The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 204 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 2

Chapter 204 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 2
But for some reason, he met her inexplicably.

On the first day Jiuxuan came to this plane, he met Rong Hanbei. At that time, the imperial physician had already told the emperor and the empress that the princess was hopeless, even if Hua Tuo was still alive, he could not save her.

These princes and nobles are all waiting for the bad news in front of the princess hall.

Although the princess doesn't have any special talent, compared to the young ladies from famous families in the Northern Kingdom, this princess has nothing to stand out, of course, except for her face.

However, there is only such a princess in the Northern Kingdom, which is vassalized by countless small countries, and she is also the first princess born of the queen, so she is naturally spoiled by all kinds of things.

Even if someone is happy that the princess is about to die, they can't show it at all, and they have to show a sad look on their faces.

However, the princess who had been judged by the first imperial physician of the imperial hospital to die suddenly came back to life, but after waking up, it was like a different person. Before, she stayed in the princess mansion all day long and didn't go anywhere, but she gave birth After this illness, I ran around every day.

Then, on the first day after waking up, he went to the archery to shoot arrows, only to meet this annoying Rong Hanbei, and from that day on, he met him every day, annoying and boring.

Rong Hanbei folded his arms, raised his eyebrows, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth at the same time, as if he was watching a good show.

"Princess, it's not good for you to falsely accuse me like this? I haven't done anything rebellious, why do you put this high hat on my head? No, no, absolutely not."

But what he said seemed to be begging for mercy in fear, but there was no trace of begging for mercy in the voice, but a hint of teasing instead.

Jiuxuan has never met such an annoying guy, Rong Hanbei is definitely the first one, not everyone can have this low-key skill.

"Rong Hanbei! Hey? Jiuxuan? Why are you here?"

From far away, there was a male voice calling Rong Hanbei's name, and he was very surprised that Jiu Xuan was here.

Mu Qixian's arrival made Jiu Xuan very happy, and the reason was very simple, because he really didn't want to stay with Rong Hanbei, this guy... just wanted to break his leg and sew his mouth shut.

Jiu Xuan waved his hand as a greeting, and shouted loudly: "I originally planned to practice archery and riding, but I didn't expect this annoying guy to come here again."

Mu Qixian also replied loudly: "Jiuxuan, you shouldn't be so disrespectful to your body, the illness is just right, how can you come out to play every day like this, what if you fall ill again?"

Although Mu Qixian is Mu Jiuxuan's older brother, Jiuxuan has only just met him for a short time. It's because Mu Jiuxuan hardly steps out of the princess mansion, except that when the queen and emperor go up, Mu Jiuxuan will meet him, and the rest don't care. No one will meet.

So even though they are brothers and sisters, they are not familiar with each other, and they haven't even met each other a few times.

After Jiuxuan came, he went against his usual attitude, not returning to the princess mansion all day, running around to play, almost the whole northern country was visited by Jiuxuan.

Therefore, the relationship with Mu Qixian, the elder brother who is also the son of the queen, naturally became close, which may also be regarded as Jiuxuan's special skill.

Mu Qixian finally came here, and Jiuxuan also answered his question: "Don't worry, I am in very good health, and I will never get sick again. It's really boring to be bored in the room, so I figured out Take a turn."

(End of this chapter)

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