Chapter 503 In fact, he is really cute 45
Of course Jiuxuan wouldn't just be stopped like this, she was going to buy water, if she didn't drink any more water, her mouth would definitely be dry after class.

Chen Jiayi wanted to stop Jiuxuan, but Jiuxuan had already passed through the corridor blocked by a group of people and walked to the opposite side.

Chen Jiayi wanted to catch up, and she did the same, but found that Jiuxuan was walking very fast, and she couldn't stop it at all.

"Tang Jiuxuan! I will definitely make your life worse than death! You wait for me! If I let you go, I won't be called Chen Jiayi!"

Chen Jiayi originally planned to do something to make herself happy after school tonight, so no matter whether Jiuxuan treated her like this just now, she would definitely not send Jiuxuan.

Now she has found a reason for what she is going to do tonight. If the real thing is revealed, she can also say that she is acting in self-defense.

Chen Jiayi's wishful thinking was really resounding, but she didn't know that Jiu Xuan had already seen through her means of thinking that she was not worthy of a seamless method, and it was at the very first moment.

The methods that Jiuxuan has seen are more clever than this, and that is really too many. This kind of method is really a method that Jiuxuan has never used since he knew how to use methods, because it is really too much. Too low, too easy to expose.

It's okay to be exposed, and it's easy to be regarded as a fool by the other party, because they still use such means to deal with people, so what is it not a fool?
Of course, Chen Jiayi is not a brainless person. The reason why she brought so many people to block Jiuxuan is to make Jiuxuan say what she just said.

Once Jiu Xuan uttered these words, it would be very easy for Chen Jiayi to get away with what he was going to do tonight.

Even if she was found out by the teacher in the end, she could say that she was just doing something disrespectful to herself to teach her a lesson.

At that time, Jiuxuan can only be like a dumb man eating coptis, and he can't say that he is the real victim at all.

Chen Jiayi's wishful thinking is really good, but even if she knows how to make plans, she may not be able to calculate what she wants, and the result may not be as smooth as she imagined.

Because everything has a process, and in this process, there may be some things that destroy the final result, and these things are beyond what people can predict.

Chen Jiayi never added these possible accidents to these things, because she felt that the process she made would be very seamless, and absolutely no accidents could destroy it.

Sometimes self-confidence is a very good thing, but sometimes self-confidence is a very scary thing, because self-confidence may really ruin everything you have prepared.

Everything has a cause and effect, and there is also a reason why Chen Jiayi wanted to get rid of Jiu Xuan so mercilessly, and this reason was Su Shi.

In fact, Jiuxuan really didn't understand why they would do such a thing for someone they liked but didn't like them.

Don't they feel that they should study hard at this time?Because if they don't study hard, they are likely to be suppressed by other people who study hard, and by that time their future will be very gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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