Chapter 18
"I rely on..."

Just as Zhang Xiaosha was about to yell, Shen Feifan squeezed his hand.

Don't be impatient, he is reminding her.

"What are you?" The arrogant words that belonged exclusively to Young Master Shen suddenly made Zhao Ziyu's face pale, "Is it necessary for you to remind me of certain things that have been tested in practice? My daughter-in-law , what does it matter to you? Whether she tastes good or not, of course no one else knows except me. "

After finishing, he lowered his head and blew in Zhang Xiaosha's ear in a serious manner.

"Isn't it, wife?"

Zhang Xiaosha wanted to feel ashamed.

He's shameless and she's shameless. How could he say this so openly and unscrupulously?
She wanted to say that she blushed, but the light was dim, so she couldn't see it.

However, Shen Feifei was closer to her ear, so of course he saw the color of the back of the ear change.

It's a good sign that the prickly little girl is still shy.

Zhang Xiaosha calmed down his messy mood and returned to his usual calmness.

"I think it's because I don't think a certain man is very good, and he can't satisfy me. How can my husband be strong, tall and majestic?"

Vomit... She almost vomited herself.

Zhao Ziyu was sluggish for a moment, and finally only uttered a sentence, "Then I wish you happiness..." Then he took the woman beside him and left without looking back.

Zhang Xiaosha didn't look back at the person who left.

Some people leave as soon as they leave, and if they miss it, they miss it.Even if you were nervous enough to think that it was your whole life, but that nonsense thought was completely put to an end by two people at the moment of shattering.

So, don't mention it.

Sighing deeply, after today, she should have completely concluded the relationship with the past.

"Reluctance?" Shen Feifei raised his eyebrows.

"I don't. What can I be reluctant to part with him? He wants to live a good life for him, with a beautiful woman in his arms, and I want to live a good life for mine, with a handsome guy in his hands. There's nothing wrong with this, don't you think? "

Nostalgia and everything are nonsense. Although they have been together for several years, the total time they spend together is not much.

So if you want to say that the heart-piercing love is really heartbreaking or that no one can do without each other, that's really not the case.

"What's the matter? After hearing what that man said, do you have any thoughts?" Zhang Xiaosha gave him a sideways glance, "My old lady just has a bad temper, her mouth is poisonous and stingy, so if you have any problems, just speak up, don't hold back your troubles in your heart. But what I want to remind you is that you have already received the goods, you have already used them, and you can raise your opinions, but you will not return the goods! So, you still have to let my old lady suffer what is due!"

"That's quite a good point." Shen Feifei rubbed his nose, looked Zhang Xiaosha up and down, and nodded seriously, "He has a bad temper, a poisonous mouth, an average figure, and no taste in clothes. that's it."

Listening to Shen Feifan's word-by-word evaluation, I felt like my lungs were exploding.

She couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't bite him to death if he continued talking.

"But, I just like your stubbornness, so I really have no intention of returning the product."

The last sentence, after all, is still pleasing to the ear, and let Zhang Xiaosha's murderous mentality return to his body.

"Well, I'm still a little enlightened..." Turning his head, Zhang Xiaosha originally planned to continue heading home.

A strange feeling came over her, and she frowned after being extremely vigilant after long-term training.

"Careful, I think someone is watching us."

Shen Feifei said close to Zhang Xiaosha's ear.

Even Shen Feifei felt it, so there must be nothing wrong.

"Go on, don't let them feel that we have noticed something." Shen Feifei put his arms around Zhang Xiaosha's shoulders and walked forward pretending nothing happened.

"A black sedan at an angle of fifteen degrees to the southeast."

"En." Not surprised how she could judge so accurately, Shen Feifei gave a light grace, "When you find the opportunity, hide in a safe place first, and I will find a way to judge who it is."

"Where are you farting?" Zhang Xiaosha spat out a sentence without thinking.

Let her hide?What a joke, is she the only one to hide when she is in danger?

What's more, now I don't know who the enemy is.She, Zhang Xiaosha, has sniped and killed many big drug lords, and offended many people.There are one or two enemies, which is not surprising at all.

As for Shen Feifei, a colonel who also lives on the cusp of the storm, he can only do more such actions than her.The identity of the other party is unknown, but it is certain that it should not be an ordinary person.If it wasn't for ordinary people, how could there be so few grabs in their hands?

Therefore, in order to avoid any major problems in a short while, the two of them must cooperate well and work together to find a way to avoid this danger.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense, let's do it together, don't try to kick this old lady out."

"Stubborn donkey!"

In the end, Shen Feifei couldn't win her over. In times of danger, it's good for the two of them to be together.

After making two hand gestures, the two of them turned into a relatively dark alley together.

This alley is very narrow, there are no street lights, and it is dark.

"Go!" Once in the darkness, Shen Feifei pulled Zhang Xiaosha up and ran to the other side of the alley.

"Why do I feel like I'm running away? Shen Feifei, do you have a gun?"

Zhang Xiaosha's question was very substandard.

They didn't wear military uniforms, so they went on patrol in modest clothes, and the two of them were not terrorists, so how could they come out with guns?
"Before I come, we'd better not act rashly. As you said, life-saving is the most important thing at critical times."

In fact, Shen Feifan wasn't afraid of death or anything, it was just that there was a little woman by his side, so it was impossible for him to risk both of them being injured to really find out who that person was.

"When did you notify him?"

Shen Feifei gave her a look of contempt and ignored her.

As a special forces colonel, how can you do it if you don't have a special hazard alarm on your body?

Comrade Zhang Xiaosha should know this.

"Bang..." A gunshot sounded particularly loud in this quiet and dark alley.

Shen Feifan directly threw Zhang Xiaosha to the ground, then got up and quickly pulled her up and ran forward.

"Nanzuo, turn over! I'll do it, you follow!"

Nima, how dare you be so arrogant on the territory of the People's Republic of China?Does this person want to die or not want to live?

There is no mistake in shooting so openly!
She, Zhang Xiaosha, still has a brighter future, and more important things have not been completed yet.It would be too much to lose if you hang up here.

(End of this chapter)

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