Chapter 554 So I Was Crazy 3
"Miss, Madam and Master arranged for us to protect you by your side, not to prevent you from going out to play."

The bodyguards are well-trained, and they will say what they have to say. After all, fear cannot stop everything.

And these bodyguards are all doing things with money. If the money is taken but things can't be done, then he will really be no fool in the future who will use his own money to hire these rubbish to protect the important things that he needs to protect. personnel.

And they all think that this is just a little girl. Although the eyes look very scary, and the usual behavior is also confusing, but what can a little girl do that they can't accept and control? ?

I think all of this is just that they think too much. After all, the previous remarks are a bit too scary. But if you spread out those frightening remarks, you will find that Everything is just an illusion described by embellishment.

The original owner's little sister is indeed a girl with a mental problem. Although she is not much different from other children in her usual disguise, she has been doing this all the time, but it is very difficult to do.

Because there are always differences between normal people and people with mental problems. Although those differences are very subtle, they can still be seen if you really want to observe them.

And Jiuxuan also knew that the reason why the original owner's little sister was like this was just because of her innateness, because she had been diagnosed with mental illness since she was a few years old, and it was not serious at the beginning.

But then it became more and more serious, reaching the point where it could hurt people, so Jiuxuan was sent to a mental hospital. The wife of the Lin family, the master Lin, naturally had to deal with all this, after all, this was their only daughter.

If they don't deal with it, they will really end up in a situation that they can't control in the end, and it will be too late by that time.

The wife of the Lin family, the master of the Lin family, naturally didn't want to harm her. The daughter just wanted her to have a better living environment and a better future.

If this mental illness can really be cured, it will naturally be able to give her daughter a better future, which is the best way to protect both herself and her daughter.

That's why Jiuxuan was locked up in a mental hospital for so many years, although sometimes he was able to go out for a walk, but there were bodyguards watching him all the time, just for fear that Jiuxuan would suddenly go crazy and do something terrifying that caught people off guard. matter.

Originally, he was not mentally normal, otherwise he would not have been sent to a mental hospital, because so many years of imprisonment have also made his personality more withdrawn and weird.

Jiuxuan may have been really affected a little bit, so now I feel that I really seem to have that kind of strange personality, as if I really want to do some bad things.

If Jiuxuan really does something, it will not be worth any surprises, and it will not cause any rules to be broken because of this, because Jiuxuan needs to do this outwardly according to the character of the original owner's little sister. everything.

Jiuxuan grinned, revealing a pretty doll-like smile, although pretty but a little frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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