Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 355 The Real Enemy

Chapter 355 The Real Enemy

"my fans?"

Su Fei has not heard these two words for many years.

In his previous life, as a giant in the black technology industry, he often had fans visit him.

But this is the Shengding Continent. Since the day he was born, he has been regarded as a waste by his relatives in the family. He never thought that he would have his own fans on this continent.

Unexpectedly... 22 years have passed, and he finally cultivated into the sword master, becoming the strongest monk on the Saint Ding Continent.What's more, I didn't expect that as early as eight years ago in the individual battle of the Fire Dragon Ranking, I had already gained a small fan...

"Prince Chu, just promise me, as long as you can join the Chu camp, I can do anything for you!"

The sincerity in Sima Jian's eyes is really beyond doubt.

But Su Fei still felt that he was not a simple character.Didn't he really have other plans for joining Chu Ying so eagerly?

You know, the Sima family has already declined, and Sima Jian's current cultivation is only at level [-], and he hasn't even comprehended the star soul yet. How did he achieve great things and recruit so many emperor-level monks to serve him?


Just as Su Fei had doubts in his heart, the sound of a small plane rang in his ears.

"Promise him first, I just detected an unusual aura from Duan Tianyi's body. Sima Jian's achievements today are inseparable from Duan Tianyi's help."

"Duan Tianyi?"

Su Fei knew that Duan Tianyi was from Qixiantai.

And Qixiantai, in the former Great Qin Empire, was just a mere marquis area.

Of course, the hero doesn't ask where he came from, Su Fei himself is from a remote area, he was just curious, "What's so special about this Tianyi?"

Looking carefully at Duan Tianyi, her cultivation is only at the bow king level.

How can a mere bow king summon over a hundred emperor-level monks?

The little plane said: "Behind her, there is Kongshen Island's support!"

"Is it Sky God Island again?"

Su Fei frowned secretly, "In this way, my biggest enemy will be Kongshen Island!"


The little plane said affirmatively: "Now you have become famous in the Shengding Continent. Even Sima Houqin has bowed to you. Other forces have nothing to fear. Next, you will be sanctioned by Kongshen Island .”


Su Fei didn't quite understand the word, "Why sanctions?"

"Because you disrupted the order of Saint Ding Continent!"

"...Just because I want to unify the Saint Ding Continent and become the master of the world?"

In retrospect, the reason why Gu Chen was suppressed by Kongshen Island was also because he became the co-lord of Shengding Continent.

But the motives of Su Fei and Gu Chen's actions are completely different.

Gu Chen's purpose is to surpass the top of the world and show his might in Shengding Continent.

And Su Fei just wanted to make this world more harmonious.He hopes that all practitioners can have higher achievements on this continent.

Unexpectedly, it disrupted the order of Saint Ding Continent.

Could it be that the order in Saint Ding Continent is chaos!
He chuckled inwardly, "If it's because of this, I really can't understand why Kongshen Island helped me so much back then."

"Kongshen Island is helping you, I hope you leave the Shengding Continent as soon as possible, not that you want to proclaim yourself emperor here."

In fact, the little plane had already reminded Su Fei that he could leave for Immortal Realm earlier.

Because, from the day Su Fei was born, he was already the person appointed by the oracle, even if it was Kongshen Island, he would not dare to offend him.This point has already been reflected in Su Ting's three souls.



Perhaps Kongshen already knew that Su Fei would set off a bloody storm in Saint Ding Continent, so he would help Su Fei, hoping that Su Fei would leave as soon as possible after improving his strength.

Of course, all of this is speculation and has not been confirmed.

But Su Fei values ​​love and righteousness, and always remembers those who helped him.Before he left, if he couldn't give those people enough returns, he would always feel sorry in his heart.

Especially the Mu family, without their help, Su Fei would never be where he is today.

The Mu family is walking on thin ice in the Qinjian Mountain area, and may be wiped out at any time.

Now that the Mu family has become emperor, he has to help the Mu family reach the top.

This is what he wants to give to the Mu family in return.

But he never thought of it, so he offended Kong Shendao.

But... "How did Duan Tianyi get involved with Kongshen Island?"

Su Fei still couldn't imagine this.

The little plane said: "Kongshen Island has placed a lot of eyeliners on the Shengding Continent. Some of them have low cultivation bases, or even no cultivation bases at all, but they all have a very noble identity, that is, the Sky God The eyeliner of the island. With such a noble status, no matter where they go, they will become the focus of this continent. Even if their cultivation level is not high, they will definitely become big figures that everyone talks about."

"……Is it!"

It was the first time that Su Fei doubted what Little Airplane said, "You seem to have already known all this?"

"You do not believe?"

The little plane could see Su Fei's suspicion.

"It's not that I don't believe it, I just think that some of your words are different from what you said before."

Su Fei's mind is in a mess right now.


The little plane said: "As the system awakens and gradually improves, my cultivation has also gradually recovered, and I naturally have a more complete understanding of this world."

"So are you sure our next enemy is Sky God Island?"

Although Su Fei is in a mess right now, he still has 100% trust in the little plane.Therefore, he hoped that the little plane would give him an accurate answer.


The little plane said firmly: "Kongshen is still in retreat, now is the best time to destroy Kongshen Island!"

"...Then tell me, when shall we do it?"

Having said that, Su Fei doesn't know how to enter Kongshen Island at all.

The little plane thought for a while... "Let's do it as soon as possible, let Mu Ruoshui lead the way."


Speaking of which, before Su Fei went to Kongshen Island, it was indeed thanks to Mu Ruoshui... "But in a fight with Kongshen Island, can I really win?"

You know, all the people living on Kongshen Island are gods with supernatural powers!

Although the sword master's power is strong, he is undoubtedly an ant-like existence in front of the divine power of the gods.

Is it too hasty to challenge Kongshen Island with the current posture and bring about its own destruction?



"King Chu, King Chu? What's wrong with you?..."

Just when his thoughts were complicated, Sima Jian walked up to him and asked: "If it is really impossible, I don't have to join the Chu camp, but I hope that the king of Chu will not regard me as an enemy. As long as you don't treat me as an enemy Enemy, even if I were to dismiss Sima Houqin right now, I would not even frown!"

(End of this chapter)

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