In and out of marriage

Chapter 17 My Wife Has None of Your Business

Chapter 17 My Wife Has None of Your Business
This world is sometimes so mysterious.

"Shen Feifei, why did you fall in love with me?" Zhang Xiaosha wanted to know this question very much.

"I like it, what else is there?" Shen Feifei didn't go around in circles.

Like it, just like it.Even if he was asked to say it, he might not be able to say why, so he didn't think too much about this issue.

"Is this also an answer?" He sighed lightly.

As soon as Zhang Xiaosha lifted his head looking at the ground, Zhang Xiaosha suddenly stopped and his expression changed.

"what happened?"

"Seeing the eye-catching people, I suddenly don't want to leave!" Zhang Xiaosha said angrily.

Following Zhang Xiaosha's line of sight, Shen Feifei saw a man and a woman coming out of the supermarket intimately.

The man is tall and the woman is very seductive.

Yes, that's right.The man among those two people was Zhao Ziyu, the real master who cheated and dumped Zhang Xiaosha.

Can she say that she recites a little bit?The original good mood suddenly dropped eight degrees when seeing them.

He turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled back by a strong man by the collar.

"Damn, can you drag me back every time like picking up a chicken?" It's very embarrassing and unfulfilling!
"Who are those two people? Tell me the truth." There are not many people who can arouse this little woman's mood swings, so he thinks it is necessary for him to understand the situation.

"One of them is a bastard, and the other is a little fox who was bewitched by a bastard." Zhang Xiaosha thought that such a statement was very relieved.

Don't blame her for her poisonous tongue, she was dumped the first time she fell in love since she was young, so she can feel at ease.

"Old lover?" Shen Feifei raised his eyebrows.

"Qi... Love your sister! At most, it's the past tense of a scumbag boyfriend. I was blind at the beginning, and I fell in love with such a thing." Zhang Xiaosha pouted, said so, and then looked at that figure A woman who is very good in everything, no matter how I think about it, I don't like it.

"Oh, Shen Feifan." Eldest Young Master Shen threw his elbow at the side, and Zhang Xiaosha was eager to ask for advice, "Tell me, who looks better than that little fairy?"

"Call me husband." What Shen Feifei said had nothing to do with Zhang Xiaosha's question.

"Where is the ink stain, tell me quickly." Zhang Xiaosha glared at him.

When will this man be serious in front of her?
"My husband." Shen Feifei still repeated the three words just now.

That look, it looks like you won't answer unless you call me.

"Husband!" Reluctantly, he yelled out these two words awkwardly, "Say it quickly!"

Pulling Zhang Xiaosha into his arms, he took a bite of that small mouth.

"Of course my daughter-in-law is beautiful, does that need to be said?"

Looking at Shen Feifei's appearance, why does Zhang Xiaosha feel that he is so guilty?

There is a feeling that he is protecting his shortcomings.

However, Zhang Xiaosha has always been the one full of confidence!
When I looked up, I just saw the two people who were just in front of the supermarket were about to walk in front of them.


I have to show this shameless stinky man that she, Zhang Xiaosha, is still living a chic and happy life without him, even worse than before.She is happy now.

The man who was smiling suddenly stopped in his tracks, as if he saw them.

Zhang Xiaosha followed the posture of Shen Feifei holding her, and also hugged his waist.

"Husband, the refrigerator at home seems to be out of meat. Your favorite braised short ribs, let's buy some at home today and I'll make them for you, okay?" Zhang Xiaosha showed her acting skills at the moment, showing off her affection in various ways.

"Okay, as long as you like, you can do whatever you want." Shen Feifei smiled softly, touched Zhang Xiaosha's head, and acted with Zhang Xiaosha.

Zhang Xiaosha really wanted to say, you fucking went to drama school, you act so similarly.

Anyway, she used to be an undercover agent, so she has some talent and experience in acting.

Well, let's just pretend he's talented too.

"Ziyu, what's the matter?" Next to Zhao Ziyu, the sexy little girl Zhang Xiaosha called a vixen opened her mouth. It was a charm and could touch people's bones, "Do you know these two people?"

Zhang Xiaosha curled his lips in disgust.

"How can we not know each other?" Zhang Xiaosha was not pretentious, and even held Shen Feifei's waist, his tone was sour, "Zhao Ziyu, I didn't expect you to have such a taste, why didn't you see it before? Okay? ?”

Zhao Ziyu looked at the two people in front of him, and grabbed the sexy beauty beside him.

"My girlfriend, Tangtang." Zhao Ziyu introduced to Zhang Xiaosha on the opposite side, then turned her head and said to the beauty in her arms, "This is my...friend."

Zhang Xiaosha's last little favor towards Zhao Ziyu disappeared with this introduction.

"I said Zhao Ziyu, don't say that." Zhang Xiaosha followed Zhao Ziyu's words and said, "Who is your friend, can you stop putting gold on your face?"

"Xiao Sha, let me tell you when you can stop speaking so harshly. Don't you feel tired of talking so harshly every day?" Zhao Ziyu's eyes clearly revealed a little impatience.

Zhang Xiaosha's eyes changed.

Bitter?Speaking barbarously?

This is her in Zhao Ziyu's eyes?

"But I really didn't see that you hooked up with another one so quickly."

Zhao Ziyu's obvious disdain floated into Zhang Xiaosha's eyes.

Damn, no matter how you look at it, you deserve a beating!

Only officers and soldiers were allowed to set fires, and the common people were not allowed to light lamps.

Maybe he cheated on Zhao Ziyu, and didn't allow her to fall in love again and find her own happiness?
Compared with Shen Feifan beside him, this guy surnamed Zhao is uncomfortable no matter how you look at it.This man was so low-level and vile to a certain extent, she wondered why she only fell in love with him after she broke up with her eyes.

Just three or two sweet words and she was deceived all over the place, she really took the nonsense as true love.

"To be a man, it's better not to be so sloppy, little girl, be careful of this man, maybe one day he will really dump you." Zhang Xiaosha thought of kindly reminding the little fox, "If you don't sleep with him Fortunately, if you really go to bed and then get kicked, then the loss outweighs the gain."

The beauty's face turned red and then pale when Zhang Xiaosha said it.

Zhao Ziyu patted her on the back as if comforting.

Instead, it was Shen Feifei who looked at him this time.

"She has never slept with other men, and I don't know if she has hidden diseases in some aspects. As a person who has experienced it, you'd better be cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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