Chapter 597 So I Was Crazy 46
Li Dongtian said this very much like he is a great good man who eliminates harm for the people, that hero, and Jiu Xuan is a great villain who deserves to be eliminated.

And what Li Dongtian said is actually very clear, no matter what he does, he does it for everyone, so even if he takes Jiuxuan's life away, he is also eliminating harm for the people.

Jiuxuan has indeed made everyone afraid for so many years. After all, if the identity is there, it is very difficult for everyone to jointly deal with it.

Because Jiuxuan is the only heir of the entire Lin family, if the heir is disposed of, wouldn't the Lin family be completely destroyed?Therefore, the Lin family will definitely keep the only heir no matter what.

What's more, the Lin family will not send their daughter out to appease public anger, because their daughter has never been a lunatic who would directly shoot innocent people just because she was unhappy.

My daughter can control her emotions very well, and I will also control my daughter in the hospital so that she will not hurt anyone, nor will she bring the possibility of disaster to anyone.

But Li Dongtian's planning for so many years is not in vain. The reason why he planned all this from a long time ago is just because he wants to wait until the day when the anger of the public will be overwhelmed, and send Jiu Xuan to hell. , so that he can take the place of the Lin family.

The Lin family, this is really a family that everyone envies, but it can only be looked up to by everyone, because this family is not one that I have the slightest qualification to enter.

But it is such a family that is worthy of the envy of everyone, but there is a lunatic heir, and he is also the only heir, which means that this family is likely to gradually decline.

There must be some people with unscrupulous minds who see this and use some means, and Li Dongtian is such a person, and he has been doing all this for many years. After all, everyone wants rights and wants to Financial resources are needed, only in this way can one reach the top.

In fact, everyone should have their own goals. Only in this way can they work hard towards the goal they set.

But if the way to achieve this goal is very difficult, and it is necessary to touch some innocent people, then it really shouldn't be done.

After all, everyone has the ability to survive. If anyone wants to take another person's life, it is absolutely impossible. This is the biggest mistake.

What Li Dongtian did from the things he planned many years ago was the biggest mistake, because his intentions were not righteous, and what he wanted to do was to do evil things in the name of protecting everyone.

Li Dongtian is just a mortal, with the evil and disgusting thoughts that everyone has, so what right does he have to deprive others of their lives?He simply does not have the qualifications.

It is also impossible for Jiuxuan to let his life be taken away like this, and he will definitely fight back.

Jiuxuan squatted down aggrieved, and tears fell at the same time.

"But...but...I have never been a lunatic. Everyone said that I am not a lunatic anymore. It was just a few days ago. Everyone said that I can control my emotions well..."

(End of this chapter)

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