In and out of marriage

Chapter 10 is not an outsider

Chapter 10 is not an outsider
Although she said he was hers, at least, she has admitted him now, hasn't she?
Whoever it is, they belong to each other now.

After entering the house, I changed into slippers at the entrance.

Zhang Xiaosha looked up and down the living room.

The decoration in the living room is not as extravagant as imagined, but it is full of a scholarly atmosphere.There is a literary style.

Wooden floors, slightly worn-out wooden furniture, and a few paintings of famous calligraphy on the walls.There is even a complete set of tea sets made of purple sand on the coffee table, which shows that the owner is also very particular about the tea ceremony.

This should be the old chief's style, which suits her well.

Although she doesn't understand, she likes these elegant things inexplicably.

Thinking of the time when she took Li Meng to see a calligraphy exhibition, she just stared at a piece of calligraphy that was unrestrained and powerful, slamming Fang Qiu, admiring it for more than half an hour, but she didn't hear Li Meng calling her until Li Meng went around the calligraphy exhibition twice, and came back to see that she was still there.

Li Meng was very curious and came up to her to enjoy it with her.

Then, Zhang Xiaosha spoke.

"Xiaomeng, do you know what is written on it? Why do I think it is beautifully written after reading it for a long time, but I don't know what it is written in?"

She remembered that Li Meng just slapped her hard, called her a pervert, turned around and left.

Zhang Xiaosha still doesn't know why she has become abnormal. Is it wrong to just admire her?
"Who is this girl?"

An old voice came from the stairs, and Zhang Xiaosha turned his head when he heard it.

All I saw was an old man in military uniform walking down with a cane.The epaulets and the badges on the chest, Zhang Xiaosha just touched the spectrum.This old man must be the old chief.

"Grandpa!" Shen Feifan nodded to the old man.

"Hello Chief!" Zhang Xiaosha saluted a standard military salute, and did not call Grandpa along with Shen Feifei, she still felt more comfortable calling Chief, "My name is Zhang Xiaosha."

"Just call me Grandpa." Shen Feifei lowered his head slightly and whispered in Zhang Xiaosha's ear.

This action, in the eyes of outsiders, is a bit ambiguous.

Zhang Xiaosha glared at him and pushed him.

The old chief just acted like two children were flirting and didn't say anything.

"Little girl knows calligraphy?"

Zhang Xiaosha was a little embarrassed, scratching his head, really didn't know how to answer.

"Well... I don't think I understand it, I just like it."

Really just simply love it.

"It's good if you like it. There are not many young people who like these things as much as you do now." The old chief sighed.

"But if you like it, you like it. I really don't know what the flamboyant thing written on it is."

I have to say that Zhang Xiaosha is very frank, and he doesn't pretend to know how to know, or pretend to understand if he doesn't understand.

The old chief was actually amused by her. He also felt very comfortable talking to straight-tempered people. At least he wasn't beating around the bush and trying to please people.

"What you just saw was Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, but no matter how hard you look for "Lanting Preface", it is still an imitation."

When he heard "Lanting Preface", Zhang Xiaosha was stunned unexpectedly.

"Does the chief like Wang Xizhi's calligraphy?"

"How to say?"

"My father also likes it. Our family used to have a pair of Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Preface". My father regarded it as a treasure, and he had to appreciate it every day when he came home." Zhang Xiaosha said these words, as if recalling something , In the words, there is a rare little loneliness.

"Oh? It seems that your father is also a person who knows calligraphy. You may have to invite him to communicate with me, an old man."

Zhang Xiaosha was taken aback, he didn't expect the old chief to say that.

An inexplicable thing flashed across his eyes, so fast that it was too late for people to catch it.

"I'm afraid this will disappoint the old chief. My parents have passed away for many years." Zhang Xiaosha scratched his head, his face full of apology.

"Look at me, old man!"

Looking at the old chief, Zhang Xiaosha felt inexplicably close.

Not as majestic as imagined, but so approachable.On him, she even saw the blurred image in her memory.Dressed in a military uniform, tall and stalwart, exuding a kind aura.

"Actually, it's nothing. He also died for the country."

However, it can be regarded as an accident that was planned long ago.

An accident caused by her.

Looking into the eyes of the old chief, Zhang Xiaosha threw all the momentary sadness out of the blue.

She is not a person who is used to living in the past, but she still has no way to let go of certain things.

"My parents are both soldiers. Although the shadows of my childhood have been blurred, my dad was really handsome back then!" Zhang Xiaosha looked at the old chief again, stuck out his tongue, "Of course not as powerful as the old chief Wei An! Seeing that you still have the same demeanor now, you can imagine that you should be even more handsome back then. You must be more than several times more handsome than this guy!"

Apparently, Zhang Xiaosha still didn't forget to flatter someone, but at the same time, he made trouble for someone.

Shen Feifei looked at this flattering little girl helplessly, and let him think in a good mood that she was praising him for being handsome for that sentence that hurt him.

However, when she talked about her parents, although her sense of loneliness was not obvious, he more or less sensed it.

Maybe after getting along for so long, he also got to know her more or less.

"What are you doing standing here, Grandpa, sit down and have a sip of tea."

Shen Feifei broke the conversation at the right time.

Although the relationship was not revealed, but with the shrewd eyes of the old chief, it can be seen from the subtle atmosphere between the two of them.

Furthermore, Shen Feifei had never had any entanglements with women, and this time he was able to bring a girl home, which proved that this girl meant something different to him.

"Brother Fan, braised short ribs are your favorite food! Xiao Jie made them specially for you today!" Hao Shujie was wearing a cute pink apron, holding a plate of braised short ribs that looked pretty good in color. , shaking Shen Feifei as if showing off.

That smile, bright flashing eyes.

This woman looks very good, Zhang Xiaosha had to admit.

Compared with her?Well, it's still a little bit worse.

Don't blame her for being narcissistic, Zhang Xiaosha is a recognized beauty.When others praise her, she will not say anything polite, and accept it readily.

Zhang Xiaosha took a sip of tea without paying much attention.

(End of this chapter)

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