Chapter 390
"Hahaha... Mr. Su, you are really heartless and righteous. I want to see what your weakness is!"

Seeing Su Fei casually kill Su Teng and Mrs. Ya, Zi Zhu seems to be particularly surprised by this.

But his accident made Su Fei somewhat incomprehensible.

Now, Su Yan is the master of the holy demon, didn't Su Yan explain the relationship between Su Fei and the Su family to everyone?


At this moment, the little plane said: "Master, be careful, don't be fooled by her. She is now guiding you step by step into the magic way. Once you even enter the magic way, the future Zhouyu will really become a member of the holy demon clan." The world is over."

"Oh? How do you say this?"

Although everything in front of him seems extraordinary, but it is not a joke to say that this blinding and illusory thing can lead Su Fei into the magic way.

"Master, before I answer your question, can you answer me a question first?"

"You said."

"In Master's heart, what is a demon?"

"This..." Su Fei thought for a while, "Demons are inhuman killing tools. They are controlled by killing thoughts, so..."

In the middle of speaking, Su Fei suddenly stopped.Recalling my recent experience, it seems that I am already very close to my understanding of demons.

"Master, in fact, you are only half right, and you didn't get to the point."

"Oh? Then tell me, what is a demon?"

Little Airplane said: "First of all, demons are indeed inhumane, and indeed are killing tools without thinking, but the key to judging a demon lies in his manipulation of magic power and whether there is magic energy in his body."


In fact, Su Fei also knew this.When I was asked like that by the little plane just now, I unconsciously thought too much... "Ahem, let's talk about the main point, why did I get surrounded by her?"

Xiaofei said: "If you do everything according to what she said, then do you think it is possible for you to get out of here!"


Su Fei could hear what the little plane meant, but this time, he didn't act according to what the little plane said.


The little plane said in astonishment: "Tell me your opinion."

"Sometimes, you don't need to explain so much, just do what she says first, and I want to see what tricks she wants to play."

Su Fei is like a gambler now, he continued to walk on the narrow path ahead.

As he walked, he had already killed many Su family members on the way, and he also saw those companions of the Damo family who had been killed by the Su family reborn in this world.

At first, he tried to talk to those people, but later found that they were all imagined in his mind.

Later, he even walked into the imaginary Dharma Town.And everything in front of him is like a repeat of the past.

He was meditating in the room, preparing to integrate the sword repair system that he finally created.

Suddenly, Su Yan broke in with everyone, framing him for stealing the Swordsmanship from Zangshu Pavilion.

Su Teng and Mrs. Ya, also indiscriminately, directly believed that Su Fei stole the sword control technique.

... Everything that happened later was also a repeat of the past, without the slightest deviation.

But Su Fei's people were still walking on that path.As he walked, he found himself getting older.His hair is gray and his beard grows almost to his chest.However, his body is still very strong, and his steps are still very brisk.

"Hoo hoo!..."

Going forward, there is an iceberg that has not melted for a thousand years.

On top of the iceberg, the wind is biting.

He went up the mountain resolutely, without the slightest hesitation.


Suddenly, Zizhu appeared again.She stood on the top of the mountain, holding a three-foot long sword tightly in her hand.

Su Fei had seen that sword before.However, seeing it again this time is quite different.On the surface of the sword, there was a faint black mist.

That shape is somewhat similar to Su Fei's sword.

"What's going on? Could it be that she also comprehended the dark attribute?"

Su Fei knows that not everyone can comprehend the dark attribute.If Zizhu can really comprehend such a tyrannical attribute, it also shows that her talent is really unusual.


Xiaofei said: "That's an illusion, it's not Zizhu at all, it's yourself."


What Su Fei saw was clearly Zizhu, "Then what happened to me?"

"You are already on the verge of becoming a demon, master, I advise you to turn around as soon as possible and go back." The little plane said in a warning tone.

"Go back?"

Su Fei looked back, the road ahead was already pitch black, "Do I still have a chance to turn back?"

"You have!"

The little plane said: "You are the owner of the dark attribute, and Ye Ye can't stop your footsteps at all. As long as you want, you can turn back at any time."


Su Fei looked up at the top of the mountain, the person identified by the little plane as Su Fei's true self, and then looked back at the endless night behind him...

"Don't hesitate any longer, make a decision quickly!"

The little plane urged: "If you don't make a decision, when your life as a human being comes to an end, there will be no chance of turning back!"

"My Yangshou?"

Su Fei has never thought about this question, "As a mortal, what is my original life expectancy in Zhou Yu?"

"82 years old." Xiao Ji said: "Now, look at yourself, you have reached 81 years old, if you go one year further, you will never be able to turn back."


Su Fei really wanted to go up to that mountain and see what kind of person that so-called himself was.

But after hearing the words of the little plane, he also seemed to realize something, "Could it be... When I really see the person on the top of the mountain, will I officially enter the magic way?"

"Yes! Turn back as soon as possible, otherwise not only you, but the entire Zhouyu will be lost forever!"

"it is good!"

At this moment, Su Fei let go of his persistence.He can disregard himself, but he cannot disregard the entire Zhou Yu.

You know, there are still many of his companions in Zhouyu.Others have nothing to do with him, but these companions...

He can't harm all his companions because of his own fault!


So, taking a deep breath, he turned around suddenly.Facing the endless night, he walked in.

"You bastard!"

When he took the first step, Zizhu's voice came from next to his ear, "It's just a little bit closer to the end, why did you leave, why didn't you continue to walk this road to the end!"

"No need." Su Fei said: "I have seen enough of your tricks. Besides, your tricks are really not very good. You can use it to deceive children, but if you want to trick me in this way, you I really think too much!"


Zizhu was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"What about me? Didn't I say that I'm like a swordsman? Why do you have to play with me? After all, you are also a holy demon from the sanctuary. Why do you have to make it so complicated when you face the monks of our Zhouyu? Could it be that you are afraid Is it gone?"

Su Fei continued to provoke.

Zizhu snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, since you want to fight so much, let's compete in sword moves!"

(End of this chapter)

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