Chapter 100 A Memorial

This is really the limitation of the times. I didn't expect that such a smart person as Fan Dawenhao could come up with such a solution. No wonder Wang Anshi will fully participate in the handicraft business with full confidence in the future.

It is useless to complain about the limitations of this era. Li Buqi can only try to persuade Fan Dawenhao, and he cannot quote classics.Quoting scriptures and classics, he can be said to be no great writer, and Fan Dawenhao is a pure Confucian, he does not recognize theories other than Confucianism, and Confucianism despises businessmen to death.

So Li Buqi could only try to convince Fan Dawenhao with facts: "Have you ever thought about participating in politics, if the government sells goods, I don't know how many more officials and subordinates will be needed, can the common people support it?"

"Well, there are not many officials. As long as the world is simple and the people don't pursue luxury, they are nothing more than a few things like salt, iron, tea and wine, most of which are monopolized by the imperial court." It seems that Fan Dawenhao has really thought about this issue carefully. .

Li Buqi saw that the life of ordinary people could not impress Fan Dawenhao, so he had to start with the immediate interests of the writer: "Then if a scholar feels that he writes articles with a special pen, special ink, and special paper, he is very comfortable. Can participating in politics make him buy it in the government?"

Can literati use special pens and inks as extravagance?That's personality!Aren't all literati pursuing individuality?Sure enough, Fan Dawenhao pondered for a while: "This one is difficult." But then he changed the subject: "But how many people are there who are so picky?"

Well, Li Buqi had no choice but to say it from another angle: "Have you ever thought about participating in politics? If every family grows old and dies and does not communicate with each other, as long as they produce enough for their own food and clothing, it is useless to produce too much. In this way, the people will have no desire to reproduce. If there are more things, those who have spare energy will waste their energy in vain."

"If we develop industry and commerce and exchange what we need, let the common people see that if they produce more things, they can exchange more useful things for their own families, and their lives will be better. They will naturally find ways to produce more. In this way, the extra energy of the common people will not Wasted in vain, Da Song’s money and food can also increase faster.”

But Fan Dawenhao said: "As long as the imperial court pays more attention to agriculture and mulberry, the same effect can be achieved. It can also prevent the common people from negotiating pennies and pennies in transactions with businessmen, which will damage the atmosphere."

Oh, I admit to being defeated by you.Li Buqi fled with his memorial in his arms.But this time being stunned by Lei De was not fruitless. After returning home, he threw the original memorial into the pile of waste paper and wrote a new one.

In this memorial, he did not sing any high-profile "communication with what is needed, enriching the people", but only argued two points, one is that supporting industry and commerce can provide more commodities to induce the people to produce more, and the other is that the imperial court can charge more merchants. Tax.

With so many years of work experience, he knows that the boss and the shopkeeper of the company often have different perspectives on issues, and the "Da Song Company" must also have this problem.

Zaizhi is equivalent to the shopkeeper. If he does not do well, he can be replaced after a few years.But the emperor is different as a boss. He is always worried that the company will go bankrupt if he can't pay his salary, and he also has to worry about not having enough money to hire bodyguards to protect his safety. In fact, the emperor is even more worried about financial pressure in his heart.

Moreover, relying on Li Buqi's status in the emperor's mind, Li Buqi was three-point sure to insert the item of "supporting industry and commerce" into this innovation.But it was the best thing to do, and there was no loss if it didn't work out, so after the memorial, he quickly hid back to Chunze Prison.He wants to wait and see how events unfold, away from the political maelstrom.

But his memorial caused much more shock than he expected.Soon after the memorial was handed up, the content was circulated by interested people, so there was a wave of Li Buqi in the circle of literati in the capital, saying that Li Buqi was full of copper stench.This was within Li Buqi's expectation, he felt that it was strange that he was not criticized.

But what happened next took a turn that he hadn't expected.

