In and out of marriage

Chapter 165 The Grand Finale

Chapter 165 The Grand Finale (13)
"I see, thank you." Ye Yao sincerely thanked Zhang Xiaosha again, just because of what she said. thing, I apologize to you."

Hearing Ye Yao's apology, Zhang Xiaosha suddenly laughed.

It doesn't matter what I'm sorry, but it's just talking, there are so many apologies in life.

"It's just for the people I care about." Zhang Xiaosha shrugged openly, expressing that he didn't care.

Just like what Shen Feifei often said, when something is over, it is over. There is no need to be entangled with one thing. While entangled with others, why not entangled with yourself?

This is probably the most peaceful conversation Ye Yao and Zhang Xiaosha have ever had, right?
After finishing speaking, Ye Yao didn't seem to intend to leave, but leaned against the wall with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Sun, you've seen it, you've heard it, she hates people so much, it was never you, can you feel at ease now?
She looks very good now, you should be satisfied too, shouldn't you?

Zhang Xiaosha didn't ask Ye Yao why he didn't leave here, he was willing to be here, and she didn't need to drive him away.

The words have been spoken, the matter has been clarified, and Zhang Xiaosha is relieved.

That person, love or hate, has long been unimportant. The important thing is that she hopes that he can live a good and happy life. Of course, this kind of happiness is not something she can give.

The emotional world cannot be forced, her love is not much, only one person is enough.

"He, is he okay?"

"Fine." As long as he sees you are fine, he will be fine.

"En." Zhang Xiaosha didn't say anything else, but waited quietly, waiting for Shen Feifei, whom she loved, to come out of it properly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and every minute and every second felt extremely difficult for Zhang Xiaosha.

The cry of a baby and the lights in front of her were turned off at the same time, Zhang Xiaosha was a little excited.

Xiaomeng was born, and Shen Feifan's surgery was finished, could he see her now?

He walked to the door in two steps, and when he saw the doctor, Zhang Xiaosha grabbed him.

"Doctor, how is it, how is it? Are his eyes healed? Can he see people?" Zhang Xiaosha's words were very excited, as if he was desperately eager to give her the answer she wanted in her heart.

"The operation was very successful." Dr. Nase showed a gratified smile on his face, and nodded to Zhang Xiaosha.

Looking at Zhang Xiaosha's excited face, why didn't he feel that God really cares for Shen Feifei?

"I knew it!" Zhang Xiaosha was indescribably happy and excited, and bowed deeply to the doctor, "Thank you Doctor Nase! Can I go see him now?"

"Yes, but he may not see you until tomorrow morning."

"Ah?" Although surprised, Zhang Xiaosha nodded, "Enen, I've been waiting for so long, it's not a bad night!"

After speaking, he rushed into the operating room in a hurry.

Zhang Xiaosha didn't know when Ye Yao left. In short, when Shen Feifei was pushed out of the operating room, she didn't see him.

After Mo Tianyan left, Zhang Xiaosha thought, Ye Yao would definitely not stay in the country any longer.

Perhaps, their meeting just now should be the last time they met.

All night, Zhang Xiaosha stared at him without blinking. She thought that time would pass faster, and it would be morning soon, so that she could see his appearance after opening his eyes for the first time.

She wanted to know if those eyes were as shrewd as before.

Perhaps Shen Feifei had been stared at by Zhang Xiaosha for a long time, and it was hard to ignore those burning gazes.

Action, first step brain.

Shen Feifei opened his eyes, and suddenly met Zhang Xiaosha's gaze.

Both of them froze for a moment, but Zhang Xiaosha was not the one who was nervous.

She stared at Shen Feifei closely, not daring to take a breath.

Can he see her?Are his eyes all right?Did he see the tension on her face?

Everything is unknown, Zhang Xiaosha only knows that now she is staring at Shen Feifei's eyes stupidly, waiting for the man she is looking at to speak first.

Seeing Zhang Xiaosha like this, Shen Feifei smiled, the sparkle in his eyes was the best answer to Zhang Xiaosha at this moment.

Zhang Xiaosha saw it, and there was more spirit in those eyes than before, a kind of thing called pampering that he had at the beginning.

Unspeakable happiness, unspeakable excitement.

Zhang Xiaosha admits that he wants to cry now, really wants to cry.

"You can see me, right? You can really see me? It's true, it's true!" Zhang Xiaosha jumped up excitedly, but he didn't expect his leg to hit the ground all of a sudden. On the side of the bed, she yelled in pain, but she also knew the pain, it was real, "It hurts so much, it's not a dream, I really feel the pain!"

Seeing her childlike appearance, Shen Feifei was very helpless, took her hand, made her sit down again, and sat up slowly himself.

It's just that those eyes never left Zhang Xiaosha's face.

In the darkness, the only thing he wanted to see most was her face, and he thought about it all the time.

He wanted to see every look in her eyes and every look back, he was very happy, it was nice to see her worry and smile.

"I miss you so much." Shen Feifei lowered his head and kissed Zhang Xiaosha's forehead, "It's good to see you."

I don't know if it's because I haven't seen her for a long time, but Shen Feifei feels that she seems to have become more beautiful, and she is more feminine than before.

It is said that pregnant women are the most beautiful. This sentence sounds absolutely true.

Sure enough, her wife is the most beautiful person in the world.

After regaining his eyes, Shen Feifei seemed to cherish every minute and every second now, as if no matter how he looked at her, he couldn't get enough of her.

"If I had never lost it, I would never have known how precious it would be." Hugging Zhang Xiaosha, Shen Feifei suddenly had a feeling, "Four years ago, when you never left me, I felt that as long as you gave me With enough protection and care from you, you can stay by my side forever. However, I didn't realize until later that my so-called sense of security is just the sense of security I thought I thought, so I worked desperately to get Change, finally, you are back, I am very happy. Before, I always thought that I would always see the world with those eyes, and I could spend my whole life looking at the person I love, so I think it doesn’t matter if I miss a look.”

(End of this chapter)

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