Chapter 530 Let me do the task again 15
It turned out that this task turned out to be a task of teasing people. It required two people to cooperate with each other, and then tease a person who had done heinous things.

This task does sound a bit interesting. After all, if you want to tease a good person, no one will agree to it, but if you want to tease a heinous bad person, everyone must be rushing to take it. to finish.

After all, compared to those tasks that are meaningless and useless at all, this task requires a little more thought. After all, if something that is very worthy of everyone's liking is done, and it is done as a task, it is still worth thinking about it. If the points can be exchanged, then everyone will naturally like to hear it.

This task of teasing someone who has done heinous things is also a very good task.

Immediately since someone has already started talking about the benefits of this task, and it is rare to talk about it, after all, everyone just passes by each other in normal times, and they don't even say a word to each other, but today it is He talked about this task on his lips, and also chatted with the people around him.

But the person next to him is not suitable for the person he once knew in the past, nor is he a person who has a very good relationship with him. It can even be said that he doesn't even know his name, and he hasn't even met him a few times.

After all, the raiders on this plane may not have met each other on the previous plane, and the reason why they knew each other was just that they happened to meet on this plane.

It cannot be said that meeting someone on this plane is completely without fate. After all, meeting someone in this vast sea of ​​people can be regarded as fate, but this fate may not be so deep, and it is not So need.

But it is rare for everyone to say what they want to say at this time. After all, in the past, everyone was really just busy with their own tasks and never said anything to others.

As long as people stay on this plane, it means that they definitely have things that they are willing to do everything they can, so it is absolutely impossible to waste some time and do something on this plane. Things that you don't have to do at all.

And today's task can be regarded as a starting point, because as long as one person talks to the other party, the other party will definitely continue the topic.

Because no one has any enmity with each other, after all, these are just people they just met, and it is never possible for any enmity to arise.

Jiuxuan just took a look when the person yelled just now and didn't pay attention to it, because he didn't know that person, and it didn't have much to do with the task he had to do.

As long as I continue to continue my tasks and do my own tasks, there is no need to spend my time on people who have nothing to do with me, it is really a waste.

The two people who accepted the task went to work on that task, and after this incident, the city finally had some human touch, not like the old one who only said a few words when handing over the task. The situation is over.

It's really like those ordinary worlds, there are people, and there are many things, and there are many things to say.

(End of this chapter)

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