The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 768 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 23

Chapter 768 Who Says I Have Martial Arts Cheats? 23
What's more, what I remember wrong is still a very important thing, and it is also a very important thing in the eyes of others. After all, this is a martial arts secret book that can directly become the number one master of martial arts after being able to practice in the legend.

If this martial arts cheat book really exists, then you must get it into your own hands as soon as possible, and protect this martial arts cheat book well, let yourself practice the martial arts cheat book, and make yourself the number one master in the martial arts world. Otherwise, no one can threaten him, and no one can take back the martial arts cheats.

But there is always a big deviation between ideas and reality, and this deviation is likely to be so bad that it makes people feel very outrageous.

Jiuxuan really felt that there was a big discrepancy between reality and imagination this time, because this martial arts cheat book did not exist at all, and that person was the ultimate manipulator behind the scenes, and he had not appeared again until now, and There was no one following him around.

Naturally, Jiuxuan can distinguish all these clearly. If he can't even tell whether there is anyone around him, then he really becomes a waste, and it's not worth being considered by so many people. Go grab a martial arts cheat book.

In fact, every year or what can be called it, there will be news similar to this, and it will come out, that is, what kind of martial arts cheats someone has, and if this martial arts cheats If you practice it, you may become the number one martial arts master, and no one can take away the martial arts cheats, because this is already your thing.

These words have been spread too many times. Although many people feel that this is false, if there is such news again, they will rush forward one after another, trying to get back this martial arts secret book , Even if it is fake, you must try it, because only by trying it can you be sure whether it is true or false.

These situations are really normal things, because everyone wants to have the best future for themselves.

For practitioners, martial arts cheats must be the most important magic weapon, and it can even be called a more precious thing than a saber. You might be able to buy a good saber with money. Sword, but if you spend a lot of money on martial arts cheats, you may not be able to find a copy.

Of course, there is no exact rule for all of this, because everyone wants different things, so the final decision that can be made is also different, but it is not too much difference when I think about it. After all, we are all people in the mortal world, and we all have seven emotions and six desires.

Jiuxuan found another teahouse casually and sat down, and this time in the teahouse, he happened to meet a storyteller and a lot of listeners.

It doesn't make much sense to tell the stories Mr. told, it's nothing more than those stories that have been told badly. Jiuxuan has heard countless times, but he still sat on the sidelines and listened. After all, it was too boring. up.

Originally, Jiu Xuan was not a person who liked to listen to books, but after going through many places, he would always settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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