Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 357 You Will Be Retribution

Chapter 357 You Will Be Retribution

"Hehe, Sang Huizi, you want to kill me, but it's not that easy!"

Duan Tianyi directly called out Nie Enhui's name in the sanctuary, which shows that she has already investigated Nie Enhui's background clearly.

"Duan Tianyi, don't be crazy, today, you are dead!"

Nie Enhui's sword failed, but her sword intent soared at that moment.


The long sword chimed, and the coercion of the sword energy released from the edge of the sword instantly permeated the Golden Luan Hall.


Her sleeves were windless and automatic, and she stared at Duan Tianyi intently, as if she was planning her strongest attack as a nine-star swordsman!
Anyone with a little common sense knows that an ordinary nine-star swordsman has a combat power of 30.But ordinary bow kings only have one hundred thousand battle strength.There is a huge disparity in combat power between the two.If Nie Enhui unleashes a full blow, Duan Tianyi is afraid that it will be difficult to resist.

But for some reason, there was no trace of fear on Duan Tianyi's face.

"Hehe, it's not certain who the dead person is!"

Holding a heavy bow in her hand, with a sound of "swish", she unleashed a ghost step, and flashed outside the Golden Luan Hall.

"Come on, there are assassins!"

Instead of entangled with Nie Enhui, she shouted loudly outside the hall.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, even Su Fei frowned secretly.

Outside the hall, there were more than a hundred emperor-level monks stationed there. With Nie Enhui alone, it was impossible to kill Duan Tianyi.Not only can it not be killed, but it is very likely to lose its life in vain!







Duan Tianyi yelled loudly, and once again attracted the previous hundred imperial monks.

The national teacher was the first to walk behind Duan Tianyi, "Queen, where is the assassin?"

"Are you blind? It's in the Golden Luan Hall!"

Duan Tianyi was proud, and turned around to point at Nie Enhui, with a look of pride in his eyes.

"Is that the woman?"

The national teacher looked sideways and glanced at Nie Enhui, "How dare a mere nine-star swordsman make a mistake in the Golden Luan Hall? Could it be that the King of Chu is behind her back?"

"National teacher, don't you have too many questions? Didn't you see that the king has fallen!"

Duan Tianyi looked angry.

"I'm sorry, queen, we heard what you said just now in the Golden Luan Hall. If you heard me right, what the king means is that we should serve the king of Chu in the future. So... queen, we can't listen to you. "

Before the national teacher finished speaking, he stretched out his figure, came to Sima Jian, helped him up, and said with concern: "Your Majesty, how do you feel, do you want to..."

"No, national teacher, don't talk yet!"

Sima Jian frowned and looked at Duan Tianyi outside the hall, his eyes were full of worry, "National Teacher, no matter what, please help me save her life. It is my fault that I made too many mistakes. Yes. National teacher, please promise me!"

He squeezed the master's hand tightly with all his strength, and only asked the master to agree to his last request before he died.As a generation of kings, although he is not outstanding, he can be regarded as the most affectionate.

The national teacher hesitated for a while... "Okay, I promise you!"

"Okay, very good! National teacher, thank you very much!"

After speaking, Sima Jian's strength was exhausted, he let out a long breath, and passed away from then on...



Sima Jian died, but Duan Tianyi didn't show any sympathy on his face.She yelled angrily at the hundred imperial monks behind her: "What are you still standing there for? The king is dead. As ministers, shouldn't you avenge him!"

"I'm sorry, queen, this is the king's own choice. And, from now on, we are all from Chuying!"


At that moment, Duan Tianyi almost collapsed.

After all, she is just a mere bow king.

Facing the betrayal of her courtiers, she was also helpless.

"Master, are you really going to help Duan Tianyi?"

At the same time, in the Golden Luan Hall, Su Fei was waiting for the teacher's answer.


The national teacher said with a complicated expression: "I just agreed to the king, but I hope that he will go away with peace of mind. In fact, we all know very well that the reason why the king is today is all thanks to Duan Tianyi. If you really want to The king's revenge, we should all take action against Duan Tianyi."

"No, she's mine!"

Nie Enhui couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing that none of these imperial monks were willing to stand up for Duan Tianyi, she finally let go of her hanging heart.


She drew out her sword coldly, and a brown sword light slashed domineeringly from the edge of her sword.

At the same time, in that sword light, there was a trace of strong Fengshang.

"That is……"

Seeing this scene, Su Fei was shocked, it turned out to be Tianheng Xing!

Unexpectedly, her star soul turned out to be Tianheng!

Tianheng is also one of the twelve most powerful star souls in the Saint Ding Continent.

Unexpectedly, she had such potential.It seems that he really underestimated her at the beginning.

You must know that Bai Luofeng, as an imperial-level swordsman with wind attribute, does not have the form of wind in his attacks.

And Nie Enhui, who is only a mere nine-star swordsman, can cut Fengshang, which shows that her future is truly limitless.


Just as Su Fei had this thought, the sound of a small plane came from his ear.

"Master, I have already said that she is your lover. The person who can become your lover is naturally not a simple person. In the future, she will give you many unimaginable surprises."

"That's right...then I'll just wait and see."

When Su Fei saw her slashing that sword, he was sure that Duan Tianyi was not her opponent at all.

But Duan Tianyi is also a bow king no matter what, and his body skills have a great advantage.Facing Nie Enhui's full-strength slash, she used the empty ghost step to dodge easily.


At the same time, in the process of dodging, he can shoot an arrow calmly.


After all, Nie Enhui's combat strength was three times higher than hers, and with a casual swing of the sword, it was easy to cut off the sharp arrows she shot violently.At the same time, he swung his sword again, successfully limiting Duan Tianyi's body speed with 30 sword energy.

As the bow king, Duan Tianyi's only advantage in the battle against Nie Enhui was movement and dodge.During this time, body skills are restricted, so it is impossible to talk about dodge.At that moment, she also realized that her time had come!
"Sang Huizi, don't be complacent, even if you kill me today, you will not escape the sanction of Kongshen Island. Just wait, you will die worse than me!"

Knowing that she was invincible, she simply drew back her heavy bow, and landed on the ground lightly, waiting for the god of death to come!

Nie Enhui was not in a hurry to make a move, she flew in front of Duan Tianyi, put her long sword on Duan Tianyi's neck, and said bitterly: "I said you are doomed, but I will never let you die!" so easy."


She swung her sword suddenly and chopped off Duan Tianyi's arms.

After losing both arms, Duan Tianyi was sweating profusely from the pain, but he didn't even groan, "You can't be humiliated, Nie Enhui, you bitch, if you do this, you will be punished sooner or later!"

"Hehe, I don't know if you will be punished or not. I only know that you will die in an ugly way today!"

Nie Enhui swung his sword again.


Her sword was very fast, and in just a split second, [-] bloodstains were drawn on Duan Tianyi's pretty face.

At that moment, Duan Tianyi rolled on the ground in pain.

Losing his arms, he couldn't even use his hands to soothe his aching face.

"Nie Enhui, you will suffer retribution, you will definitely suffer retribution!..."

She screamed repeatedly on the ground, her eyes full of hatred were bloodshot.

(End of this chapter)

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