Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 354 I'm Your Fan

Chapter 354 I'm Your Fan
"You!...Who the hell are you!"

The guards never imagined that a young man in his twenties would have such a profound and tyrannical cultivation.

Seeing that so many of them couldn't get close to Su Fei's body, their legs trembled in fright, and their speech was slurred.The guards hiding behind the city gate did not dare to take a step forward.

"Don't ask too many questions, keep your own door!"

Su Fei said something lightly, and walked straight to the Golden Luan Hall with Nie Enhui and Su Fo.

On the way, there were countless sword masters and sword kings who came to stop him.But none of them could make Su Fei look them in the eye.



Fifteen minutes later, just as they were about to step into the Golden Temple, a group of decent opponents finally came.

Nearly a hundred emperor-level monks blocked Su Fei's way, and there were more than a dozen Great Sword Emperors among them.

Seeing such a lineup, Su Fei was also taken aback.

Unexpectedly, beside Sima Jian, there are so many masters of the Great Sword Emperor level.

Thinking carefully, if he hadn't become a sword master today, he would have rushed in rashly this time, I'm afraid there would be an arduous and fierce battle!



"Who is he, who broke in so boldly and was unscathed?"

"Looking at the aura emanating from his body, I'm afraid he is a strong sword master!"

"Could it be the King of Chu who can become a Sword Master at such a young age?"


Although they stood in front of Su Fei and discussed in private, none of them dared to attack Su Fei rashly.

It was the first time in Su Fei's life that he met so many emperor-level monks. In order to show his respect for them, he stopped and gave everyone a fistful.

"Seniors, my Majesty Su Fei, I came here today just to meet King Qin alone. I didn't mean to be provocative. Please help me!"

"It really is the King of Chu!"

The leader, the Great Sword Emperor, is already an old man who is more than seventy years old.His hair is gray, his eyebrows are kind and his eyes are kind.

He saw that Su Fei had already cultivated to be a sword master at such a young age, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Knowing that this person is indeed the King of Chu, Su Fei, he immediately clasped his fists in return to Su Fei, "The King of Chu is coming, it is really a bit sudden. Although I am not talented, although I know that I am not the opponent of the King of Chu, but as Sima Empress Qin I am afraid that it would be quite inappropriate to let you in like this. Therefore, even if we risk our lives, we will try our best to stop you before we get permission from the king. Forgive me!"

"Why bother!"

Su Fei shook his head.He really didn't want to fight with them, so he put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "National Teacher, you should ask someone to go down and report. Eight years ago, I had a relationship with the King of Qin. If the King of Qin still remembers me ..."


Before Su Fei could finish speaking, suddenly, a great swordsman hurried out from the hall... "National teacher, the king said, this person is a friend rather than an enemy, and he must not be offended. Everyone, stand down immediately, or your head will fall to the ground! "


When the national teacher heard it, he didn't know how happy he was.



The sword emperors retreated under the leadership of the national teacher.

Su Fei stepped into the Golden Luan Hall.

In the hall, there were only Sima Jian and Duan Tianyi.

Sima Jian wore the imperial robe, compared to eight years ago, he was indeed much more mature and stable.

And Duan Tianyi no longer had the childishness of eight years ago.Now, she is wearing a phoenix robe, sitting on a phoenix chair, dignified and elegant, quite like a queen.

When Su Fei stood in front of the two of them, Sima Jian smiled and immediately got up to greet him, "Chu King, come, please take a seat!"

As the king of Qin, he actually gave up his dragon chair to Su Fei to sit on.

Seeing what he did this time, Su Fei admired him quite a bit.

When you know you are invincible, the best way to behave is to show weakness.

Obviously, Sima Jian did it.

"Sit down, don't sit down, tell me why you let the people from Xuanyinju attack Tianjianzong."

Su Fei stood on top of the main hall with a serious expression on his face.

Sima Jian smiled apologetically, standing in front of Su Fei like a child who did something wrong, "King Chu, do you think there is still a need for the Heavenly Sword Sect to exist?"

"I don't know whether it is necessary to exist. Let's talk about your reasons first. Do you have any enmity with Tianjianzong?"

Su Fei came here to solve troubles for the Heavenly Sword Sect.At the same time, I also hope that everyone can turn hostility into friendship.

Of course, he was able to come up with such an idea because he learned from the mouth of the little plane that he is now No. 1 in the Red List of Saint Ding Continent!
Such a ranking does not feel honorable to him at all.

He doesn't want to cause any more murders, and if he can solve it peacefully, he will never use his sword!
But he never expected that Sima Jian in front of him didn't have the slightest hostility on his body.Talking to him by yourself is like teaching a child who has done something wrong.

Sima Jian didn't know what was going on in Su Fei's mind, so he just said suspiciously: "If I remember correctly, you killed the head of the inner courtyard of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and you were hunted down by the Heavenly Sword Sect because of it. I'm curious, Could it be that the King of Chu has no hatred for Tianjianzong at all in his heart?"

"King Qin, are you talking too far? I'm asking you now, why did you attack Tianjianzong?"

"Because of you!" The smile on Sima Jian's face faded, "I always thought that you and Tianjianzong were not friendly. But now it seems that I did something wrong. But if you want to ask me why, it is really because of you."

Su Fei looked puzzled, "Because of me?... What do you mean by that?"

Sima Jian smiled slightly, walked towards the outside of the Jinluan Hall, looked in the direction of Tianjian City, and said softly: "King Chu, you may not know that the fire dragon list was in full swing back then, and your appearance changed my life. For so many years, I have always regarded you as an idol and regarded you as my goal in life. But then I discovered that in terms of martial arts talent, I will never be as good as one ten-thousandth of yours. My only advantage is my surname .I want to be close to you, the only way to increase my strength is to proclaim myself emperor!"

"Say the point!"

Seeing that he was getting further and further away, Su Fei really couldn't listen anymore, "Just say, why did you attack Tianjianzong!"

"Because they chased and killed you, for you, I must uproot them!"

What Sima Jian said was very sincere.

But Su Fei still couldn't believe it, "You said it was for me...hehe...forget it, you can do whatever you want. In short, if you dare to attack Tianjianzong again in the future, I will kill you Sima Houqin!" ,including you!"

"Don't dare, I won't dare again in the future, since the King of Chu doesn't support such an approach, I will definitely not attack the Heavenly Sword Sect again! But... I have a small request, I don't know if the King of Chu can agree. "

Sima Jian turned his head to look at Su Fei. At that moment, his expression was full of childlike expectation, not at all like an emperor should look like.

Su Fei also couldn't see through him, "Tell me, what's going on."

"I want to join the Chu camp, even if I'm just a soldier in the Chu camp!"

As the lord of Qin after Sima, he actually said such words.

Su Fei looked at him in astonishment, "Your idea is very unique, tell me why?"

"Because I'm your fan."

When Sima Jian said this, he was as excited as a child.Because, this sentence has been hidden in his heart for eight years!
(End of this chapter)

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