In and out of marriage

Chapter 11 She Listens to Me

Chapter 11 She Listens to Me
This woman is obviously not a rival in love.

Shen Feifei didn't pay attention to her at all, what's the matter with her being so crooked.Zhang Xiaosha, who was already hungry, was also fed up by her mouthful of Brother Fan.

When several people sat around the table to eat, Zhang Xiaosha was sure that it was the first time in her life that she saw delicious food and didn't want to eat.

Poke poking rice, Shen Feifan has been picking up food for her, but she can't eat it, is it right?
Until it was really unbearable, Zhang Xiaosha stepped on Shen Feifan's foot.Then, he turned his head to look at Shen Feifei, squinted his eyes and smiled.

That smile definitely didn't reach the bottom of the eyes, Zhang Xiaoshan was accusing Shen Feifei, "You feed the pig!" '

Shen Feifei looked at her, but nodded calmly, as if he was replying to her, "It's feeding the pigs!" '

As everyone knows, the eye contact between the two of them seems to outsiders to be expressing affection.

Just when the eyes of the two were "discharging" each other, Fang Wenyu, who was sitting there with his head bowed and eating, coughed lightly, whether it was intentional or not.

"Fan Fei, let's stay at home today." After a pause, Fang Wenyu raised his head and glanced at Zhang Xiaosha, "Send this lady back later, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Shen Feifan took another piece of pork ribs for Zhang Xiaosha, "Just tell me if you have anything to do, Xiaosha is not an outsider."

Fang Wenyu was slightly displeased by Shen Feifei's words, but her good self-cultivation did not make it obvious to her.

"This young lady hasn't said anything yet, you must respect other people's opinions, right?" Fang Wenyu's words seemed very reasonable.

From the corner of her eye, Zhang Xiaosha saw Hao Shujie, who had been staring at her all the time, curled her lips in boredom.

The two women in the family didn't welcome her, and she was stared at with jealousy. She couldn't eat even if she wanted to.

"She listens to me." Shen Feifei lowered his head while eating, his tone completely casual.

Zhang Xiaosha despised him a little in his heart, but since this is his territory, he couldn't say anything.

"Extraordinary!" Fang Wenyu's tone was slightly sullen, "My lady will marry in the future, what's the matter with you being so ambiguous? Don't be so ignorant."

"She won't be able to marry in the future." Shen Feifei continued.

Zhang Xiaosha twitched the corner of her mouth, what do you mean she won't be able to marry in the future?As if she was not wanted.

Well, she didn't speak, and continued to bury her head in eating the pile of hills.

Let's talk about this account when there is no one else.

"Fan Fei! When did you become so ignorant?" After reprimanding Shen Fei Fei, Fang Wenyu turned to look at Zhang Xiaosha, and smiled kindly, "Fan Fei is ignorant, Miss Zhang, don't mind."

Zhang Xiaosha twitched, asking her what to say, she and this guy are already married, and there is no need to remarry and it is impossible to remarry?
"It's ok……"

"Okay, since Ms. Shen herself said it's okay, then I won't say anything else." Fang Wenyu turned his gaze to Shen Feifan, "Fan Fei, I discussed it with your Uncle Hao a few days ago. I grew up with you since I was a child, and the two of you know each other well. Shu Jie has always had feelings for you for so many years. You are already 27 years old, and you have changed your mind. What if there is no girl around to take care of you? Row?"

"So I also told your grandfather, and he also thinks that Shu Jie is a good girl, so I think, when you two choose a date, make an engagement first."

Zhang Xiaosha felt strange in his heart.

This marriage is all about your love and my willingness. He listened to his mother's wishes. It seemed that Hao Shujie and Shen Feifei had already been decided to get married. Just wait for Shen Feifei to go directly to the engagement banquet.

Forced marriage?Shen Feifei didn't look like the kind of person who could be forced.

How do you look like her?Although she was also the one who was forced to marry.Zhang Xiaosha pouted.

Shen Feifei glanced at Zhang Xiaosha, put down his chopsticks, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth.

Move as slowly as possible.

Finally, he raised his head and looked at Fang Wenyu.

"Grandpa, Mom, I actually have something to tell you when I come back today."

After eating and drinking enough, she was willing to speak.

Zhang Xiaosha despised and despised in his heart.

"Xiaosha and I are already married, so you don't have to mention the matter of getting married in the future, Mom."

When Fang Wenyu heard this, his complexion suddenly changed.

From black to red, from red to white.

Zhang Xiaosha could clearly feel her anger, but admired her for being able to hold back her chopsticks.It was just the ups and downs of her chest that revealed her anger.

"Auntie, are you okay?" Hao Shujie saw that something was wrong with Fang Wenyu, and immediately went up to help her, "Brother Fan, how could you not discuss such a big matter with Auntie?"

"Mom, you have used this trick too many times." Shen Feifei was expressionless, and Zhang Xiaosha could hear the trace of impatience in his tone.

The old chief who had been sitting there without speaking stood up at this moment.

"All right!"

The crutches were thrown to the ground, and several people dared not speak any more.

"Fan Fei has grown up and knows what to do and what not to do. You don't have to worry about it all the time." Looking at Zhang Xiaosha, the old chief waved to him, "Girl, come here, Help grandpa go upstairs to rest."

Zhang Xiaosha froze for a moment, then turned to look at Shen Feifan.

"Go!" Shen Feifei flirted with her.

"Yes, old chief!" Standing up quickly, Zhang Xiaosha hurried over.

"Why is this girl still called the old chief?"

"Uh...Grandpa...Grandpa, please walk slowly, there are steps here, be careful not to fall!" Zhang Xiaosha was dog-legged, and carefully supported the old man in his hands for fear of falling.

It's rare for someone to treat her so well. Can she be unhappy?If no one in this family gives her a good face, she really thinks it's meaningless to come here this time.

It wasn't until the two of them went upstairs that Fang Wenyu, Shen Feifan's mother, spoke again.

"Fan Fei, if you say that you are joking with me this time, I can forgive you, just pretend that what happened today never happened."

After all, Shen Feifei's status is different, so marrying a wife is of course not such a joke.

In terms of family background, no one is more suitable for him than Hao Shujie, Shen Feifei is with Hao Shujie, she is naturally happy.

Needless to say, the benefits of being a business leader in City M and marrying the leader of the military and political circles.

Not only did she understand, but Shen Feifei also knew it in his heart.

"Mom, my marriage is not a bargaining chip. The one who will walk with me for the rest of my life can only be the person I love." Shen Feifei stood up, turned his head and walked towards the stairs, standing by the stairs, he stopped, but Without turning around, "And she can only be Zhang Xiaosha."

(End of this chapter)

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