Chapter 376

"No, my life is yours. If you want me to die, please do it yourself!"

Zizhu's attitude is very firm.But after Su Fei heard it, there was no disturbance in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

"I don't want you to die. It's you who want to die. Please figure out the logical relationship first. Well, I have something to do, so I won't make trouble with you. If you really want to die, please do it yourself. If you I don’t want to die, I hope you don’t embarrass all beings in Zhouyu in the future. Apart from that, I have nothing to say. Goodbye!”

After speaking, Su Fei spread his wings and flew in the direction of Eight Star Island.


The woman Ke Zizhu, like a brown candy, stuck to Su Fei in a daze, and also spread her wings, and followed closely.

... "Hey, what's the matter with you woman, what are you doing with me?"

Su Fei stopped in the void of Eight Star Island, his face full of disgust.

"I said, my life will be yours from now on, of course I will follow you."

Zizhu's attitude has not changed in the slightest.


Just when Su Fei was about to say something, Little Airplane suddenly said: "Master, in my opinion, she is very sincere, why not let her stay first. But I have to remind you that something happened at Jiyimen , it is very likely to be related to the Holy Demon Race. Although I don’t know if it has anything to do with Zizhu, but Zizhu did appear in the void of the Ultimate Mind Gate tonight. If you take her with you, I’m afraid it will be difficult to explain to Qian Zhuang in the future .”

... "That's why I don't want to have anything to do with her."

Of course Su Fei could see Zizhu's sincerity, but such sincerity made her feel scared.

"Su Fei, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Su Fei didn't speak, Zizhu tried to ask a question.

"It's nothing."

Su Fei looked down at the Eight Star Island on the ground, and found nothing unusual.

"What are you doing in the Murong family?" Zi Zhu asked curiously.

"How do you know this is the territory of the Murong family?" Su Fei was also curious.

"What's so strange about this, before..."

Zizhu half-spoken, suddenly stopped.

"What was it before?" Su Fei asked.

"Before... Su Fei, if I told you, please don't blame me." Zizhu looked obedient, as if he had done something wrong.

Su Fei realized that there was a big article in it, "Say what you want, there are so many conditions."

"Then... I can say it."

"Say it!"

"Before the master of the holy devil asked me to come here to inspect the situation, I know everything about the king's city quite clearly. But don't worry, I haven't done anything bad so far." After finishing speaking, Zi Zhu Eager to add.

Through this small detail, Su Fei could see that she seemed to care about what she thought of her, so she said seriously: "Just because of this, I have no reason to blame you. However, what you said is the whole truth What. Didn't you do anything other than come to inspect the situation?"


Zizhu hesitated for a long time... "I did some things, but... it's really not a bad thing, can I not say it."

"It doesn't matter to me whether you say it or not." Su Fei said coldly, and instead of entering Eight Star Island, he flew in the direction of Heavenly Sword Sect.



As soon as he was about to arrive at the Heavenly Sword Sect, he suddenly discovered that the five seniors of the Beidou team of the Zhenyun family were also rushing in that direction.

The five of them stepped on the purple lotus, and their cultivation realm had not made any progress compared with the last time.

"Hey, seniors, are you going to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Su Fei speeded up and stopped in front of the five of them.

As the captain, Zhenyun Beidou looked Su Fei up and down, "So it's the owner of Kongshen Island, the owner, why are you here?"

Such an unfamiliar address also surprised Su Fei... "Uncle Beidou, you are still the same as before, just call me Su Fei. Are you going to Tianjianzong, is there any urgent matter?"


Zhenyun Beidou's face was solemn, "The head of the family was injured, and..." Halfway through speaking, they noticed Zizhu behind Su Fei, and the faces of the five people all sank.

"Su Fei, why are you with this kind of person? Do you know that she is the killer of the Saint Demon Clan!" Zhenyun Wuxiang looked very angry.

"She has been following me, it's not that I want to be with her, don't get me wrong." Su Fei approached Zhenyun Beidou, and lowered his voice: "If there is anything, let's talk in private."

As he spoke, he took Zhenyun Beidou aside, gave Zizhu a cold look, and said loudly: "Stay there, don't follow, or I won't be polite to you!"

"Yes, I understand." Zizhu was obedient.



Afterwards, Zhenyun Beidou thought for a while, and finally whispered in Su Fei's ear: "The thing is like this, just yesterday afternoon, the holy demons invaded my Jiyi Sect and killed many disciples of the Zhenyun family. Although Zhu didn't make a move, she has been watching nearby all the time. The Patriarch was injured, and now his life is dying, if there is no sword master to instill spiritual energy for him, his life may be lost."

"Sword Master strong? Are you looking for Bai Chaoqun?"


In fact, when Zhenyun Beidou saw Su Fei just now, he also saw that he was also a strong sword master at the first sight.But Su Fei's way of cultivation is different from that of most people, this is very clear to them because they are very close to Qian Zhuang.I never thought of letting Su Fei take action.

"Don't go looking for Bai Chaoqun, let me try."

In Su Fei's backpack, there is also a spiritual source system, which can well maintain the spiritual energy in the monk's body.Even if you are not a monk, having this aura system can make you healthier and more energetic.


Zhenyun Beidou didn't know this, and his face was filled with astonishment, "Su Fei, are you talking about you? Can you really do it?"

"Trust me, I'm definitely not joking about this kind of thing."

Su Fei has received a great favor from the bank, and has never had a chance to repay it.Now is the best opportunity, of course he can't miss it.

"Then... that's fine."

Zhenyun Beidou is at a loss what to do now, since Su Fei is so confident, he doesn't dare to hesitate for a moment.He shouted at the other brothers: "Go on to Tianjianzong to find Sect Master Bai. If Su Fei fails to save the Patriarch, you must ask Sect Master Bai to come to help, understand!"




Afterwards, several other members of Beidou team continued to rush towards Tianjianzong.

But Su Fei and Zizhu followed behind Zhenyun Beidou and rushed towards the Zhenyun Chamber of Commerce in the east of Tianjianzong.

Speaking of the True Cloud Chamber of Commerce, Su Fei went there once before.

At that time, he sold a treasure there and earned a lot of gold soul coins.

Now that I came back here again, it was to save people, it was really unexpected.


All three are fast.

When they landed on the square outside the True Cloud Chamber of Commerce, many people looked in astonishment.

"Didn't you say to invite Sect Master Bai? Those two people don't seem to belong to the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

Many people no longer remember Su Fei's appearance.But the moment they saw Zizhu, some people's faces became ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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