Chapter 553 So I Was Crazy 2
Jiu Xuan somewhat admired the original owner's little sister's idea, but the original owner's little sister's idea coincided with Jiu Xuan's on this point.

If some people know that they have done bad things, but they always feel that no one dares to compete with themselves for the bad things they do, and no one dares to stop themselves.

And if people who can get worse because of this continue to get worse, then this world will really become very dangerous.

Jiuxuan felt that if he lived in the same environment as the little sister of the original owner, he should think the same as the little sister of the original owner.

After all, this kind of thing is what Jiuxuan has long wanted to do. If there is no one to punish those bad guys, it will really make people feel that the world is corrupt.

Jiu Xuan also knew what kind of scum he needed to abuse.

It's very simple, Jiuxuan just needs to walk down the street casually, and then he will be able to meet the scum that deserves to be tortured, and he can also meet the scum that should complete the task.

In fact, it is very simple to say that it is a scumbag. The scumbag must be different from ordinary people. After all, those eyes and thoughts are different from ordinary people.

Although Jiuxuan's room is all pink, even the carpet is pink, but the lights are not turned on, and the whole room is dark pink, which looks a bit shocking.

Jiuxuan didn't like to turn on the lights either, so he didn't turn on the lights. This is quite similar to the original owner's little sister, and there is no need to make any changes.

As soon as Jiu Xuan opened the door, he saw the two bodyguards standing at the door, as if they were going to go wherever they wanted to go, and they would go there together.

It seems that it is not just to protect Jiuxuan's safety, but also to prevent Jiuxuan from doing anything that would harm the safety of others.

Jiuxuan's big eyes were full of doubts, imitating the action of the original owner's little sister who likes to bite her fingers: "Are you going to stop me from going out to play?"

When Jiuxuan changed his personality before, he always changed when he needed to act, but now it is because of the task to change, and it is a whole day change. This is really a challenge, but Jiuxuan will try his best to do it. Do it well, and do it well.

Jiuxuan never had a cute side from the very beginning, because Jiuxuan wanted to unify the Nine Heavens era from the very beginning, if it was soft and cute, then immortality would be considered a miracle.

On other planes, Jiuxuan didn't need Jiuxuan to be soft and cute or any other kind of personality.

But Jiuxuan felt that the original owner's little sister seemed to have a good personality, and she was not only soft and cute, but also made people feel panicked.

Everyone knows that the lady of the Lin family is a lunatic and has not been able to live in a mental hospital for that long. Even if she can go out and play like a normal person now, she will definitely arrange several bodyguards around her, just to prevent her She hurt others.

Although the two bodyguards seemed strong and were indeed professional bodyguards, they still felt chills when they saw Jiu Xuan's eyes.

This young lady from the Lin family really makes people tremble in the heart.

Jiuxuan grasped the eyes of the original owner's little sister very well, and didn't even let anyone see that there was anything wrong, and it was still as scary as before.

(End of this chapter)

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