Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 386 The Power That No One Can Resist

Chapter 386 The Power That No One Can Resist

"Bang bang bang!"

He ran upstairs in stride, and went straight to the window of Tianyi No. [-] room.

"Girl, do we know each other?"

Through the window, he also knew that the woman was watching him secretly.


There was a bit of anger in the tone of the woman in the window.

Hearing this voice, Su Fei was startled, and he didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, "Ye Xue, are you Ye Xue?"

"it's me."

Ye Xue didn't deny her identity, "However, I don't want to see you right now."


There is also some friendship between Su Fei and Ye Xue.Since she had the opportunity to meet this time, why did she reject herself thousands of miles away?

"You are no longer our friend, and I have no reason to meet you. Besides, I am here because I have important things to do. Please forgive me if something hinders you."

Ye Xue's tone was very cold, which was a coldness that Su Fei had never felt before.

"Ye Xue, is there any misunderstanding between us? If so, I hope you can give me a chance to explain."

Su Fei has never been a person who takes face very seriously.In front of his friends, he is always willing to be the first to put down his figure.Even if he is now the owner of Kongshen Island, the entire Zhouyu is his domain.

As for his current identity, Ye Xue, as an important member of the Dragon Clan, naturally knew very well.She never imagined that Su Fei, with such a lofty status now, was willing to put down his figure and say such words to her, and his face was extremely moved.After hesitating for a long time... Finally, I took the initiative to open the door for him, "If you have anything to say, you can come in and say it, but I don't intend to forgive you so easily."

"Thank you!"

Su Fei finally walked into Room No. [-] in Tianzi.As soon as he walked in, his face changed.The Ye Xue in front of him was completely different from the Ye Xue in his memory.Because, she is now a dragon tail with a human body, her upper body is the same as before, and her lower body is actually the body of a dragon!

"This...Ye Xue, how could you..."

It has been more than 20 years since Su Fei came to Zhouyu. In this world, he has a relatively wide range of knowledge.But he had never seen a person in this form.

Of course, I also watched TV dramas in Yanjing before.There have been characters like this in TV dramas.But... it was the first time in my life to see it with my own eyes in reality.

Moreover, this level of shock is even more exciting than those in TV dramas.

He looked at Ye Xue in disbelief, the green dragon body was almost exactly the same as the dragon in his imagination.The only difference is that on her dragon body, there is the same mark as the ice dragon pattern on Su Fei's chest.

Seeing this mark, Su Fei couldn't help asking: "What is that, why do you have this mark on your body?"

Ye Xue said: "The Dragon Clan has many tribes, and different tribes have different emblems. This is the emblem of the Ice Dragon. Don't you have such an emblem on your body?"


Su Fei admitted, "In other words, Ji Cang is really the elder of the Ice Dragon Clan."

"Yes." Ye Xue said, "However, you seem to be here to explain something to me, don't you have too many questions?"

"Before I explain, I want to know, are you in some trouble now, why your body..."

"It's none of your business!"

Ye Xue's face was cold, "Even if I die here, it has nothing to do with you. If you have anything to explain, tell me as soon as possible, otherwise, I will be rude to you!"

... "You know, you are no longer my opponent." Su Fei said lightly.


Ye Xue was so angry that she couldn't speak.She even suddenly regretted that she had helped Su Fei so much.

Seeing how excited she was, Su Fei said with a comforting face: "But don't worry, I will never attack the Dragon Clan, and I will strictly forbid anyone to attack the Dragon Clan. In the future Zhou Yu, no matter who wants to break through the 140-level cultivation bottleneck , must not hurt Qinglong again. Otherwise, I will make them pay the price in blood!"

"Hehe, that's right!"

Ye Xue sneered, "Right now, you're probably a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and you won't be able to protect yourself. People from the Holy Demon Clan can't beat them anymore. Do you think you're really capable of defending Zhou Yu?"

"Whether you have this ability or not, you will know after you have fought. But you are right, it is too early to say this. The future is just a small wish of mine. If there is such a day, I will definitely do it!"

From the very beginning, Su Fei felt that it was not so easy to create a world.

I read in the Bible that God said that there must be water, so the world has water, and whatever God said, there is something... In that world, many people questioned the existence of God, and there were also a large number of atheists. Think those are nonsense.

But after Su Fei came to this world, he understood that there really is a god in this world.Moreover, as long as he truly awakens the peerless divine power of the Nine Great Divine Dragons, he can really have what he wants by then.

It's just... that's really too far away.

Given his current situation, he really wasn't worthy of talking about the future.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Ye Xue could see the sincerity in Su Fei's eyes. After all, everyone had met once, and she wouldn't really care about him so much, so she said coldly: "Then you If there is anything to explain, we can talk about it now. As for the future, we will talk about it later.”

"I have already said what I want to say. No matter what happens in the future, I have not betrayed everyone." Su Fei said sincerely.

"okay, I get it."

Ye Xue's face softened, "However, after you have finished speaking, can you go?"


Su Fei said: "I can see that you must be in trouble now, otherwise, you wouldn't be in your current form."

"It has nothing to do with you if I get into any trouble. You, a coward who can't even control your own future, can't help me at all!"

"Did someone from the Holy Demon Race do it!"

All Su Fei could think of was the Holy Demon Race.

After all, with the strength of the dragon clan, ordinary monks really can't do anything to them.Moreover, this is Nanchuan, Su Fei's home field.Here, all the masters who can hurt Ye Xue are obedient to Su Fei.And he has also confessed in private long ago that no one is allowed to be an enemy of the Dragon Clan.Therefore, in Nanchuan, no one would take action against Ye Xue.


Ye Xue was silent for a moment, staring blankly at Su Fei, her expression was full of fear, "That is a force that none of us can resist, let alone me, even your majestic Nine Star Sword Master, Kongshen Island Lord, I can’t resist either. I don’t want to tell you because you can’t help me at all. You’d better go and take care of yourself. If you can really fulfill your promise in the future, then I, Yexue, will be Thank you. If there is an afterlife, Yexue is willing to be an ox and a horse for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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