In and out of marriage

Chapter 44 She Is Dou E's Aunt

Chapter 44 She Is Dou E's Aunt
Lisa, who was looking at the artwork in the design room, suddenly sneezed and gathered her clothes for some unknown reason.Thought I was freezing.

Obviously it was his acquiescence, but now he has to blame others.Fan Ye, you really... really know how to shirk responsibility.

"Which family is this lady from?"

The one who spoke was a little older in comparison.

"This is my aunt." Shen Feifei whispered to Zhang Xiaosha.

It seems that Zhang Xiaosha's guess is not wrong.

"Hello, auntie. My name is Zhang Xiaosha. Auntie can just call me Xiaosha." She bit her tongue and spoke respectfully. She had never had any experience meeting parents. grew up in the military."

As soon as the words came out, Zhang Xiaosha saw a hint of dissatisfaction in the eyes of the other party as expected.

Annoying, what is that look?Why do wealthy people in today's world still like to talk about their status and background?But she still looks really a bit shabby.

"Dong dong dong..." A timely knock on the door interrupted the momentary embarrassment in the room, "Madam, it's time, and almost all the guests below have arrived."

The opening format of all banquets is the same, but to Zhang Xiaosha's surprise, the Shen family also has connections with the entertainment industry, those faces that appear on TV from time to time, even if she doesn't watch TV very much, are more or less I'm a bit impressed.

Lu Shaoyi was unexpectedly late this time, and it wasn't until the old man had finished his speech that he appeared at the door with sunny days.

"Xiaosha!" After seeing Zhang Xiaosha holding a glass of red wine in the corner, Qingtian broke free from Lu Shaoyi's hand and ran towards her, "I'm afraid I won't see you here."

Lu Shaoyi also came over, looking at him with a bad expression and a bit of embarrassment on his face.

Zhang Xiaosha felt that it was mostly because of the unhappiness in the hospital that day.

In fact, she didn't take that matter seriously at all, what a big deal, he rejected her because of Shen Feifan's injury, no matter what, it was because they were good brothers.

"Ms. Ben is not as stingy as you!" Zhang Xiaosha uttered this sentence after taking a sip of red wine.

"I don't." Lu Shaoyi rarely showed an awkward look.

In fact, after he finished talking about Zhang Xiaosha that day, he somewhat regretted it.Fan didn't say anything, why was he angry there?

He doesn't hate Zhang Xiaosha, that's a fact.

Later, after hearing the detailed story from his baby, he realized that it was Zhang Xiaosha who prevented Qing Tian from telling him that she went to rescue her alone, because he was afraid that he would think too much and question her identity.

Wouldn't it be better to say no earlier? Lu Shao also thinks that he is not such an unreasonable person.Good and bad, right and wrong, he can still distinguish clearly.

"In the future, if you have anything to say, just explain it to me, don't be silly like an old woman."

Zhang Xiaosha sneered, he despised Lu Shaoyi, then despised him, and finally ignored him.

"You two brothers, one doesn't see me as a woman, and the other sees me as a man. Oh, let me tell you, Miss Ben is so beautiful, why can't you see it? One of the many women."

Looking up to the sky and sighing, she is Dou E's real aunt, and she has been wronged all her life.

"Not to mention, it's rare to look like a woman today." Lu Shaoyi looked Zhang Xiaosha up and down, and smacked his lips with his chin, "This... ouch!"

After a wail, Qing Tian squinted her eyes and twisted her feet.

"Lu Shaoyi, are you finished?" Qing Tian put his hands on his hips, his words were full of dissatisfaction, "I forgot what I told you when I came out?"

"My little ancestor, you are wearing high-heeled shoes today." This foot was stepped on, and it was swollen if it didn't matter. "Can't you show some mercy?"

"It's what you deserve." Zhang Xiaosha's ears hurt from the noise, and before he decided to shift the front, he made a point of making things worse, "You guys are late, it's better to report to grandpa. I heard from Shen Feifan that grandpa still asked miss you."

"Look, if grandpa blames me this time, I'll blame you!" Qing Tian stomped her feet, full of annoyance, as if she wanted to beat Lu Shaoyi up, "Xiaosha, wait a moment, we go first Go upstairs and see grandpa. Let's go!"

Well, the most important thing for her today, besides celebrating grandpa's birthday, is today's big meal.Let alone other things, filling the stomach is the most important thing.

Not to mention, this has been a toss for a day, but my stomach is screaming crazily.

Shen Feifei was busy entertaining the guests who came, and she didn't plan to walk around the venue with him.

What's more, he hasn't calmed down yet. Now, he is not as important as food. This is the truth.

As soon as he sat down, before he started eating, Zhang Xiaosha felt someone approaching.

"May I ask you to dance, my beautiful lady?"

It turned out that the dance had begun.

The frivolous voice seemed to have been heard from somewhere.

Turning his head, it really was that cousin from just now, Shen Jiaye.

I didn't intend to talk about it, and just about to say no, but my eyes fell on the man who was coming from the other side of the hall, and an idea was ready to come out.

How should I put it, the man in front of me, apart from his tone of voice and way of talking, he can be regarded as a top-notch handsome guy.She won't lose a piece of meat if she dances, right?

So Zhang Xiaoshapi smiled bluntly, and stretched out his hand to catch the hand of the handsome guy opposite.

But before the hand was put on, a strong force from behind pulled her into his arms, and domineeringly swore sovereignty to Shen Jiaye on the opposite side.

This little girl is disobedient again, seducing people casually!
He remembered that he said that he would avoid him.

"Sorry, this man was bitten by a dog. I forgot to give him medicine when I went out. Don't mind!"

The big hands pinched the slender waist hard, and a certain man's face turned dark.

Little hooves, call him rabies?
Shen Jiaye raised his eyebrows, watching with great interest the performance of these two people.

He seemed to have been idle for too long, but he suddenly found that his elder brother was interesting.

Just like now, the facial expressions are so rich.Jealousy, jealousy, it's really surprising to be able to appear on the face of this cold-faced god.

"Brother, I just want to ask my sister-in-law to dance, what are you up to?" Shen Jiaye took a sip of red wine in one hand, then raised his eyes and glanced at Shen Feifei, "Could you be jealous even for a dance? This assumption Seems kind of scary."

"Shen Jiaye!"

"Hey, it's rare for you to talk to me so much today, and I'm a little flattered. Brother, you better stop talking to me so kindly, I can't accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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