Chapter 66 Money and Science

"My lady, this is the crystal sent by Li Buqi. It is said that it can create colorful lights. I don't know if it is true. Let's take a look?" Xing'er ran with a small brocade box in her arms. Shangxiulou whispered with his eyes shining.

Now people in the streets and alleys of Bianliang City are talking about the colorful light that sunlight shines on water droplets. Put this thing out and feel embarrassed to say hello to others.Now not only will he be a prisoner, but even the jewelry shops in the capital will be overwhelmed.

In this carnival-like atmosphere, the small black room in Yushitai, oh, no, it was in the public house, but the atmosphere was dull, and a group of Yushi were gnashing their teeth.

"Crystals can conjure colorful rays of light, but it cannot be said that water droplets can also conjure colorful rays of light. Crystals are not water! This Li Buqi is deliberately confusing the public!" Wang Yushi couldn't be more angry.

Previously impeached Li Buqi for buying people's hearts in the imperial army, such a murderous crime did not hurt a single hair of Li Buqi; later it was said that Li Buqi brought the disaster image into the palace, which should arouse the emperor's disgust in all likelihood , but what the hell has made Li Buqi's reputation again, why is this?Brother dissatisfied!

"Brother Wang, it's better not to say that. Now some people in the market say that they have seen dewdrops hanging on the grass showing colorful colors. There will be no results in debating this, and it will not hurt Li Buqi at all."

"But even if water droplets can create colorful magic, it doesn't make sense for Li Buqi to say that the rainbow in the sky is the sunlight shining on the water vapor! The rainbow doesn't move, but how can the water stay in the sky forever? The water must fall , why didn't you see the rainbow fall?"

No one answered these words, although all the censors agreed with Wang Yushi's statement at the level of understanding, but who knew before that crystals and water drops would have colorful magic under the sunlight?Now, under the promotion of caring people, Yushi has become a stupid villain in folklore. If there is another debate with Li Buqi, the outcome is uncertain.

The censor must spray the high officials and the emperor in order to gain glory.Although spraying Li Buqi, an eighth-rank petty official, is revenge, but even spraying Li Buqi down will bring glory?If you don't spray it well, you may self-destruct your image.With this concern, everyone was silent, only Wang Yushi, who was the first to jump out that day, was still indignant.

The little official outside opened the curtain, and the new Yushi Zhongcheng Wang Gongchen walked in: "Are you all here? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, Zhongcheng. We are discussing whether the rainbow is really just the water mist illuminated by the sun, as Li Buqi said."

Wang Gongchen frowned: "Is there a result?"

"not yet."

Wang Gongchen hated iron and said: "Now the treasury is empty, the Xia bandits have been defeated one after another, disasters and disasters have occurred everywhere, and the country has become like this. We and the officials will strictly investigate the vacancies in the court for your Majesty. Are there big traitors manipulating power, appointing private individuals, and corrupting the government. Once the big traitors go away and order the chaos out of the way, how much harm can a clown do? If you don’t get rid of the big traitors and evils, wouldn’t it be disappointing to His Majesty to entangle you in this trivial matter? trust?"

Although Wang Gongchen spoke cryptically, everyone knew that the traitor he was referring to was Lu Yijian.

The natural disasters and man-made disasters and wars in the Song Dynasty have already wiped out the little savings in the early days of the country, and the treasury has long since starved to death.Coupled with the repeated defeats against Xixia, there are more and more civilian bandits, which made some thoughtful people, such as Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, etc., see the crisis of the Song Dynasty, and issued a call for reform, and those who demanded reform more and more.But Lu Yijian is seeking stability, and those who demand reform naturally regard Lu Yijian as an enemy.

Lu Yijian has served as a political adviser since Zhao Zhen succeeded the Empress Dowager Liu and listened to the government behind the curtain. After that, she served as a political adviser and prime minister for ten years, and became a prime minister twice after that. Her influence in the court was deeply rooted.His party members occupy more than half of the important positions in the court, which makes the promotion path of officials who are not from the Lu Yi Jian family much narrower.Is it tolerable or unbearable!For the sake of their own future, non-Lv officials also want to remove this stumbling block on the road to promotion, so the mention of the traitor in the court in private naturally refers to Lu Yijian.

Therefore, both public and private must bring down Lu Yijian. In this regard, Wang Gongchen and these censors are in the same direction, so he is annoyed that they are not up to date-what kind of anger can you be with a low-level official? Bringing down Lu Yijian will bring both fame and fortune.

But his words also reminded the censors.That's right, Lei Jianfu, who was recommended by the emperor's privy envoy Du Yan, was refuted by Lu Yijian, but Lu Yijian did not object to the emperor's appointment of Li Buqi as an official. This shows that Li Buqi belongs to Lu Yijian.Wouldn't it be easy to bring down Lu Yijian and Li Buqi?

Having figured this out, the censors couldn't help admiring the newly appointed Zhong Cheng, so let's work hard in this direction.

Now Li Buqi also has subordinates, although there are only two small officials, and the office is set up as the general director, but at least he looks like an official.

In the afternoon, a public official came in to remind Li Buqi that the time was approaching, and he had already hired a car for Li Buqi.Li Buqi didn't need to ask anyone for leave, he went straight out and went to the Bailian Building.

Today is Cao Guojiu's treat, saying that a friend has got a treasure, and he wants to let Li Buqi take a look, and arrange the meeting place in Baifanlou.In the past, even if Cao Yi treated guests, he would keep a low profile and find an elegant place. Today's scene is a bit extravagant, and things are a bit abnormal.

Li Buqi got off the car at the gate of Baifanlou, looked up at Fanlou, and couldn't help being happy.I saw that the curtains of more than one window were closed, and Cao Yi and several gorgeously dressed people were spraying water at the sun with pumps—this was to create a rainbow.

That's right!You honorable and rich people study and study science when you have enough to eat or have nothing to do. Don't always think about sensuality and bullying, it's too tasteless.

Li Buqi believes that there must be three conditions to engage in science.The first is to have scientific pursuits, the second is to have scientific methods, and the third is to have money.

If the apple that hit Newton was on the head of a hungry tramp, the tramp's first thought must be to eat the apple instead of why the apple fell.If you look through the history of science and technology, you will see that slightly abstract scientific theorems are basically discovered by those who have no worries about food and clothing, while poor people or scientists are always working hard on practical technology when they are poor.Only people who have no worries about food, clothing and financial freedom have more energy to think wildly.

Whether it is traveling to various places for investigation or doing experiments, it costs money. Science has been piled up with money since ancient times.

Edison was able to have so many inventions because his invention of the "ordinary printing press" brought him $[-] in earnings from the first pot of gold, and his inventions have continued to provide him with money since then.Therefore, the rich people in the Song Dynasty, especially those nobles whose families have golden mountains and silver seas but are too idle, are Li Buqi's most valued scientific research reserve army at present.

Isn't Xungui trying to save face?In the past, when we met, we could only compare the concubine who was more beautiful, and who was the guest of which sister was the guest of honor, so vulgar?Wouldn't it be more face-saving to compare who has invented something in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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