The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 766 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 21

Chapter 766 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 21
Now that these two points have been ruled out, we must first look for the third point, otherwise this matter can only be circled in such a place, and there is no way to deal with it at all, but it has been fighting in place. The ring is not really a thing that can handle these things.

However, these things can't be rushed. No matter what kind of things you deal with, even those things that are so small that you don't need to be concerned about them, you need several steps to complete them.

There is nothing that can be done by talking about it, so there is no need to worry, just take it step by step slowly, and you can always achieve the result that people want. After all, the result after hard work is not what people want Want that thing yet?
It can be said that Jiuxuan is very clear about all this, so he also knows what kind of thing he should do. He didn't post it here, but went to check it slowly.

Jiuxuan is indeed not in a hurry on this matter, because it does not mean that he will be able to see him after completing this matter, so whether it is done quickly or slowly, it does not matter too much the difference.

There has always been only one important person to Jiuxuan. If he is involved in any matter, then he must deal with it in the fastest and safest way, but when these things have nothing to do with him, When it comes to relationships, it doesn't make much difference how to deal with it, anyway, it's just some ordinary things.

Jiuxuan will meet a lot of people on every plane, and will also do a lot of things, some things are not required by the mission and can be regarded as meddling, but doing those things is not in the heart Too many feelings, and it's not nervous or anxious, it's just a little effort.

But if the person to help or the person to meet is him, then Jiuxuan will not let himself be so calm anymore, and will definitely use the best state to do things related to him, Even if the method you come up with to do things may not be very suitable, it doesn't matter.

Because as long as you can stay with him, isn't this the most worthwhile thing?The other details are simply not worth keeping in mind.

Everyone in these worlds has the person they want to protect the most in their hearts, and they also have the point that they want to hide all the time. Although it may sound confusing, this Indeed, everyone has this thing in their hearts, so it doesn't make other people feel particularly weird.

Because everyone is the same, there is no one who is better than the other, and no one is more weird than the other. You just need to know these things well, and there is no need to keep trying to know what other people's secrets are. Because you just need to know what your own secret is.

Whether others tell you or not is their own business. If you really want to use despicable means to pick up other people's secrets, the secrets there deserve to be known by everyone.

Jiuxuan also has a little bit of curiosity, but it is absolutely impossible to do something to hurt others because of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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