Chapter 43
"In all these years, he hasn't even had a female companion by his side. I was surprised by your appearance, but I never thought that his mother never compromised in all kinds of forced marriages, and that young master Shen could actually get married. Married!"

"Maybe he just dragged me into marriage in order to escape marriage, and the purpose is to resist all kinds of oppression from his mother."

Zhang Xiaosha couldn't help but think of the conversation with Lisa.

Although it was said so at the time, once it was true, I felt a little awkward in my heart.

Grandma's bastard Shen Feifan, why did you marry my mother because of this?Hiding from your mother, thank you for being able to figure it out!
My aunt has become the target of your use, right? You still keep it a secret, pretending to be as affectionate as she is, and it turns out that it is really like what he said. I don't hate it!
Damn not annoying!

Zhang Xiaosha hated it so much that he almost went up and bit Shen Feifei twice.

Feeling awkward, uncomfortable, uncomfortable.

She didn't want to deceive herself as to why she didn't like it, in short, she just didn't want Shen Feifei to take advantage of her.

"Hmph! I've ruined my life in your hands, don't you want to take advantage of me!" Zhang Xiaosha was filled with righteous indignation, gritted his teeth, and didn't dare to speak too loudly.

I'm not angry, I'm about to explode, okay?
Squinting his eyes, Zhang Xiaosha decided to ignore him for a while and ignore him!Plus the whole him!
"You are allowed to joke about my life's happiness, but I am not allowed to hook up with boys? Hehe, let's see how I will deal with you in a while!"

"Grandpa!" As soon as Zhang Xiaosha opened the door, he saw the old chief who was talking and laughing at everyone.

She really likes this grandpa, he can give people a very kind feeling.

"Xiaosha is here, come quickly to Grandpa's side." The old chief also liked Zhang Xiaosha very much when he saw Zhang Xiaosha, and immediately called her over.

In such a short walk from the door to the old chief, Zhang Xiaosha did not ignore the eyes of everyone, of course, especially the sight of Miss Hao Shujie, who was so obedient in front of the old chief.

Is it jealous?Is it hate?Is it disgusting?Evil?It has a half-money relationship with her.

As soon as he sat next to the old chief, Shen Feifan who was next to him was about to reach out to hold her hand, but Zhang Xiaosha avoided her hand without a trace.

Shen Feifei was naturally very dissatisfied with this move, and frowned in displeasure.

"Having a convulsion?"

"I want you to take care of it!" Zhang Xiaosha glared at him, but didn't intend to answer.

Turning his head to look at the old chief, he smiled very kindly.

"Grandpa's [-]th birthday, you are still young and strong like this. My grandson-in-law wishes you good luck like the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan." This clichéd sentence is actually mostly mixed with the meaning of explaining the problem.

More, it was for Hao Shujie.

Shen Feifei thought about it later, maybe Zhang Xiaosha just went to his mother's place, and his mother said some bad things that caused her to be in a bad mood, so it was excusable, and he reluctantly forgave her.

But when other people heard it, there was no reason for this.


When did this granddaughter-in-law come out, why didn't they know?

"Hey, this young lady is so beautiful, grandpa's granddaughter-in-law? From which crack in the rock did you jump out?" A frivolous voice came from an inconspicuous corner on the sofa in the corner, " I don't know when this young master has such a beautiful daughter-in-law."

Zhang Xiaosha couldn't help but be attracted by that voice.

Looking at this man alone, he looks pretty good, but thinking of what this man said just now, Zhang Xiaosha felt a strong sense of disgust in his heart.

Who is this person?

"Shen Jiaye, this is your sister-in-law." Shen Feifei clenched his fists.

Regarding what his cousin Shen Jiaye said just now, to be honest, he really wanted to go up and make up two punches.

He just felt upset when he heard him talking to Zhang Xiaosha like this.

"Sister-in-law? Brother, I haven't heard when you married your wife. The family doesn't know about it. Your news is too tightly sealed, right? Maybe outsiders think that you reject us." The Shen family is full of business. The meaning of ridicule is that there is a sense of trying to prevent Shen Feifei from coming to power.

Zhang Xiaosha sneered twice in his heart, is this the legendary cousin?This sentence choked, and no one knew how to answer it.

"My cousin's words are too big. How could we treat our aunts as outsiders? It's just that there's nothing we can do about it. Even grandpa knew about the hasty marriage. Xiaosha was very upset before he could tell the aunts. It's a pity, but this time, can't we inform everyone together?"

Even Grandpa only knew about it. With this sentence, Zhang Xiaosha cleverly pushed the question to Grandpa.You can't say that they mind things that grandpa doesn't even mind, right?Let's see what else you have to say.

"Little sister-in-law is quite talkative, what's the matter, the only golden bachelor in our family, what did you do to get him?" Still in the usual frivolous tone.

"Shen Jiaye!" Master Fan was going to be angry, and the fire had been suppressed all the time.

Zhang Xiaosha raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak any more.

Is it true that there is no normal person in the Shen family except grandpa and sister-in-law? It's really depressing.

Shen Feifei is amazing, her mother-in-law is making things difficult for her, her two aunts look unpredictable, and this cousin is so amazing to the bottom of his heart.

And let no one live?
Grandpa, help, fighting with each other, it's very tiring!

"Okay, I'm done playing." The old man seemed to understand Zhang Xiaosha very well, and he opened his mouth with a serious face, and typed back Shen Jiaye's words in due course, "Go out and find something to do if you have nothing to do. , this is my precious granddaughter-in-law, I like it."

One sentence I like blocked everyone's mouths.

Zhang Xiaosha raised her eyebrows, in this position, only Shen Jiaye could see her expression clearly.

Provocation, disdain, contempt.

Heh... This little woman is a bit interesting.

He, Shen Jiaye, is used to obedient and gentle women, but with such a strong-tempered woman who doesn't obey, he has the desire to try it.

After firing an electric shock at Zhang Xiaosha, Shen Jiaye's lips curved slightly.

It just so happened that Shen Feifan saw this scene.

Oh shit!I knew this brat couldn't be safe for a moment!

My wife looks good and I just stay at home to appreciate it, why do I have to pull it out so blatantly.

Shen Feifei suddenly regretted dressing up Zhang Xiaosha so beautifully, what's wrong with Lisa really leaving some leeway?He wouldn't blame her for being ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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