Chapter 571 So I Was Crazy 20
Because the culprit feels that the goal he wants has been achieved, and now he only needs to continue to say the words that he has arranged before coming, and he can achieve the ultimate goal he wants, and You can completely complete the things you need to complete.

"Lin Jiuxuan, you are not deaf, you are just a lunatic, so you must be able to hear what these people say, and you are the one who deserves to die in their hearts."

"I am also one of these people, so why can't you go as everyone wants? Why can't you just die as everyone wants? Why do you still live in this world? ?”

"It is absolutely impossible for me to take back what I said before, because what I said is what I think in my heart. If I were you, I would definitely die a long time ago. It is absolutely impossible for me to live in this world."

"If you don't die now, then you are wasting time here, have you thought of one thing, if you die now, then you might not be a lunatic if you reincarnate into the next world, Then will you be very happy? Do you think that your death is very right? "

Jiuxuan said with a smile: "Then why don't you die? If you die, wouldn't you still be able to reincarnate? Maybe in your next life you won't be a person who will be treated as garbage by others, right? "

This person's face became very ugly, as if he didn't expect Jiu Xuan to say this sentence, and he didn't seem to expect Jiu Xuan to be able to see all this thoroughly.

But the goal that this person wants has not been fully achieved, so it is absolutely impossible to stop there.

"I don't know why you made such remarks, but I know one thing very well, that is, I am definitely not doing what you think in your heart, and I am not what you said at all. This kind of person It is absolutely impossible for me to join forces with you, let alone follow the nonsense you just said."

"Every word I said at this moment, including before, is from my heart, and it is what I want to say. There is absolutely no one who makes things difficult for me, and no one instigates or arranges for me to do these things."

"The reason why I say these things in public is just to make it clear to everyone that all this is to let everyone know what kind of situation they are living in and what they should do to refute All of this, to protect yourself."

"And what you said about me being used as a garbage bag by someone is simply nonsense. I was not instigated by anyone at all. Everything I did was for everyone, for myself, and for everyone. this world."

What this person said was really impassioned, if it was really what he said, then this person would not be, that is a person worthy of admiration, but what this person said is nothing but nonsense, It's just to achieve your own goals.

In fact, such people are really disgusting, because they can do anything to achieve their goals, and they are willing to do anything, and they can hide their original goals very well.

(End of this chapter)

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