Song Dynasty Cannon Fodder Counterattack Record

Chapter 65 The Cause of the Rainbow

Chapter 65 The Cause of the Rainbow

This is a good opportunity to popularize science for the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty. It is better to take this opportunity to arouse their interest in exploring nature, rather than let them burrow into the pile of books all day to learn those old sesame seeds and rotten millet.

Faced with Wang Yushi's accusation, Li Buqi just smiled, and then asked him: "You said that water can't fly into the sky. So is rain water? Does rain fall from the sky?"

"Rain belongs to the gods!"

Ga?You are too powerful, I can't argue with you even if you lift the gods out.Can't let me declare myself an atheist, can I?Then why not let the son of "Heaven" chop it up?No, it is still taken for granted by the thinking of future generations.

Li Buqi immediately changed direction: "So I don't know how the Kongming Lantern flew into the sky? Was it also entrusted by the gods to the sky?"

This time it was Wang Yushi's turn to be at a loss for words.Before he could speak, Li Buqi said directly to Zhao Zhen: "Since Kongming lanterns can fly into the sky, what's so strange about the sprayed water floating in the sky for a while? After the water dragon sprayed water just now, there was water vapor blowing with the wind. Come to think of it." His Majesty noticed it."

Just now Zhao Zhen really felt the coolness brought by the prestige, so he nodded and said yes.Li Buqi said: "My guess is that two water columns collided and released many water droplets so small that people can't see them clearly. They floated in the air and were illuminated by the sun. The rainbow is formed. Once there is No matter how suitable the water mist and sunlight are, there will always be a rainbow, so I thought that the rainbow should not be used to say good or bad luck."

Seeing that Zhao Zhen nodded slightly, Wang Yushi hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the formation of a rainbow by sunlight shining on water mist is just Li Buqi's guess, which cannot be verified. The rainbow is the transformation of yin and yang, and it is a good or bad omen, but it is recorded in ancient books. Wrong? Your Majesty cannot trust Li Buqi easily."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Cao Yi suddenly jumped out and added a knife: "I suddenly remembered that Zhang Zhihe recorded in "Xuan Zhenzi" that the back of the sun was sprayed with water, forming the shape of a rainbow. Li Buqi said that the cause of the rainbow coincides with this .”

A lot of people in a group of nobles are too idle to enjoy these anecdotes.When he said this, many people seemed to think of it, and immediately someone said: "Yes, that's right."

But Wang Yushi said anxiously: "It is spraying water from the back of the sun, forming a rainbow shape, that is also the effect of Yin Qi and sunlight Yang Qi turning into a rainbow, and it must not be water droplets."

Li Buqi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the connection between the water drop and the rainbow is indeed conjectured by me. As for whether it is true or not, I also want to verify it, so I came up with a method."

Zhao Zhen hurriedly asked: "What method?"

Li Buqi asked, "Is it possible for His Majesty to obtain a colorless and transparent crystal?"

Before Zhao Zhen could speak, Zhang Weiji had already answered: "Your Majesty is rich all over the world, so what's the point of mere crystals? There are many things made of such crystals in the harem, haven't you seen them?"

Li Buqi said: "Those things are made by skillful craftsmen, they are so beautiful, it would be a pity to destroy them."

Zhao Zhen said: "If you want someone to find you without thinking about it."

Cao Yu also came to join in the fun: "Crystals are not rare things, just the kind you mentioned. I'm afraid you can find many in Fengchen's treasury. You just need to tell your majesty what you want to do."

Li Buqi said: "Your Majesty, please let the skilled craftsmen figure out these crystals according to the shape you said, and then put them under the sun to see if they can glow colorful. If they can show colorful colors, then water droplets can also be. Rainbows Nine times out of ten, the water droplets appear because of the sunlight."

It's just a few good-looking crystals, and Zhao Zhen also wants to know what the colorful light of the water droplets looks like in the sun.He immediately asked Yousi to cooperate with Li Buqi to settle the matter.

