say that when a person gets old, his skin is a little bit thicker than that of a young person!

"Hahaha... King Chu, I won't talk about the polite words. In short, I promise you that no matter who will succeed the suzerain of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the future, the king of Chu will definitely follow the lead!"

Hmm... "That sounds like a human saying."



Su Fei didn't continue to talk to him more, after all, this old guy was far-sighted and talked to him a lot, so it was easy to fall into his trap.

Since he promised to solve the troubles for the Heavenly Sword Sect in advance, now that he has become a sword master, it is time to fulfill his promise.

"call out!"

With a stretch of his body, purple wings condensed from the dragon energy on his back, hovering above the void.

"Everyone below listen to me, immediately get out of Tianjianzong, otherwise, die!"

His voice is very calm, but his aura is full of the power of a sword master, which cannot be ignored!
Seeing the purple wings on Su Fei's back, the seven 120-level monks in Xuanyinju all turned pale with fright!
"That' turned out to be a strong sword master!"

"In Tianjianzong, when will there be such a master!"

"Looking at his young age, could it be the King of Chu?"

"Regardless of who he is, he doesn't seem to have any intention of attacking us, so hurry up and withdraw!"


The seven people were very sensible, and they didn't make trouble in front of Su Fei. They stretched out their bodies and fled away!






"The people from Xuanyin Residence have finally retreated."

"With the King of Chu in charge, I forgive them for not daring to invade again."


"If it weren't for the King of Chu this time, I don't know how many people will die!"


All of a sudden, everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect was full of gratitude to Su Fei.Including the group of people who once wanted to kill Su Fei.

"call out!"

Su Fei didn't take these little things to heart.

He did all this, from the very beginning, not out of gratitude for plotting against the Heavenly Sword Sect.

So, with a stretch of figure, he flew to the outside of King You's Palace.

Baichou was the first to greet her.


Without further ado, he knelt down in front of Su Fei, "King Chu, if you weren't here today, I'm afraid my Heavenly Sword Sect would be in great trouble. I, Baichou, will definitely repay this kindness with my life!..."

"Get up, it doesn't have to be like this."

Su Fei never liked such courtesy.Be grateful for this kind of thing, just keep it in your heart.The performance is so exaggerated, but it is a bit false.

You must know that in a place like Saint Ding Continent, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.

Now Su Fei is indeed helping the Heavenly Sword Sect, but if one day, Su Fei's existence hinders the interests of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he will still be regarded as an enemy by them.

Here, what Baichou said was so certain, it was really hard for people to believe how much of his heart was true.


Baichou didn't know what was going on in Su Fei's mind, so she stood up respectfully, "King Chu, I have something to ask, I don't know..."

"What's the matter?"

Su Fei laughed heartily, just now he said that he would repay him with his life, but now he is asking for something from him.

But seeing that he is quite sensible, I didn't care so much with him.I was going to turn around and leave, but now I was stopped by him.

"I would like to ask the King of Chu to help us to the end, to help our Tianjianzong destroy Xuanyinju, I don't know..."

Baichou's request is really unusual!
What a great event to destroy Xuanyin Residence!
Anyway, Xuanyinju is also one of the nine noble families of the Great Qin Empire.There are more than a million members in the clan!

Su Fei is already No. 1 in the historical killing list of Saint Ding Continent, if he continues to kill like this, he will have to go against the sky!
Therefore, he said without hesitation: "We will discuss this matter later."

"But..." Baichou continued, "If Xuanyinju invades again, wouldn't we just sit and wait for death?"

"That's your own business!"

Su Fei said this, but he was just thinking in his heart, what kind of family is this Xuanyinju.He didn't know much about Xuanyinju yet, so he wasn't sure whether the people in Xuanyinju should really be killed.

So, his face sank, and he didn't rush to give an answer.


Baichou hesitated to speak, as if he had a lot to say in his heart.But seeing Su Fei's attitude, he didn't dare to continue talking.



Later, Su Fei returned to the main hall of Youwang Palace alone.

Nie Enhui and Su Fu both ate inside.

Seeing Su Fei coming back, the two immediately greeted him.

"How about it, sir, is everything settled?"

As Su Fu spoke, he was still gnawing on a bear's paw.

"more or less."

Su Fei nodded, "But next, I plan to go to the palace myself."

"To the palace?"

Nie Enhui and Empress Sima Qin did not live together. When she heard that Su Fei was going to the palace, she was also moved and clenched her fists secretly, "Can you take me with you?"

"of course can."

Su Fei said: "I came back to Youwang Palace to bring the two of you there together. I don't feel at ease if you stay in Tianjianzong."

The current Tianjian clan members have shown a sickness.

They are full of hatred for Xuanyinju, no matter what means they use, they want to deal a painful blow to Xuanyinju.

If Su Fei kept the two of them in the Heavenly Sword Sect, he might become the hostage of the Heavenly Sword Sect.At that time, if they threatened the lives of Su Fu and Nie Enhui to force Su Fei to destroy Xuanyinju, it would trigger another massacre that he did not want to see.

Of course, if that time really came, what he wanted to destroy would not be Xuanyinju, but Tianjianzong.Because, Tianjianzong didn't have the capital to threaten him at all.But he couldn't guarantee whether Tianjianzong would do such things beyond his control.

In order to prevent seeing such a situation, I don't want my students to be in danger.Therefore, he must take both of them with him.



Just go.

In the afternoon, they quietly left Tianjianzong.

When they came outside the gate of the palace, no one immediately recognized their identities.

Two guards blocked their way with halberds, "Guys, do you know where this is? Get back, otherwise, die!"

"That should be what I said."

Su Fei didn't take their words to heart at all, and led Nie Enhui and Su Fu to continue walking towards the palace gate.



Immediately, more than a dozen guards surrounded him at the same time.

Some of them directly threw their swords at Su Fei, some swung heavy knives and slashed at Su Fei's neck, and some swung their long halberds, trying to chop off Su Fei's legs.


But they are all just thirty-level monks.

Such mediocre power can't hurt Su Fei at all.

Because, once Su Fei's body senses danger, it will instinctively deploy the Xuanmen Qi Shield.

His Xuanmen Qi Shield is extraordinary, he has already reached the level of Sword Master, and if he uses it with all his strength, he can even reach the level of Sword Immortal.

A dozen or so [-]-level guards are nowhere close to him.Before the weapons in their hands touched Su Fei's body, they were bounced away by the Xuanmen Qi Shield.

And those mortal iron weapons, just when they touched Su Fei's Xuanmen Qi Shield, were already shattered into pieces by the power of the Sword Master contained in it! ...

(End of this chapter)

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