Chapter 504 In fact, he is really cute 46
Jiuxuan has never been a holy mother who was bullied by others and would help that other person, because Jiuxuan has always been a person who must repay any revenge, and of course he must repay any kindness.

Although helping others sounds very good, sometimes the person you help is not necessarily the person who deserves your help.

Jiu Xuan bought a bottle of ice water and drank a couple of sips, then returned to the classroom, waiting for the good show that he had guessed would start soon.

Originally, the task on this side was a bit boring, but it was just to improve his learning attitude and improve his grades. Jiuxuan had done it too many times, so if he wanted to do it again, it would just be a repetition.

There is no difficulty, so it is really boring, and I can only find something interesting to relieve the boredom.

From a certain point of view, Chen Jiayi is really a good person, because she at least knows that Jiuxuan is boring, so she sent her to the door to let Jiuxuan relieve the boredom. From this aspect, it seems that she is a very A friendly person with classmates who help each other.

But this is only from this angle. If you look at Chen Jiayi from another angle, you can really see that this Chen Jiayi, who may be recognized by everyone as a special love to help classmates, is a thought vicious people.

Jiuxuan looked at the mobile phone that automatically hung up during class today, a little lost in thought.

Originally, Jiuxuan didn't want to hang up the call, just wanted to keep connected and hear his voice, but he didn't expect to be in arrears, because he couldn't pay the phone bill, so he could only hang up automatically broken.

It was a bit unlucky for Jiuxuan, now he was so poor that he couldn't even afford the phone bill, but fortunately Jiuxuan didn't need to buy anything, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

Jiuxuan has never had a mother or a father since he knew he belonged to the Nine Heavens Era, and has always been a lonely person. Then he appeared, and only then did he know that there are people with the identity of family members in this world.

So if Jiuxuan is really asked to ask the mother on this plane for money for phone bills, or to buy other things, it is really hard to say, but if he is really pushed to a desperate situation, That must have the cheek to ask for it.

But the problem is that he is not forced to a desperate situation now, so he will not be cheeky and ask for phone bills.

Jiuxuan put the useless mobile phone back into the desk drawer after hanging up the phone, the class bell has not been rang yet, and it is still during the recess time.

And Jiuxuan didn't want to chat with his friends, but just wanted to be alone quietly, and then wondered in his mind what he was doing now, whether he was listening to the teacher seriously.

Time has been passing quietly like this, and the time for school is too late.

If school is over, it also means that the day is almost over, but the students' work will never stop, because there are still a lot of homework to be done, and if they can't finish it, they won't be able to sleep.

But something interesting will happen tonight, and of course it's only interesting for some people, and it may be very scary for some people.

(End of this chapter)

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