Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 375 If you want to die, kill yourself

Chapter 375 If you want to die, kill yourself
Zizhu's face turned cold, her almond eyes widened, "You... how did you do it!"

"Hehe... This is the gap in strength, and there is no need to explain it at all."

Seeing that she looked down on Zhou Yu monk so much, Su Fei was not polite to her at all.

"You!... Don't be complacent! Even if you can catch my sword with your bare hands, it's just a fluke, in my opinion."

It has already shown such an obvious gap, but Zizhu still seems very unconvinced.

Regarding this, Su Fei was also very helpless, "Well, do you want to try again?"

Before he finished speaking, he had let go of Zizhu's sword.

"You!... You seem very confident."

Zizhu has never seen anyone who can take the initiative to let go of the opponent's sword when he has gained such a big advantage, so that the situation of the two of them has returned to the starting point again.

"Under this sky, I am the strongest, and I have no reason not to be confident."

Su Fei put his hands behind his back, his face was extremely calm, and he was not on guard at all.It seems that what he is facing now is not the enemy of the Holy Demon Race, but a very ordinary passerby.

"Su Fei, you are too self-righteous. In the eyes of our holy demons, the strongest in this sky is just a garbage-like existence. Next, I have to be serious!"

Before Zizhu finished speaking, she heard a "whoosh". She spread her wings and retreated at least 50 meters.

"Hehe, let's keep the distance."

Su Fei chuckled, "When your opponent is enough to crush you to death like an ant, it's meaningless to keep a distance."

"call out!"

Saying that, Su Fei's figure flashed, and he appeared behind Zi Zhu like a ghost.


Zizhu's response was not slow either.


Swing the sword backhand.


This time, Su Fei still caught it with bare hands, "How about it, are you convinced?"



Zizhu flashed back 50 meters again.

"Hehe, I've already said that what you do is meaningless." Su Fei stood on the void, looking a little impatient.

However, there is always a [-]-degree smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes people feel that he is not very scary.

Zizhu was dissatisfied, but secretly rubbed the cold sweat on her palms, "Su Fei, don't be complacent, this time, I'm going to be serious!"

"Okay, I'm waiting."

Su Fei could tell that even if she tried her best, she was definitely not his opponent.

Because, her slash is really too weak.If it were an ordinary sword master, perhaps her sword would be enough to split it in half.

But Su Fei's body is blessed with dragon energy, and his sword energy and sword pressure have reached a terrifying 500 million!This is at the level of a Juggernaut.

You must know that sword qi and sword pressure can play a great role in both offense and defense.

Zizhu is just an ordinary sword master, with a mere 700 million combat power, which is really far from it.


When she activated the sword energy in her body and poured spiritual power into the long sword in her hand, at that moment, her sword changed drastically again.

However, this time, her sword did not become bigger, but turned into an iron glove.

"This is you?..."

As a sword master, Su Fei naturally knew that even a strong sword master could achieve the illusion of a weapon soul.

Zizhu's posture is just the result of the phantom of the body and soul.

It's just that she didn't expect that her sword turned into an iron glove?

"Don't tell you!"

Zizhu let out a soft drink, with a bit of complacency in his eyes.

It seems that there must be a hidden secret behind her iron gauntlet.


At this moment, the sound of a small plane came from my ear.

"Master, be careful, her sword has become bigger, and even bigger than before."

"Huh? Then why didn't I see anything?"

"It's the Shadow Sword."

Xiaofei said: "This kind of sword can only be seen at the moment of the strike. Therefore, you must not be careless. You must pay attention to any small movements on her body."


Knowing this, Su Fei is still confident.

His gaze was always fixed on Zizhu's right hand.As long as her right hand moves, she can respond immediately.

But... for some reason, Zizhu's right hand is always behind her back, and she doesn't know if there is some trick in her movements.


Suddenly, the little plane secretly reminded again: "Master, be careful, she is going to do something, pay attention to her left hand."

"... Wasn't it on the right hand just now?"

"She changed hands."

"...Uh... It really is insidious."

Su Fei turned his gaze to Zizhu's left hand.



The moment she waved her left hand coldly, a gigantic sword appeared in the void.

The giant sword slashed down in the air, not what Su Fei originally thought.

Jian and Zizhu have completely separated.

The huge sword fell from the top of Su Fei's head.


First, he felt a strong sword pressure.

But... Su Fei didn't take Zizhu's big move to heart.

He didn't move at all, and flicked his fingers into the void.

"call out!"

A sword intent burst out from his fingertips.


Immediately, there was a sound of metal clanging in my ears.


At the same time, there was a sound of metal breaking.

" is it possible, how could he react so quickly?"

Zizhu had already used his big move, but Su Fei was unharmed.Moreover, with just a flick of a finger, the big move she released was turned into nothing.At this moment, she was dumbfounded... "You... Are you a human or a ghost? Are you really just a sword master!"

"Nine Star Sword Master, it is absolutely true."

Su Fei smiled lightly.

After that, he approached Zizhu slowly, and said in a calm voice: "Go back and tell your master, just say that I, Su Fei, will teach you anytime."

" won't kill me?"

Zizhu looked at Su Fei in astonishment.

You know, in their Holy Demon Clan, once a person is challenged and defeated, most of them will have no hope of surviving.

"There is no enmity between you and me, why should I kill you?"

Su Fei has never been a murderer, unless he is forced to, he hates seeing blood.

"Then you know, I lost, but you didn't kill me, there is an unwritten rule in our Holy Demon Clan."

"What rules?"

"You have to marry me."


Su Fei looked her up and down... She looks good, but... "I'm sorry, I already have my own heart, so I can't marry you. What's more, this is not the territory of the Holy Demon Clan, so I don't need to abide by your rules."

"Then you'd better kill me." Zizhu released the illusory posture of the weapon soul, and handed the long sword in his hand to Su Fei.

As a swordsman, handing over your sword to another person usually requires a lot of trust.However, the current situation is quite special.Zizhu handed over the long sword to Su Fei just to let Su Fei kill her.

"I won't kill you. If you want to die, kill yourself."

In any case, she is the Sword Master of the Holy Demon Clan, if she really wants to die, she will be less troublesome...

(End of this chapter)

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