Chapter 531 Let me do the task again 16
Although Huandu is a different plane from other planes, there is also night and day here.

But here is a little different from other planes, that is, even if it is night here, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to stop, there are always people here who are picking up tasks and sending tasks, because everyone is heading towards Go ahead with the goal of the task you want to complete.

Although people on each plane have their own things to do, on other planes, they are divided into night and day, and they are also divided into night and day. They are all doing what they want to accomplish.

Jiuxuan didn't intend to waste any more time, he had already thought about what he should think about, and there was no need to think about unnecessary things here now.

Jiuxuan finally received another task of his own, it was still a very small task with very few points, still only one point, but it could still be exchanged for points, so elementary school would not dislike how small this task was, How many points are there, as long as you can get points for yourself.

Task: "Increase the performance of the protagonist of the task by more than ten."

Jiuxuan also took this task to find the protagonist in this task, and planned to give him extra lessons, otherwise it would not be too easy if he wanted to improve his grades, this matter is definitely not just talking about it will be able to do it.

Naturally, Jiuxuan doesn't think this matter is so simple. After all, if some children want to learn, they may not be able to improve their grades much, because learning this thing can never be improved by rote memorization .

In fact, memory is really very important in learning. It is possible that some students can remember some things just by looking at them, but some students need a long time to remember them.

Jiuxuan didn't have any special identity, he just let the identity of the tutor to complete this task, because it happened that the protagonist of this task was the student who needed to improve his grades and was looking for a tutor, so Jiuxuan also just go.

Jiuxuan is now a student who is still in college, and he happens to have time to teach children, so he goes there in this capacity.

The protagonist of this task is a girl in the first and second grades of high school. She looks very cute, but her grades are the bottom one in her class. It is almost time for the college entrance examination. hoped.

So not only is she anxious, even her parents are also anxious. This also found a tutor for her. Well-arranged time will lead to intermittent make-up classes.

But this is already the second half of the second semester of senior high school, and the college entrance examination will be held next year, so we must not waste any more time, we must use the shortest time to do the best study and maximize the progress of study.

If there is no need to study hard now, then it means that after the third year of high school, there is really no way out for her.

Since Jiuxuan wanted to talk to girls, his voice must not be too fierce, nor too serious.

(End of this chapter)

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