The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 205 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 3

Chapter 205 Her Royal Highness Has Been Blackened 3
Mu Qixian took Jiuxuan's arm and turned her around several times, looked at her back and forth, and then stared at her face again to make sure that there was nothing wrong with her, so she finally felt relieved.

But I still said: "When you go out to play, you must wear a few more clothes, otherwise what will you do if you get sick again?"

Although Mu Qixian was very nagging, every word and every word was caring, Jiu Xuan listened carefully and nodded.

"Yeah! I see, you too!"

Rong Hanbei was very dissatisfied that he was ignored by Mu Qixian and his sister.

He coughed twice to refresh his sense of existence, but it was a pity that both of them seemed to have not heard the cough, and still regarded him as air.

Jiuxuan and Mu Qixian complained about Rong Hanbei, while Mu Qixian listened to Jiuxuan complaining about Rong Hanbei to himself, and when he was excited, he would also complain about Rong Hanbei several times.

In fact, Mu Qixian came to this shooting range in the first place to find Rong Hanbei, but now after being complained by Jiuxuan, he just treats him as nothing, ignores, ignores, just ignores.

Rong Hanbei finally couldn't bear it and started to take the initiative.

"Hey, Mu Qixian, didn't you call me just now? Why don't you talk now? Are you pretending that I don't exist?"

Although Rong Hanbei is the son of the eldest son with no title or land, he grew up with Beimu Prince Mu Qixian since he was a child, and there is no any suspicion.

Mu Qixian glanced at Rong Hanbei in disgust, and snorted, "Shut up, you annoying person, didn't you hear Jiu Xuan say that she doesn't like you? Can't you be a little self-aware and stay away from Jiu Xuan?" It’s really annoying to have to get so close.”

Mu Qixian is really good as an older brother, he can consider everything and any mood, and will make the best choice.

Rong Hanbei put his arm on Mu Qixian's shoulder without embarrassment, and grinned, showing his teeth, looking very friendly.

"Oh, Mu Qixian, don't be so stingy. I think your sister is cute, so I want to make friends with her. I haven't done anything I shouldn't have done, have I?"

Jiu Xuan: "???"

She is cute?Why didn't she know when she could use the word "cute" to describe her?
Mu Qixian snorted fiercely, put Rong Hanbei on his shoulders, and pushed him down when he hugged his neck: "You just shut up, I don't know what kind of thoughts you are hiding. I know, but I know you must be upset and kind."

A heartbroken expression appeared on Rong Hanbei's face: "Mu Qixian, we have been brothers for so many years, and you miss me so much. I am really disappointed in you."

Mu Qixian cupped her hands as much as she wished for: "Then you should be disappointed in me quickly, and after you are disappointed, quickly get out of here, thank you!"

Rong Hanbei put his arms up again, but pushed Mu Qixian's head forward, showing a big smile to Jiuxuan on Mu Qixian's right.

"Jiuxuan, why don't you like me?"

Jiuxuan smiled maliciously, with some provocative meaning in it: "Because you are very annoying, I really want to beat you up in front of everyone, so that you have no chance to steal my things again."

"By the way, who is his teacher?" Jiu Xuan asked Mu Qixian.

Mu Qixian scratched her head: "His the same as us, they are all Mr. Su, Jiuxuan, why are you asking this question?"

(End of this chapter)

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