Song Dynasty Cannon Fodder Counterattack Record

Chapter 101 The Tsundere Teng Zijing

Chapter 101 The Tsundere Teng Zijing
It was unexpected for Li Buqi to hear that his memorial was as expensive as Luoyang Zhigui.But it's not surprising if you think about it. Those who buy the manuscripts are all businessmen, and they are not short of money.Lu Xiaopang also said that since the memorial came out, the three Wuweifang chain stores have become even more difficult to find.This made Li Buqi see a force that he could rely on.

A person's economic status and social status must always match.If a group of people are rich but have low social status, then he must feel pain, and they still have money to do things, which is a huge destructive force.

The Song Dynasty divided the common people into "scholars, farmers, businessmen", and merchants were the last.Moreover, since ancient times, businessmen have been regarded as social moths who do not engage in production, and have been despised by society.Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, a simple businessman was fat in the eyes of officials and folk tyrannical.In order to protect themselves, a large number of businessmen had to seek to become vassals of officials or nobles, and spend a lot of money to avoid disasters.Faced with this situation, I believe that as long as normal people are unbalanced in their hearts, they will inevitably have a need to change the status quo. Once this need erupts, it will show great power.

But right now Li Buqi doesn't want to further stimulate this force, because he still doesn't have the ability to control this force.What he has to do now is the immediate thing.

The weather is cold, and more than 20 acres of cotton planted in Zhuangzi outside Bianliang City have been harvested, and the cotton bolls have been transported to Chunze Supervision and Testing Ground.Li Buqi instructed the carpenters to make the most primitive kind of cotton gin.

When traveling with children, the must-see attractions in various places are museums. I have seen cotton gins in various places more than once.Although I can't remember the specific structure, I still remember that it is nothing more than two kuns rotating relative to each other to squeeze out the cotton seeds.First make one that can barely remove the cottonseed, and leave the rest to the carpenters.

Alas, no one can pick cotton, so I have to do it myself.I got a bamboo bow, played it bang bang for a day, played two catties of cotton, and asked the women of Xiangjun's family to sew a silk padded jacket, and put it on. It's a padded jacket!
If you don't say that you have enough food and clothing by doing it yourself, the ancients are sincere and do not deceive me!
So much glass was burned, so many bricks were burned, and so much cinders were produced, a hill was piled up.The child with a runny nose felt strange, so he ran to roll on it if he had nothing to do.When the wind blows, it flies everywhere.

We are a person who pays attention to environmental protection, and cinders cannot be wasted.After the hay was harvested, the idle men pulled out more than two dozen men, bought lime and cinders and mixed them to pave the cinder floor.First of all, the large school grounds should be paved with cinder floors, so as to avoid that it will be full of mud when it rains, which will affect the exercise.

The instructor of the forbidden army is not good enough.My soldiers have to train for two years before they can go into battle, but you have been taught a set of marksmanship for a month and haven't finished teaching it. It seems that even half a year is not enough for soldiers to practice well.Soldiers still need to learn how to use knives, axes, javelins, and formations. How long will it take?
No, you can't learn so many useless things.Li Buqi gathered the coaches together for a meeting, and told them not to teach too much, and just let the soldiers practice the three or five effective moves.Anyway, soldiers must fight in formations, and there are very few opportunities to fight alone, so there is no need to train to the level of heroes.For example, in this marksmanship, Li Buqi asked to practice the "Zhongping Spear" "blocking and stabbing" three moves and thrusting.

In order to speed up the training of the troops, Li Buqi plunged into the training.From the emperor's point of view, Li Buqi was devoting himself to training, and he really didn't have time to come back to Bianliang often.In fact, Li Buqi was listening to the wind with his ears up, but in the end, Li Buqi watched a few big plays.

The first one is about Teng Zijing, who was relegated to guard Baling County in the spring of the fourth year of Qingli.

In September, Zheng Jian was deployed on all four roads in Shaanxi to reveal that Teng Zijing had embezzled and embezzled public funds when he was the magistrate of Jingzhou. Yu Shi Zhongcheng Wang Gongchen sent Yu Shi Liang Jian to investigate.Liang Jian soon reported that Teng Zijing had embezzled 16 yuan of public funds for usury, bought people's livestock cheaply, and rewarded artists with rewards that should have been given to soldiers.

Fan Zhongyan knew Teng Zijing very well, and defended Teng Zijing in front of the emperor.Liang Jian said that the award that should have been given to the sergeant was given to the artist at a celebration banquet. At that time, some money was indeed rewarded to the artist, but most of the money was distributed to the sergeant through archery and other games. Fan Zhongyan and Han Qi was present at the time and did not object.

Teng Zijing cheaply bought people’s livestock because after the war, the people were very grateful for his preservation of the city and the people, so when he bought cattle and donkeys for the celebration banquet, he said he would not charge money, but in the end Teng Zijing still gave the money, and it was by no means Teng Zijing. .

As for the 16 yuan of money, it is an unspoken rule. 16 guan is [-] military expenditures for the Song army stationed. If Teng Zijing got rid of those Qiu Ba, wouldn't he rebel?

The fact is that the Song Dynasty spent a lot of military expenditures, and the allocated military expenditures were not enough, so officials in the capital would use embezzled public funds to lend usury to supplement military expenditures.This is something that all the generals on the border know well, the so-called law does not blame the public.

If Fan Zhongyan had proved it in the past, and Han Qi was also a party involved, it is estimated that this matter will be over.But Fan Dawenhao has already entered the ten reforms, and Teng Zijing and Fan Zhongyan are inseparable. Someone wants to kill Fan Zhongyan by attacking Teng Zijing.Therefore, the emperor was under a lot of pressure and could not simply settle the matter, so he sent Dr. Taichang and Yan Du, the deputy judge of the household department of the third division, to review.This is definitely a stupid move.

The emperor didn't know, but Li Buqi learned from what a group of honorable children said as a joke that Ouyang Xiu impeached Dr. Taichang because of Xiu, and the supervisory censor Ma Rui and Taichang Liyuan were incompatible.Ouyang Xiu, Fan Zhongyan, and Teng Zijing are all reformers, and Yan Du definitely went to Shaanxi with the intention of finding fault.

Well, none of that is the point.The point is that Teng Zijing should also know that Yan Du was here to find fault, and he actually burned the ledgers that were used as evidence!This really made Li Buqi not know what to say.

Li Buqi knew that corruption and embezzlement by local officials in the Song Dynasty were unspoken rules in officialdom.This can be seen from the fact that Zhu Rong in the Song Dynasty was particularly fond of the government office. There are often cases where the government office burns the ledgers and warehouses completely.This is no surprise.

But that's not the point. The point is that you, Teng Zijing, had already shown those ledgers when Liang Jian came to investigate. Are you afraid of being checked again?Why is it burning now?
I heard that the public reason Teng Zijing gave was that he knew that Yandu wanted to find fault, and he was worried that innocent people would be implicated, so he burned all the account books that recorded the information of those who were entertained and appeased.But what is more widely spread is that Teng Zijing feels that he is not trusted by Sang Xin because he has worked hard for the country, and he wants to vent his dissatisfaction.

Do you think you are a giant baby?In future generations, if you do this, you will not only be fired from the company, but you may even be sent to prison.

This is really the arrogance of a literati!Through this farce, Li Buqi gained a new understanding of the virtues of the literati in the Song Dynasty.But this farce is definitely not as shocking to Li Buqi as the latter play, and it can be said that it completely changed Li Buqi's understanding of Da Song.

(End of this chapter)

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