Then the focus of attention finally returned to the two water dragons.Needless to say, being able to continuously spray water to a height of five feet is definitely a sharp weapon for firefighting. It must be equipped in Daji first, then Kaifeng Mansion, and then spread to other roads.Thousands of water dragons will be needed in the whole Song Dynasty, which is definitely a big deal.But big business is not something that ordinary people can do. Although Li Buqi has embraced the emperor's thigh now, his foundation is too shallow.Even if they didn't see a rainbow, some people jumped out and said it was a bad omen. If there were high-ranking officials and nobles behind the scenes, I don't know how many people would find Li Buqi's fault.Li Buqi knows that there is no shortage of people who want to step on others to make progress.

Now throwing out some benefits generously to increase the emperor's favor, attracting nobles and high-ranking officials to interact and cultivate the foundation is the top priority, so this water dragon is dedicated to the emperor.

To be a prisoner is to serve the emperor.The emperor ordered the craftsmen to work day and night, and it took only three days to polish several colorless crystals according to the shape Li Buqi requested and sent them to the palace.

In the early morning, Zhao Zhen hurriedly finished the morning court, and asked the little eunuch to follow him with a tray after pushing back all the unimportant things.

When Zhao Zhen came out of the Chuigong Hall, he looked up at the sky, the white sun dazzled his eyes, his nose itched and he sneezed.Chen Lin hurriedly asked: "Did the official family catch a cold?"

Zhao Zhen waved his hand: "It's just dazzled by the sunlight. It's okay."

It rained in the middle of the night last night. At this time, the sun was scorching hot and the steam was steaming on the wet ground, which made people feel like a steamer.In the past, Zhao Zhen always hid in a room with ice at this time, but now he walked quickly to the imperial garden, stopped in the sun, pointed to a branch and said, "Chen Lin, do you see that this place is Cover, right here."

Chen Lin hurriedly bowed and agreed, and lifted the silk from the tray in the little eunuch's hand to reveal several crystal clear crystals.He picked up a teardrop-shaped piece, hung the string at the top from a branch and stepped aside.Zhao Zhen couldn't wait to come over and walked around the crystal twice, frowning and said, "You guys also come and see, why didn't you see the colorful light?"

Chen Lin and several eunuchs gathered around to look left and right, and suddenly Wang Zhongzheng's eunuch exclaimed: "Oh, official, if you look at it from this side, there seems to be seven colors... er, it seems to be five colors of light."

"Where is there?" Zhao Zhen turned around quickly, and Wang Zhongzheng only showed him.Zhao Zhen stared at the past, and sure enough, he could see the colorful lights, but he couldn't tell exactly how many colors there were.He hurriedly called to Chen Lin and the others: "You guys also come and take a look, what color is it?"

Seeing that the people had turned to the opposite side, the little eunuch carrying the tray retracted his stretched neck, lowered his head, and almost threw the tray away in fright. "Official, official! Look, here, here..."

He was at a loss for words, Chen Lin was annoyed by the little eunuch's gaffe, she frowned and came over to take a look, but she also called out: "Official, come and see."

Zhao Zhen hurriedly walked over to take a look and was stunned.When the sunlight shines on the several crystals with slightly different shapes placed on the tray, they all cast colored lights on the white silk on the tray under the sunlight, but there are three colors, five colors, and seven colors.

This, how is this possible?Zhao Zhen took a breath, and asked Chen Lin: "Are these objects made by Jiang Zuojian?"

Chen Lin naturally knew why Zhao Zhen asked such a question, and immediately replied: "It's absolutely true. Li Buqi only drew the graphics, and didn't do it himself. These were all made by the craftsman who will be the supervisor, and the crystal was also taken out of the Fengchen warehouse. .”

Zhao Zhen licked his mustache: "It seems that the water mist is really a rainbow when it is illuminated by the sun?"

Chen Lin started sucking like a toothache: "Now I really can't think of any other reason."

Now there is a new topic in the capital—it turns out that the rainbow is really caused by water droplets in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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