In and out of marriage

Chapter 166 The Grand Finale

Chapter 166 The Grand Finale (14)
Looking at the light refracted into the window behind Zhang Xiaosha, Shen Feifei shook his head, thinking that sometimes, fate and God are indeed a tormenting thing.

"However, when I really lost it, I realized that what I thought was just a joke. Perhaps, when you inadvertently or just distracted, you will miss something and lose something. "Fate is indeed tormenting enough.

When he thought he could see her with her all his life, God stole his eyes, and when he thought he would never see her again, God gave him another pair of eyes.

"Well, I can see you again."

"Well, it's great if you can see it, isn't it?" Zhang Xiaosha patted Shen Feifan on the back.

"Yeah, it couldn't be better." Only, you never know what a horrible thing it is to live in the dark for so long.

Fortunately, with you here, I won't feel so scared and confused.

Letting go of Zhang Xiaosha's hand, Shen Feifan stretched out his hand and lifted Zhang Xiaosha's chin. His passionate eyes made Zhang Xiaosha dazzled.

Why does this look look so familiar to her?

However, before Zhang Xiaosha could think too much, Shen Feifei's face had already moved closer and kissed her.

Tossing and lingering, Shen Feifei seemed to be using everything he had to go deep into this kiss to love her.

He didn't dare to close his eyes, and just stared at the face he had been thinking about for so long.

Those difficult days finally passed, and he could see her.

Zhang Xiaosha's lips hurt from being kissed.It's just that she can feel Shen Feifei's excitement and his happiness, so she is also working hard to respond to this happiness.

He is happy, he is excited, so why isn't she?
The feeling of being lost and found again filled the hearts of both of them with something called joy.

Shen Feifei's eyes can recover, which is also a happy thing for the Shen family.

Mr. Shen originally wanted to personally thank the person who donated the cornea for his grandson, but he regretted that he didn't know the other person's name.

After observing for a few more days and confirming that Shen Feifei did not reject the new cornea, Dr. Nase finally decided to let him go.

Shen Feifei was suffocated after staying in the hospital for so long, and he thought that he was not a person who could stay in the hospital forever.

Nearly two months this time was already his limit.

If she stayed any longer, she would either be driven crazy or driven crazy.

"The wound on your body has not been thoroughly treated. You need to be very careful. In case of infection, it will cause tetanus in severe cases. Therefore, the necessary daily disinfection must be carried out. Also, the medicine I prescribed for you will also You have to eat on time every day, and you can't do too much strenuous exercise..."

"I said! Stop, stop, stop! Why are you such a mother-in-law today? It's so annoying!"

Zhang Xiaosha was memorizing Dr. Nase's words carefully, but was interrupted by Shen Feifan.

With a cold stare, Shen Feifei tactfully turned his gaze to the side.

However, just as Zhang Xiaosha turned his gaze to Dr. Nase again, Shen Feifei glared at him again, signaling him to stop talking nonsense, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk.

"Is there anything else that needs attention, I will write it down one by one."

Being stared at by a cold face, even if there was really something else, he didn't dare to speak anymore.

It's obviously for his own good, why is this man so ungrateful?
However, there are only so many specific things, and they should be able to notice the rest.

"There's nothing else, just take a good rest." After Dr. Nase said this, he obviously received a pair of cold eyes, and he was so frightened that he didn't dare to look over there again, "I still have a little matter, I will go first."

In the end, like a fleeing refugee, he hurriedly escaped from this place of right and wrong that was full of crises at this moment.

"Look, you scare people, as if you are some kind of scourge." Zhang Xiaosha smacked his lips, crossed his arms and shook his head, "When do you think you can change your icy eye trick? It is not a good behavior to release the freezing effect at any time."

Shen Feifei curled his lips, if it wasn't for that guy nagging like a Tang monk, would he be able to do this?
As for the others, Shen Feifei really didn't dare to say any more.

Although she has become a bit more feminine, her aggressive personality has not changed at all.

Even now, he felt that she was a little hedgehog. When she was good, he wished he could sweeten people to death, but when he was really irritated, he wished he could stab people to death.

Shen Feifei had nothing to do with her anyway, he let her make a fuss, anyway, as long as he didn't get out of his palm.

"You." Shen Feifei nodded her nose, and there was an indescribable pampering in her eyes.

With that kind of look, Zhang Xiaosha was dazed again.

Why, she always has a different feeling?
Although those eyes still belonged to Shen Feifan, she could always see another familiar shadow that did not belong to Shen Feifan.

As for when she wanted to see who the other familiar figure was, she was too late to catch it.

Zhang Xiaosha's daze had obviously caught Shen Feifan's eyes.

"Wife, what are you thinking? Why are you staring at my eyes, as if you are not looking at me?" Shen Feifei looked at Zhang Xiaosha as if he was complaining about something, like a resentful husband.

Zhang Xiaosha looked at those eyes, and smiled lightly, obviously there was no shadow of anyone else, only Shen Feifan would look at her like this.

How could she see someone else's shadow in these eyes?It's time to fight!
"No more!" Zhang Xiaosha grabbed Shen Feifan's arm, and the things had already been taken down. Now, they just go downstairs and take the car home, "I believe they are already waiting impatiently, we Go down quickly."

"Yes." Nodding, Shen Feifan and Zhang Xiaosha went downstairs together.

After resting at home for several days, Zhang Xiaosha could be said to have listened to Dr. Nase's words and imposed various restrictions on Shen Feifei's behavior.

For example, even though Shen Feifei's body was about to stink, she still didn't allow him to take a bath.The reason is very simple, the wound on the body is not healed yet, and it cannot touch water, otherwise, it will become inflamed.

For example, standing obediently every day, waiting for her to strip him naked, and then give him medicine bit by bit, this is more than torture for Shen Feifei.Because the doctor said that the dressing needs to be changed every day.

(End of this chapter)

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