When the lights came on, vehicles were parked around Wuweifang.Cloth merchant Cui Wangxi's car had to stop far away. The potbellied Cui Wangxi struggled to get out of the car with the help of his companion, and slowly walked into the door of the third Wuweifang chain store.

Although it was a cold day, the fat all over his body made him greasy and sweaty after walking a few steps, so he took a handkerchief to wipe his sweat as soon as he entered the door.Suddenly, someone shouted from behind: "Isn't this the official Cui? What's the matter for you to go out today?"

Looking back, it was the acquaintance Boss Zhuang Zheng. Cui Wangxi quickly turned around and cupped his hands: "It turned out to be Brother Zheng. I have nothing to do today, so I invited a friend for a drink. Brother Zheng, you also know him. If it is convenient, why don't you go and have a few glasses of wine?" .”

Boss Zheng knew that because Cui Wangxi was fat and breathless after walking a few steps, he rarely went out in the past few years unless there was an important event, so he was wondering why this big fat man appeared in Wuweifang today.Seeing that Cui Wangxi seemed to be sincerely inviting him, he readily agreed and followed Cui Wangxi into the private room.The people in the private room hurriedly got up to greet him, Boss Zheng immediately recognized that this was really an acquaintance, the boss of Shanxi Humanities who sells silk and satin.

Boss Wen was very enthusiastic today, grinning to the ears, busy letting the two of them in.After sitting down and laying out the food and wine, Boss Zheng asked curiously, "Brother Wen, what's the matter?"

Cui Wangxi asked, "Brother Zheng, don't ask. Lao Wen, did you buy the memorial?"

Boss Wen took out a notebook from his pocket and said with a smile, "The copies of this memorial are selling like crazy. It took me two feet to buy it from someone."

Boss Zheng hurriedly asked, "Whose memorial is this?"

"Li Buqi! Brother Zheng hasn't heard of it yet?"

Boss Zheng knew that Boss Wen had a relative who was an official and had served as a censor in the palace, so Boss Zheng had official connections and was very well informed, so he hurriedly said: "How can you be well informed about my news? What does this memorial say?" , is it worth your two rounds?"

Boss Wen opened the letter and pushed it in front of the two of them, saying, "Look for yourselves."

Boss Zheng hurriedly looked over with Cui Wangxi, his eyes widened after only a few lines, and he couldn't help holding his breath until he saw the end.Cui Wangxi had already heard about the content of the memorial from Boss Wen, and after reading it, he asked Boss Zheng, who went back to read the middle sentence, and said, "Brother Zheng, do you think this memorial is worth two pens?"

Boss Zheng came back to his senses and said, "It's worth it, it's really worth it! Brother Zheng bought it from Daxiangguo Temple?"

Boss Zheng smiled and said: "Many people are vying to buy this. I'm afraid they may not be able to buy it at Daxiangguo Temple. I bought it on behalf of someone. Brother Zheng, I advise you to borrow paper from the store. Pen, copy it yourself. Go back and tell your children and grandchildren, and let them hold their heads up."

"Yes, yes." Zheng Boss agreed and asked the second brother to borrow paper and pen.Boss Wen poured wine for the three of them and said, "Today is a good time to celebrate. In the past, people said that merchants don't do production, but make profits through exploitation and fraud. We merchants are looked down upon even if we are all dressed in silk."

"Today, someone finally said something fair to me and my merchants. If there were no merchants like me, I don't know how many useful things would have been ruined, and I don't know how many people would lose their legs for a small thing. The money I waited for merchants is actually Turning worthless things into valuable things, hard-earned money running errands for people. Who can call us silverfish in the future?"

Cui Wangxi said: "Yes. I started from scratch for more than [-] years before I managed to earn this fortune. Only I know how much hard work and hardships I have gone through. But why do I always feel despised by others? I just don't understand the truth. After today Finally, I can feel proud! Come on, let’s finish this bowl..."

(End of this chapter)

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