Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 358 It's Fate's Fate

Chapter 358 It's Fate's Fate

Thinking of Duan Tianyi in the past, and looking at her current fate, it is really embarrassing.A generation of charming girls has just fallen.

While lamenting Duan Tianyi's fate, he also lamented the heart of the most vicious woman.

It has to be said that Nie Enhui's way of revenge is really too cruel.

As the saying goes, killing is nothing more than nodding, but she insisted on making Duan Tianyi tortured to death. From a certain point of view, it was really unnecessary.

But thinking about it carefully, what Duan Tianyi did to the Nie family in the past was cruel and frightening.A woman like her is indeed not worthy of sympathy.


Nie Enhui struck out another sword, and with this sword, Duan Tianyi's eyes were gouged out.

Duan Tianyi's hysterical scream resounded in the sky outside the Golden Luan Hall.

"Nie Enhui, I curse you to have no children and grandchildren, and die a terrible death!"

Duan Tianyi's current posture is truly appalling.

Throughout the history of Saint Ding Continent, no queen's fate was more miserable than her, and no bow king's death was more humiliating than her.

"Who made you grow a pair of annoying eyes, I gouged out your eyes, just to let you see the world with your heart. At the same time, I also want to let you know that you, a mere bow king, have no qualifications to be in this world." Do whatever you want in the world!"

Nie Enhui gritted her teeth, apparently the hatred in her heart hadn't been completely eliminated.


Another sword swing.

This sword cut off Duan Tianyi's entire chin.

In this way, she could no longer speak a word.

There were screams from her throat, and even bystanders could feel her pain at the moment.


A strong Sword Emperor simply turned his face away and sighed secretly, "Why bother? A soldier can be killed but not humiliated. Nie Enhui is a hundred times more vicious than Duan Tianyi, even a thousand times!"

"That's right, how could the King of Chu have such a woman by his side? It seems... the future of the Chu Kingdom is also in a haze."

"I don't think it's just a haze. If this woman exists for one more day, the world will not be peaceful!"


Nie Enhui didn't hear these words.


She was still basking in the thrill of revenge.

He swung his sword again, cutting off Duan Tianyi's legs.

Duan Tianyi was hoarse from the pain.

And Nie Enhui finally had a smug smile on his face.

She knelt down, leaned close to Duan Tianyi, who was dripping with blood, and said in a low voice: "How about it, when you ordered to kill the whole family of Nie's family, did you ever think that you would have today?"

Duan Tianyi said "huh huh huh", but he didn't know what he was talking about.But you can imagine it with your toes, it must be a curse on Nie Enhui.


Nie Enhui seemed to be tired of playing.

She swung her sword again and chopped off one of Duan Tianyi's left ears.

This time, Duan Tianyi fainted from the pain.


Nie Enhui still didn't let her go, and stabbed her firmly in the lower abdomen.

This sword caused Duan Tianyi to wake up suddenly in pain.

She breathed hard, but felt that the oxygen in the air was really terribly thin.

At this time, she couldn't struggle, couldn't cry, her body's senses were almost completely destroyed, and the only thing that could perceive the world was her right ear.

Seeing her like this, Nie Enhui finally stood up slowly and put away the long sword in her hand.



She didn't kill Duan Tianyi directly, but walked slowly back to the Jinluan Hall, and said gratefully: "King Chu, thank you for everything you have done for me. My vengeance has been avenged. Next, I..."

"What are you?"

Su Fei was very disappointed in her.

Because he suddenly discovered that Nie Enhui was such a vicious woman.

From the bottom of his heart, he really didn't want to say a word to a woman like Nie Enhui.

But no matter what, Little Airplane said that she was Su Fei's love robbery.

For the sake of the word "Love Tribulation", he still did not reject Nie Enhui thousands of miles away.

"I want to leave." Nie Enhui said.

"where to?"


Nie Enhui had already begun to believe that she was really from the Sang family in the sanctuary.

So, she decided to go to Sanctuary to face her real life.

When Su Fei heard the word "sanctuary", his heart thumped, "With your current cultivation base, if you go to the sanctuary alone, you are not afraid of death."

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid. I believe that there are not many people in this world who are truly not afraid of death. But I no longer have the need to stay in the Saint Ding Continent. I don't have any other thoughts other than going to the Sanctuary."

When Nie Enhui took revenge, he was so vicious.

But now, her eyes are gloomy, as if she has despaired of life.

At this moment, she looked so lovable and distressing.

Su Fei looked sideways at the square outside the Golden Luan Hall, Duan Tianyi was not dead yet.But anyone can see that at this moment, Duan Tianyi must hope that someone will give her a good time.

And Su Fei could also see that Nie Enhui never gave Duan Tianyi a fatal blow, but wanted her to die at the slowest speed amidst the pain and torture.


Inexplicably, he sighed complicatedly, "Since you have already made up your mind, I have nothing to say. You go, I wish you the best of luck."

"it is good!"

Nie Enhui clasped her fists at Su Fei and turned around to leave the Golden Luan Hall.


She summoned a phoenix from the ice domain, and flew towards the distant East China Sea at extreme speed...


At the same time, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, you didn't kill her, so you will meet again sooner or later."

"Is it."

Su Fei asked secretly: "So you mean that the only way to get rid of this love disaster is to kill her?"


Xiao Ji said: "If you can't kill her, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to leave the Saint Ding Continent in your life."

"...Is this... so serious?"

Su Fei felt unbelievable, "I remember very clearly, you said that my future will definitely go to the God Realm, could it be..."

"If you can't survive this love calamity, you won't even be able to go to the Sanctuary, let alone the God Realm."

Speaking of this, the little plane also sighed helplessly.



"King Chu, what will Tianyi do with that?"

Just when Su Fei didn't know what to say, Sima Houqin's national teacher suddenly came up to him and asked.

Su Fei looked at the dying Duan Tianyi in the square again, "If you can save her, then save her life. If you can't, then give her a good time!"


The national teacher took the order and immediately went down to deal with it.

But at this time, Su Fei suddenly realized that at some point, Su Fu had disappeared.


The little plane just found out, "Master, it's not good, it's destiny!"

"You mean the Taoist boy from Kongshen Island?"

Su Fei looked horrified, "Could it be that Kongshen Island has already taken the initiative to attack me?"

"No, this is just a warning." The little plane said: "If you continue to fight against Kongshen Island, they will not simply take away the people around you, but will take your life."

(End of this chapter)

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