The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 1367 The Big Devil's Little Baby 21

Chapter 1367 The Big Devil's Little Baby 21
Yes, Xiao Huan really positioned this matter in this way, and also treated it like this.

When Jiuxuan heard Xiao Huan's words, he actually felt very unreliable at the first moment, thinking that Xiao Huan might really be someone who came to play tricks on him.

For how can something seen in a dream be taken as fact?How can you decide everything?
But for some reason, Jiu Xuan felt that Jiu Xuan seemed to be telling the truth, and when he saw himself, he was indeed in a dream.

And I might have a special relationship with him in the dream, otherwise he wouldn't have remembered it for so long.

But this can also mean that Xiao Huan really saw Jiuxuan many times in his dream, so this kind of memory reappeared in his mind again and again.

Jiuxuan is very curious about these things, and after being curious, he is also very unclear about what kind of decision he can make.

Puzzled and puzzled crossed across Jiu Xuan's eyes, but at the end he gave a very accurate answer.

"I haven't seen you in my dream, and I don't know what relationship I have with you. It's just that I felt a little familiar when I saw your figure just now, so I came here to teach you to stop."

"If you can, you can tell me how you saw me in your dream, or what happened between us."

"I don't think you're lying to me, and I'll take everything you say as a fact."

Jiuxuan said these words from the fairest position, because he really felt that there was no need to think about or calculate so much about many things.

As long as everything is clear, other things are completely unimportant.

Two people who had just met, and even only knew each other's name, stood side by side like this, standing in the shade of a tree where there was no one else, talking about some very important things.

Jiuxuan is just playing the role of a listener, listening to Xiao Huan talk about his identity in the dream, and also talk about the relationship between him and himself.

Although all this is a dream, somehow Jiuxuan feels as if it is a fact, and it is something that really happened to him, because it sounds too real.

Xiao Huan really said a lot, and every dream can have a very real follow-up.

Jiuxuan heard all of this, but he didn't find any clues from it.

For example, did I really forget something, maybe it was a memory I forgot because of the side effect of this plane that made the plot unclear.

But after listening to these stories, Jiuxuan realized that he didn't seem to remember a little bit of performance.

Jiuxuan wanted to believe the young man standing in front of him, but found that he couldn't believe him anymore.

Because everything he does seems to give people a very inexplicable and also untrustworthy feeling, and these stories don't impress Jiu Xuan at all.

That's why Jiuxuan's speculation is getting deeper and deeper, but Jiuxuan has said just now that he will not doubt this young man, and will use the most responsible ability to think about all this.

(End of this chapter)

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