Chapter 387 Why Did He Come Back Suddenly?

"What power, tell me, what kind of power is it!"

Su Fei didn't believe that within the range of Zhou Yu, there would be a force that even he couldn't resist.

"It's the power of the devil. Once that power spreads throughout the entire area, not to mention you, even the entire dragon clan, plus your shrimp soldiers and crab generals, will not be their opponents. At that time, all of you will die, and The Dragon Clan will also completely disappear from this world!"

When Ye Xue talked about this, her body couldn't help shaking.It can be seen that her fear of that power comes from the depths of her soul.

"You mean, the magical power of the Holy Demon Race has spread throughout the entire area?"

Su Fei still doesn't quite understand this statement.

"Yes! You may not feel it now, but when you feel it, it may be too late. The body of our dragon race is much stronger than that of your human race. We have sensed this power a long time ago, the body Transforming into a dragon is just a defensive posture."

The fact that Ye Xue can say that means that her current state is out of instinct, and she has not encountered any danger.


At this time, the voice of the little plane came from the ear, "Master, she is right. In fact, in simple terms, the power of the Holy Demon Race is like a virus, and now it has spread to all parts of the surrounding area." The corners spread. All creatures affected by this magic power, whether they are humans, demons, or even plants, stones on the ground, or dust in the air, will become weapons of the holy demons. At that time, if you want to deal with the holy demons , It’s really hard to compare to the sky!”


It sounds really scary.It's no wonder that Ye Xue, who has always been fearless, has fear in her eyes.

"Master, don't worry, no matter how strong they are, as the future Lord of Nine Heavens, you will definitely win this war!"

"Of course I'm relieved!"

Su Fei was always firm in his heart, he knew that he would definitely win.



"What's the matter, why don't you talk anymore, you know you're afraid?"

Suddenly, Ye Xue's cold voice came from next to his ear again.

Su Fei came back to his senses, "I'm not afraid, I just feel that you shouldn't stay here."

"Where am I, what does it have to do with you!"

Ye Xue said: "Do you know what caused the dragon clan's chaos?"


Regarding this, Su Fei has always wanted to know the truth.

"Because of you!" Ye Xue said bitterly: "Because you accepted the proposal of the owner of Kongshen Island, and Kongshen has left this world, the Holy Demons broke in so recklessly. So, all this is because you!"


If this is the case... "Then do you know where the base of the Holy Demon Clan is?"

"Why, you haven't even figured out the base of the family until now?"

Ye Xue looked at Su Fei unexpectedly, feeling extremely surprised.As the majestic owner of Kongshen Island, the entire surrounding area is his domain, and now that the holy demons are invading the surrounding area, he doesn't even know the whereabouts of the holy demons.

Su Fei felt extremely ashamed when she heard her say that, "So far, I haven't taken up any post on Kongshen Island, so..."

"So, if I tell you where their base is, would you dare to go!"

"Of course, you say!"

Su Fei couldn't wait to take the dominant position.If you can know the opponent's base area, you can seize the opportunity and catch the opponent by surprise.

The most important thing is that before Su Yan really grows up, give them a head-on blow, that is the real correct operation.

Seeing that Su Fei was not afraid, Ye Xue said in a deep voice: "Jiandu, their base is in the main city of Jiandu. I believe you will not feel unfamiliar with Jiandu."

"Are there swords?"

Su Fei has never been to Jiandu personally, but he still has some understanding of the situation there.In the sword capital, most of the monks are swordsmen.Moreover, Jiandu's swordsmanship is not inferior to that of Tianjianzong.

It's just that the largest family in Jiandu has already been wiped out by the former Thirteen Leagues.

Today, the various small families in Jiandu are like a mess, and there are not many masters to be found.The former duke area was not even comparable to a small place like Dragon Tooth Fort.

"Don't underestimate Jiandu. In Jiandu today, everyone is a demon. Also, you may not know that Shadow House also has a sub-helm in Jiandu, and when they are demonized, respect Zhai happens to be over there. If you guessed correctly, Jingzhai today is also a demon."


"Don't be surprised, what I said is true. If you go to Jiandu, you will inevitably fight with these people. If you want to meet people from the Holy Demon Clan, you must kill them first. , to see."

"Where... where did you get the news?"

"My dragon clan is spread all over the entire Zhouyu. This news is absolutely unmistakable. If you don't believe it, just go and see for yourself!"


Even so, Su Fei still has to wait here for two days.

Otherwise, when Zizhu came here and couldn't find Su Fei, the consequences would be disastrous.

"What is this, you are still afraid after all!"

Ye Xue didn't know the worry in Su Fei's heart, and her expression changed instantly.In her opinion, Su Fei is a coward.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that the time has not come."

Seeing Ye Xue's restlessness, Su Fei explained to her that it was meaningless.Anyway, he already knew what he needed to know, and Ye Xue didn't plan to leave so soon.There is no need to continue talking.

So, he finally turned around and left Room No. [-] in Tianzi.


The moment he closed the door, Ye Xue's contemptuous voice came from inside the room, "If you are a man, you should fight to the death with them, no matter whether you live or die in the end, in my heart, you are still a character! Otherwise ..."

"Needless to say, this battle will come sooner or later. And I will definitely win this victory for everyone!"



When Su Fei said these words, his heart was extremely heavy.

When he went downstairs again and came to the front of the counter, the shopkeeper's eyes were full of suspicion, "Young master, who the hell are you, you are talking to the person in room No. [-] of Tianzi..."

"Does it matter to you who I am? I won't be staying in this store. Give me back the money!"

Su Fei unceremoniously took back the Golden Soul Coin from the shopkeeper, and walked away from Qingyu Inn.

After that, he didn't go to live in another inn.Instead, I bought a jug of wine and wandered around the streets.

Before he knew it, he came to the outside of Minglou.

Today's Minglou is full of cobwebs, obviously no one lives there.He walked in and unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

"Kang Bo? Are you Kang Bo? Didn't you leave, why are you back?"

I still remember that everyone in the Immortal Realm wanted Su Fei to take them back to the Immortal Realm, but Kang Bo disappeared at that juncture.For some reason, he suddenly came back.

(End of this chapter)

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