Chapter 598 So I Was Crazy 47
Isn't it just acting, isn't it just imitating the character of the original owner's little sister?This is not a simple matter, anyway, isn't it just saying everything that needs to be said, it's too simple.

All the emotions of Jiuxuan at this moment are pretended, because what Jiuxuan needs to do on this plane is to deal with all these things according to the personality of the little sister Jiuxuan, and what Jiuxuan is using now is the little sister of the original owner. character.

If Li Dongtian, a scumbag, is not dealt with properly, then if anyone else becomes his stumbling block in the future, it is very likely that he will be tricked by him again and let him deal with the situation of being scolded by everyone.

Isn't Jiuxuan just such a person who was arranged by Li Dongtian to be disgusted by everyone and wanted Jiuxuan to die?

It is absolutely impossible for Jiuxuan to let this happen again, all he has to do is to stop it, and the best way to stop it is to completely annihilate the person who planned it all.

Everyone knows a lot about the incident a few days ago. After all, everyone cares about whether Jiuxuan is crazy or a madman who kills people like hemp.

Because everyone is afraid that this matter will be brought to their own heads, making them unable to resist.

The incident where everyone apologized to Jiuxuan a few days ago really made everyone very puzzled. Although everyone present could understand what was going on, but everyone who only saw the news on the Internet was very confused. It seemed that all of this was arranged by the Lin family.

After all, the Lin family has the motivation and ability to do all of this, so there is a point in all of this that is worthy of doubt. If you really think about it, you can come up with many places that can be doubtful.

So the incident a few days ago was once again arranged by Li Dongtian, so that everyone who hadn't seen that scene felt that it was an arrangement by the Lin family, in order to wash away everyone's dislike for Jiuxuan.

Because everyone said that Jiuxuan was a lunatic and a psychopath, so Jiuxuan was very unhappy, and the Lin family just wanted to make their daughter happy, so he would do all this to make everyone's mouth feel happy. Seal it tightly, and put it another way.

In fact, if you really want to think about all this, it is not impossible.

After all, the two current leaders of the Lin family probably know that they love that daughter very much. Otherwise, how could they hold this crazy daughter in their palms all the time, so that no one can hurt them?

Li Dongtian's face darkened several degrees, and he never thought why the rumored lunatic would become what he is now.

Isn't Lin Jiuxuan, a lunatic, unable to think normally?Didn't he never be looked down upon by anyone?

But why does this lunatic look so normal today, as if he is really not sick?
Li Dongtian has never seen Jiu Xuan, because the neighbors really protect Jiu Jiu Xuan very well, and never let anyone with evil intentions get close to Jiu Xuan, even if they really want to go out, they will have bodyguards to watch over them.

The reason why Li Dongtian wanted to attack Jiuxuan was not because he really thought that Jiuxuan was a lunatic, so he wanted to eliminate harm for the people, he just had his own purpose.

After all, everyone will have what they want to do, and it is only natural to use means.

(End of this chapter)

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