Invincible sword repair system

Chapter 389 Demon Domain

Chapter 389 Demon Domain
For the next two days, Su Fei randomly found a post station nearby and stayed.

The third day, early morning.

The morning sun is always exciting.

There was a chirping of birds, which was the only sound that woke Su Fei up.

For some reason, this morning, the whole of Nanchuan seemed to be extremely quiet.There was no other sound except the chirping of birds.

"Master Su, good morning!"

At a certain moment, a familiar voice came from my ear.

It's Zizhu!
She came... "You are on time!"

"That's natural!"

Zizhu's voice was indeed much more confident than it was three days ago.

... Su Fei knew she would come, but he didn't expect her to come so early.

Moreover, her appearance this time is obviously more worthy of fear than last time.Because her appearance changed the atmosphere in Nanchuan.

This change comes from the heart of man.

"You have changed a lot, tell me! What did you do to Nanchuan?"

Su Fei felt a strong sense of oppression in his heart.

This feeling of depression was something he had never felt before.

"It's nothing, it's just to make the world quiet for a while."

Zizhu's voice was getting closer, but Su Fei still didn't see her.

left?right?above?below? ……No!She is not in any direction, but seems to be in Su Fei's heart!


At this moment, the sound of a small plane came from the ear.

"Master, be careful, this is no longer Nanchuan, but Demon Realm!"

"Demon Realm?"

Su Fei knew that in this current plane, there were Zhouyu, Sanctuary, Immortal, and God's Domain, but he had never heard of Demon Domain, "Little Airplane, tell me, what kind of existence is this Demon Domain?"

The little plane said: "Just like your Xinghai, it's a small world!"

"Small world!"

Unexpectedly, Zizhu's strength has broken through to such an extent.One must know that it is so easy to bring a peak sword master into a small world without anyone noticing, this is definitely not something that ordinary sword masters can do.Even Su Fei couldn't do it.

In other words... "This time, Zizhu is not the only one here?"

"Not bad!"

The little plane said: "The entire Holy Demon Race is within this space. However, it is not easy for you to find them and kill them one by one."


Su Fei strode to the window.


Push the door hard! ... What I saw before my eyes was indeed not Nanchuan.His current room is simply suspended above the void.And below his room, there is a sea of ​​blood.

The sea is full of floating corpses.

Seeing those corpses, Su Fei was inexplicably shocked.

Moreover, the faces of several corpses were all Su Fei's old acquaintances.

——Duan Tianyi!

She was also in that sea, and the waves of the blue sea beat mercilessly on her bleeding face.


A wave flew by, and Duan Tianyi unexpectedly opened his eyes.She glared at Su Fei viciously, and shouted sharply: "Su Fei, aren't you high above the sky, aren't you invincible, aren't you going to be the future Lord of the Nine Heavens? But I didn't expect that even you would be imprisoned in this ruthless world." Zhihai, it seems that you will not be able to escape. In the future, you will stay here with us forever, with those of us who have died. Hahaha..."


Su Fei closed the window with a "bang".

Just as he was about to sit down, there was already one more person in the room.

This person was also known to Su Fei a long time ago.


He used to represent Misty Land and participated in Su Fei's fire dragon list competition.

Li's body was covered in blood, and he had a calm smile on his face, but his eyes stared at Su Fei lifelessly, "Su Fei, do you know who killed me!"

"I don't know!"

Su Fei frowned secretly, actually already had the answer in his heart.Apart from Su Yan, I am afraid that no one will attack him.

"It's your brother!"

Sure enough, Li said viciously: "Your brother killed me, and now you come in to accompany me. Perhaps, this is a retaliation. Although you are still alive and I am a dead person, I still feel very excited. Hahaha……"


Su Fei was speechless.Moreover, when he was about to say something, Li had already disappeared.

Looking around, there is no second person in the room.

"How, what did you see?"

But at this time, Zizhu's voice came from the ear again.

"I did not see anything."

Su Fei did not admit it.

"No, you saw it." Zizhu said: "You saw the fear, but you don't even have the courage to admit it. With your mental quality, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out for the rest of your life. Mr. Su, if you Admit defeat now, maybe I can let you go!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Fei sneered, "I won't admit defeat!"

"Okay, let's continue playing!"

Zizhu's voice disappeared.

But the world in front of Su Fei changed again.

Originally, he should be in the room.

But now, around him is a deep maple forest.

Among the maple forests, there is a narrow path.

The path was winding and rugged, with no end in sight.

"Go down this road, dare you?"

Just as Su Fei hesitated, Zizhu's voice sounded again.

Similarly, Su Fei couldn't find her location.

"Why don't you dare!"

Su Fei has never been afraid of anything in his life.

He strode up the path, and within a few steps, a familiar person appeared in front of him.

— Su Teng!
With a whip in his hand, he rushed over fiercely.

"Su Fei, you rebellious son, see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Hehe, it's just you?"

Su Fei knew that all of this was fake.Raising his finger to point at Su Teng's eyebrows, he felt a murderous thought in his heart.

"call out!"

A cold sword intent burst out from his fingertips.

At that moment, Su Teng's body was shattered by his domineering sword intent!
"Haha! You are so cold-blooded and ruthless that you can even kill your own father. It would be a pity for someone like you not to join our Holy Demon Clan!"

Zizhu's voice sounded again, and this time, her person also appeared in front of Su Fei.However, Zizhu right now is just an illusory phantom.

Su Fei knew that she was not the deity, so he didn't even take a second look, but continued to walk towards the road ahead.

Not far away, a familiar person appeared again.

——Madam Ya.

There was no expression on her face, she just stood in the middle of the road calmly, and she didn't know what her intentions were.

Su Fei stopped in his tracks and said coldly: "Mrs. Ya, get out of the way, otherwise, you will die!"

Madam Ya didn't move away, she sighed softly, and said with hypocrisy in her eyes: "Su Fei, don't be obsessed anymore, come back, the door of the Su family will always be open to you. If you still remember that you are from the Su family, then let me take you Your talent stays in the Su family, don't fight against the Su family anymore!"

Su Fei has long had enough of her hypocritical face.In her heart, there will always be only Su Teng and Su Yan.And anyone else in this world, she is indifferent.

Such a person, in Su Fei's eyes, did not regard her as his mother at all, "Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

Before the words fell, Su Fei repeated his old trick, and a strong sword energy burst out from his fingers.

"call out!"

As soon as the sword energy moved, Mrs. Ya disappeared instantly...

(Entering the countdown to the end, it will be over in a few days. The new book "The Holy Flame of Immortality", please collect it!)

(End of this chapter)

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