In and out of marriage

Chapter 69 Girl, you are playing with fire

Chapter 69 Girl, you are playing with fire (1)
Spreading her hands, Mattie said that all her calculations have been summarized, and the next step is to see what everyone does.

After reading the information, they looked at each other, and Qiqi nodded, expressing that he knew what to do.

Zhang Xiaosha, who was going around in circles, raised his wrist to take a look at the current time, but, this watch was also against her, not moving?
Depend on!People sew a little back, and everything will not go smoothly!

At this time, no matter what, three hours have passed, right?It's just that she has no breakthrough at all, and she can't find a symbolic thing, as if she is completely lost.

Doesn't it mean that the trees in the tropical rainforest are almost not the same?Why did she look at which one was the same as which one?

"Damn it! Damn it, who can give me some instructions!" It turned out that she had never seen this kind of situation in any training. Could it be that she couldn't get out today by herself?

Originally, she was retreating, so Zhang Xiaosha didn't even look at the road ahead.

I stepped on it with one foot, but when I lifted it up again, I couldn't lift it up.

With a bang, the office door was kicked open vigorously, and in the monitoring room, the scene of Zhang Xiaosha happened to be cut.


When several people turned their heads, what they saw was Shen Fei Fan Senhan's face.

That tall and tall body showed no trace of the embarrassment that had just trekked from the Amazon jungle for three hours. He was dressed in a straight military uniform, which showed the strength and majesty of the whole person.

The aura of Lord Hades, who seemed to come from hell, filled the entire room, making several people look at each other involuntarily.

Looking at Zhang Xiaosha stuck in one place and unable to get out on the screen, and Shen Feifan staring at the screen with his face covered in black charcoal, they all have a solid foundation in their hearts, the little Hades is about to get angry.

"Shen! Long time no see!"

"Really, long time no see!" Shen Feifan gritted his teeth, pointed at the screen with a cold tone, "Principal Karl, don't tell me the fuck, this is also in your plan!"

His daughter-in-law is in danger now!Shen Feifan only knew about the current situation.

Swamp, stuck in the mud, it's okay if you don't struggle, but if you struggle, you will sink deeper and deeper.

Why didn't this dead woman go to a good place, but why did she want to go to such a ghostly place?
"This, it's hard to say!" Carl dragged his chin, as if thinking.

"What?" Hard to say?What the hell kind of answer is this?

"No, no!" Carl was a little ashamed. As the principal of the most authoritative international training camp and the most experienced international special forces training base, he was yelled at by a brat who didn't know what to say, "Calm down, then There is a swamp, which is far away from the original location and the direction of the training camp. I think you should also know that I really can't figure out how she made a detour to that place. There is nothing around the swamp to cling to. Once If you fall, it will be difficult to climb up. Shen, you have time to question us now, why not rush to save people now."

Zhang Xiaosha struggled a few times, trying to grab the grass next to him to relay up, but the grass was so loose that it would be pulled down if he pulled it.

Cursing in his heart, Zhang Xiaosha only blamed himself for being too careless.

In the future, during training, she must ask the instructors and learn from the instructors, how to find the direction better so as not to get lost.

If this situation is encountered when the mission is actually carried out, the consequences will definitely be unimaginable.

It's just that now is not the time to think about the future at all, but how to get out of this damn quagmire.

If no one helps, it is simply waiting to die.

Zhang Xiaosha took off the backpack behind him and threw it forward.

Now everything that can reduce her body weight is her life-saving talisman.

Now she just told herself in her heart that when encountering danger, she should not panic, and should conquer everything with all calmness.

"Shen Feifei, I know, you will be able to find me, I will wait for you!"

After hearing these words, Shen Feifei couldn't calm down at first, and couldn't calm down even more.

His daughter-in-law needed him, and at this moment, he was the first thing she thought of.

"Let's go!" Looking at Zhang Xiaosha, whose body was nearly half sunken, Shen Feifei walked out immediately, "Old man, help prepare a helicopter, Mr. Carl, I think I need your help."

Shen Feifei spoke, so he had to do anything, didn't he?
As a result, some of the most authoritative people in Amazon started to rescue this old friend's wife.

It's just that this matter really can't reach other people's ears, otherwise, the face of these chiefs may be lost.

In fact, Zhang Xiaosha was not idle at all at the moment. Relying on the survival skills she had learned, she took the rope she had prepared earlier, tied a stone, and put it on something within reach.

When the helicopter flew over, what Shen Feifei saw on the plane was that the mud had engulfed Zhang Xiaosha for more than half, almost to the chest, and the little guy was still working tirelessly to bring the rope closer to her. of big trees.

Zhang Xiaosha heard the sound of the plane belatedly, then raised his head and looked above his head.

In fact, Zhang Xiaosha had already lost all energy at this time, and he couldn't move if he wanted to.Although the weather in Amazon is very hot, but in this mud, Zhang Xiaosha's legs didn't feel any heat.

To be honest, her legs are numb now.But her face was covered with sweat.

Seeing the helicopter, Zhang Xiaosha knew she was saved, and the only person she could think of was Shen Feifan.

Except for him, no one could rush to rescue her in such a timely manner.

Smiling in relief, Zhang Xiaosha felt that she was a little overwhelmed. The moment she was rescued, she only saw Shen Feifei's anxious face, and fainted a little bit unbearably.

To be honest, it's miserable and embarrassing.

This is the dirtiest and embarrassing time Shen Feifei has seen Zhang Xiaosha since he met her.

It's just dirty, dirty, embarrassing, but there is no trace of dislike.

Seeing Zhang Xiaosha fainted, Shen Feifei felt a little anxious, but he didn't bring Mattie with him when he came, and he had no way to check Zhang Xiaosha's situation.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaosha woke up very coincidentally, just before she was put on the bed, she also woke up before Maddy had time to look over her.

"Wake up." Mattie glanced at Zhang Xiaosha and shrugged.

"How's it going?" Shen Feifei held Zhang Xiaosha's hand with a look of concern.

(End of this chapter)

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