In and out of marriage

Chapter 68: I Want to Kiss Me

Chapter 68 Kiss me if you want to (2)
He is very concerned about everything about her, but this little woman has so many secrets, why can't she dig it out no matter how hard she digs?
"Hey..." Zhang Xiaosha stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Shen Feifan, "Why are you in a daze? It's been such a long time, and I'm afraid we will be the last one in a while."

Shen Feifei came back to his senses, with a smirk on his face, and pointed to his mouth.


No matter whether he really didn't understand or didn't want to understand, in short, Zhang Xiaosha just didn't understand.

"Do you want to be the first to arrive? I know a shortcut." Shen Feifei was still playing tricks there, and then stretched out his finger to his mouth, "Kiss me if you want."

"Qi!" Zhang Xiaosha felt very bored, sneered, glared at him and was about to turn around and walk in another direction, "You are not Monkey King, you can still lead me a somersault for thousands of miles?"

"Well, that's what I said, but..." Shen Feifei said in a loud and long voice, and in this dense forest, there was a little mystery, "If someone doesn't believe it, I don't mind parting ways Action!"

Shen Feifei just didn't finish talking, the sense of mystery made Zhang Xiaosha feel uncomfortable like scratching his heart.

Shen Feifei has been here before, so he knows that he will get off the plane here, so, will he also know the shortcut to the base?

Although I know it's tricky to rely on others, but...

goo goo...

Her stomach had clearly protested, and she said that it was not that she was hungry, but that her baby was hungry.

So, she has to hurry to the base to feed her baby.

Zhang Xiaosha comforted herself in this way.

"Hello!" Zhang Xiaosha turned his head, only to find that Shen Feifan had already disappeared.

what happened?

That's what Shen Feifei said just now, but there was no reason to really leave her alone.

Zhang Xiaosha has a bad sense of direction. Tropical jungles are actually her big disadvantage. Even if she really has a map in hand, she still can't guarantee that she can find the designated location on the map by herself, let alone Nothing but the so-called sense of direction.

"Shen Feifan? Shen Feifan!"

Zhang Xiaosha's heart suddenly thumped.

Shen Feifei couldn't be joking with her, because Zhang Xiaosha always knew that Shen Feifan couldn't scare her because of this.

Is it true that if you get lost in a few minutes, two people really can't find each other?
It is said that sometimes the distribution of the tropical rain forest is extremely weird, and sometimes even if you mark around yourself, you will still get lost. She will not encounter such a situation by such a coincidence, right?
"Damn, do you want to be so sad?" Zhang Xiaosha cursed, gritted his teeth, turned around and kicked the fallen leaves and stones on the ground, "Baby, mom is in a situation. If you want to eat early, give it to the old lady." Mom pointed out the way!"

In fact, at this time, Shen Feifan was also a little panicked. He returned along the original road and walked for about 5 minutes, but he still didn't find Zhang Xiaosha.

So weird.

It's only 2 minutes away, why does he feel that everything is the same?

"Peter, are you trying hard this time? Are you still doing this for me?" Damn, are you still playing tricks?Hallucinating?
Is this a fight?Also went to learn the five elements and eight trigrams, set up formations and set up organs?Depend on!Who would believe it!

Shen Feifei is not worried about anything now, the only thing he is worried about is Zhang Xiaosha.That guy who can be called a half-way idiot, alone...

Shen Feifei was ashamed, when Zhang Xiaosha would not be so big, he thought he could really feel relieved.

He cursed secretly, "If something really happens to my daughter-in-law today, I will definitely let you, old fellow, have no peace for a moment!"

Zhang Xiaosha took a deep breath, closed his eyes and calmed down for two seconds, and when he opened them again, he regained his usual calmness.

She is Zhang Xiaosha, a soldier with her own code name!
"Ahead, at an angle of fifteen degrees to the left from the direction of the sun." After confirming the direction, Zhang Xiaosha lifted the bag up and started running.

It's not a hike, it's a race against time.

And above their heads that they didn't notice, the invisible pinhole camera was transmitting all their actions and words back to the headquarters.

Everyone smiled and shook their heads when they saw a few pictures on the computer.

And Peter's face is ever-changing.

Isn't it just a training?How come it looks like he's trying to break up someone's family?

He just sent a call to Commander He, and the other party said that Shen Feifei couldn't understand his wife coming to suffer in this place where no shit, so he came here to take care of him.

In fact, Peter really wanted to sigh a long time. Did he come here for a training camp, or did he come here for his honeymoon?
Just now that Shen Feifei was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to kill, Peter was even a little bit afraid. Fortunately, he had planned and prepared in advance, but he couldn't let this little monster really do anything in his training base. The massacre of the teacher came.

"Carl, I'll leave this little monster to you!" Peter sincerely patted the shoulder of the burly man next to him, and entrusted everyone to him.

Karl, who was named, is a trainer in the training camp and a very ruthless person.

However, that little monster was also considered his student back then.However, for someone more capable than him, how can he use his strength to convince others?
"Principal, can you stop using this matter to make me unable to step down? No one dares to mess with that little ancestor in China."

"Eh..." It seemed a bit embarrassing indeed.

However, it seems that only Karl can restrain Shen Feifan here. If Karl can't, then he has no choice but to let him go.

"The little monster is not that scary. I went to China to see him last year, and now he is much more mature than three years ago." The one who opened the door was a standard Western beauty, wearing an American military uniform, pregnant holding a stack of documents.

After entering the door, he closed the door with his foot, walked to the desk, threw all the things in his arms on the table, clapped his hands, and let out a long breath.

"Principal, I think Shen should be more mature and humane than before!" Mattie leaned on the table and expressed her opinion.

"How to say?" How can I say that Mattie is also the person who met Shen Feifei last year, how can she know something more than them.

Mattie flipped through a stack of documents, pulled out a document, and threw it to Peter.

"This is information collected from my Chinese friend. According to calculations, this kid named Zhang Xiaosha has a good temper and can withstand oppression. He is an object that needs to be protected! Otherwise, everyone will suffer!"

(End of this chapter)

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