Chapter 572 So I Was Crazy 21
From this, it can be seen that it is absolutely impossible for such a person to do such a thing for the first time, because if it is only the first time to do such a thing, there is absolutely no such experience.

But since this person has been able to hold these things in his hands proficiently and say the words, it means that this person must be arranged behind the scenes, otherwise he would not have the courage to say it.

Jiuxuan really became more and more curious about who the person behind the scenes is, and what is the purpose of this person behind the scenes.

Jiuxuan always felt that the person who arranged this matter behind the scenes was definitely a person with extremely strong means, otherwise he would have no means to hold all this in his hands.

Strategizing, although it sounds simple, and it is just four simple words when written, but if you want to do it, it is really not a simple thing.

Jiuxuan just said a sentence that was not too long, just to refute those people's words and his own views.

But for some reason, this person suddenly uttered such a lot of words. Maybe it was because he was too guilty, or maybe it was because he got some arrangement, so he suddenly showed power.

Suddenly, Jiuxuan felt a little bit regretful that he had spoken just now. If he didn't open his mouth and continued to let these words go on, wouldn't he be able to achieve his desired goal faster?
But since the words have already been spoken, there is no need to think about it any more, because there is no way to change what has been done and what has been said.

Jiu Xuan pursed his lips helplessly, intending not to speak anymore, after all, if he spoke again, he would want to say the words he wanted to say to this person, which is really not a good thing for him to accomplish his goal good thing.

Jiu Xuan yawned a little bored, intending not to open his mouth no matter what they said, no matter what they did, just listen to them continue talking, they sang their one-man shows, and watched their own good shows by themselves.

Sure enough, not long after Jiu Xuan stopped talking, the man who provoked everything in the beginning had already started to provoke everyone again.

"Lin Jiuxuan is really a person with a vicious mind as I said just now, so we must get rid of Lin Jiuxuan, otherwise we will live in dire straits."

"All I do is for the world and for everyone. I don't have any selfishness at all, let alone being instigated by someone as Lin Jiuxuan said."

"But Lin Jiuxuan thinks about me with such dirty thoughts, and even adds the dirty things she thinks to me, but it is really disgusting! Everyone is right!"

Under the shopping mall, because a girl provoked such a trouble, it was really the first time that such a thing had never happened before.

And things like today will definitely be discussed enthusiastically by everyone. After all, the most important protagonist in this matter is also a person who is secretly discussed by everyone in normal times.

After all, the things and identity of the protagonist are what everyone is most curious about and what they care about the most. If they don't discuss and discuss it, wouldn't it be inappropriate for their gossip-loving title?

(End of this chapter)

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