The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1366 The Big Devil's Little Baby 20

Chapter 1366 The Big Devil's Little Baby 20
Jiuxuan still doesn't know the name of this black-robed boy, so he must ask, otherwise he will be very embarrassed when he calls his name later.

"By the way, what's your name? My name is Jiuxuan, you can call me like that directly, and why do I feel that you seem to be so familiar with me?"

Jiu Xuan originally thought that it was just his own illusion, but he never thought that he also saw the familiar look in his eyes.

But this kind of familiar look is not much, just a little bit, so presumably his familiarity with himself should be only a little bit.

It may also be that he became familiar with it after he uttered the sentence just now, so Jiuxuan has to think about the next thing carefully.

"Xiao Huan, my name, I know you."

Originally, Jiuxuan wanted to remember the latter words, but for some reason, he completely focused on the front, as if his name was more important than what he said about knowing himself.

Jiuxuan silently recited Xiao Huan's name twice in his heart, and then began to speak the rest of the sentence.

Originally, Jiuxuan called Xiao Huan, stopped Xiao Huan, and brought him to this place, because he thought he was familiar, so he still brought him here.

But now I feel that I don't seem to care too much about where my familiarity with him came from, because I will definitely let myself discover it slowly.

After all, even if some things are deliberately hidden, it is impossible to hide them casually, because human memory and human mind are always deeper than other things.

"Okay, I know your name, so can you tell me why on earth you say you know me?"

Jiuxuan is only a little familiar with Xiao Huan, but what Xiao Huan said is not only familiar, but also worth dozens of times more attention than familiarity.

Jiuxuan didn't know when he knew Xiao Huan, and he didn't know what relationship Xiao Huan had with him, and Jiuxuan didn't know why Xiao Huan came to talk to him like this.

But I think that in the next time, I will definitely be able to make all this appear in front of my eyes, because I will do all this very seriously, so the final result will definitely not make me so embarrassed.

But this time Xiao Huan seemed to be confused, because he didn't seem to be very clear about this matter, so he could only speak in the most vague words.

Because his memory and his view of the whole thing are very vague.

"I've seen you in my dreams, and many times."

in a dream?

In fact, dreams are really difficult to explain, and it also makes people feel that there is no need to care about them.

Because even if you really saw something that might not happen in real life, it doesn't have much to do with you, because you may forget all about it after waking up.

However, Xiao Huan seemed to be a person who really cared about his dreams, otherwise he would not have positioned Jiu Xuan as someone he knew.

(End of this chapter)

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