The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 767 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 22

Chapter 767 Who Says I Have Peerless Martial Arts? 22
Stealing the secrets that others most want to hide in their hearts can also be called a thing that hurts others. Although these things are just lip service, I think it is very likely that others do not want to. Something to come out and let anyone know.

Since it is something that others do not want to know, then people should abide by this discipline, and put back those secrets that others do not want to know, even if you really take them out, it is impossible to treat them as your own.

No one should tell others the secrets hidden in their hearts, because others are others after all, and it is very likely that they will get into trouble with you at some point and tell others those secrets.

In these situations, you have no way to stop the only thing you can do, that is, don’t say these things to anyone, so that you can completely and completely protect these most important things.

Everyone is the most unpredictable person in the world, so if you really tell these things to those unpredictable people, you are simply joking about the things you care about, so there will be very few Someone took these things out.

Jiuxuan is not one of the rare ones, but completely will not tell anyone about anything related to him, because this is something more important than life to Jiuxuan , How can you be willing to share it with others?

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether you share or not, as long as you know it in your heart.

Everyone should be able to know what they think in their hearts, and what they want. If all these things are naturally eliminated, then they will definitely be able to make the most suitable choice.

Jiuxuan continued to walk on his own path, without any destination or anything he wanted to do, just walking aimlessly like this, in order to let the ultimate culprit walk in front of him, and then put What he wants to do is checked clearly, and he will stop it accordingly.

If Jiuxuan doesn't stop all of this, it's just a joke.

After all, Jiuxuan is the protagonist in this matter, and he is also a protagonist who has been illegally built by the majority. If he can't even protect his own safety, what can he do to protect him?What else can I use to gather other soul fragments to make him come back again?
As long as you work a little harder, you can complete this task. It is very likely that others will not be able to complete the task at all, because this is just something that can be exchanged for hard work, so why not work hard, so you must have to work hard.

Jiuxuan knew all of this, and he had known all of this very well since a long time ago.

Jiuxuan counted the time, from the first time he met that middle-aged man and said that he wanted to come to get his martial arts cheats, more than half a month has passed since now.

But except for those two people who have already been sent to the punishment place they deserved, no one came to find me, not even those little guys who might be regarded as chess pieces. didn't show up.

If it wasn't because Jiuxuan knew very well that there was no problem with his memory, he must have thought that he had misremembered something.

(End of this chapter)

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