Chapter 529 Let me do the task again 14
Because every raider on this plane wants big quests, because only if they get the big quests can they quickly increase their points, and they can also leave this plane quickly.

This also means that I am one step closer to the final result I want, so everyone is running quickly towards the place they want most.

Jiuxuan continued to complete this task without temper. He only hoped that such points could be increased little by little. If he stayed here all the time, he would not even increase his points. You can't waste your time here.

Huandu has always been very lively, even at night, because even at night, there are still raiders doing tasks, receiving tasks, and explaining tasks.

After all, every raider is something someone has to accomplish by themselves, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to shuttle in this fast-traveling world to do tasks, so what they want is to let themselves leave this plane as soon as possible , but also let yourself complete the task faster.

Jiuxuan is the same as everyone else, except for staying when there is no task thrown, the rest of the time is all on the task, or completing the task, or on the way to explain the task.

But Jiuxuan didn't think there was anything bad about what he did, nor did he feel that there was anything worth suffering.

Because Jiuxuan is very clear that if he can complete all the tasks, even if he can only add a little points for each completed task, he will be able to pile up the points after he has done 1 tasks.

"My task is a bit difficult, is there anyone who wants to join me?"

It was always lively and noisy, but no one would say a few words, but suddenly someone yelled, and waved the mission kit in his hand in the air.

The moment the person spoke, everyone's eyes, including those of the task issuer, fell on the source of the sound.

Although there are a lot of people coming and going in Huandu to return and take tasks, and they sometimes talk to each other, but they don’t greet anyone, because everyone has something to do, and they don’t want to Waste more time on this plane that has nothing to do with me.

It is very rare for anyone to shout loudly here, and still shout about things related to the task, because no one wants others to interfere with their own tasks. If they do, it is very likely that they will get the task they have to do destroy.

When everyone's eyes were on the person who opened the mouth, the person finally opened his mouth and said the task he wanted to say.

"My task kit clearly states that two people need to complete it together. Although there are only two points, well, the points are very small, so I don't have to do it, but I feel that this task seems to be good. Do any of you want to join me?"

"You didn't tell me what this mission is. If I'm asked to sell myself, is it possible for me to agree to this mission? Tell me what this mission is? If possible, then I will be with you. "

This person also yelled loudly and read out the task.

(End of this chapter)

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