Xianwu star

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
"Tianjizong, I do know..."

Li Ruofeng frowned: "However, people of this line are a bit annoying. This line is best at cause and effect and reasoning, and they claim to know all about the world's major events without going out.

But maybe it's because they also know the truth of the big tree attracting the wind, and they haven't made many secrets public.On the contrary, some innocuous news was passed on to the world.

For example, the title of my Little Pill King actually has a lot to do with Tianjizong.

You are looking for Tianjizong..."

Wang Zheng listened carefully, analyzing various possibilities in his mind.He also had a simple understanding of Tianjizong through Li Ruofeng's retelling.

At least, Tianji Sect is the most terrifying intelligence group in the Eastern Continent. No, it cannot be said to be an intelligence group. It can only be said to be similar to the mysterious organization and structure of Jianghu Bai Xiaosheng. There are also terrifying figures like Ni Bodhisattva in the sect. .

Moreover, they have the power to protect themselves.Even if he knows many secrets, he still stands tall and runs the Tianji Sect in the Eastern Continent!
"Mysterious...it doesn't matter, this is exactly what I want."

The corner of Wang Zheng's mouth twitched, and then he said to Li Ruofeng seriously: "Brother Li, please contact Tianji Sect for me, and tell me that I, Wang Zheng, have a win-win deal to do here."

Seeing Wang Zheng's rare solemnity, Li Ruofeng nodded immediately if he was in a hurry: "Two days, at most two days! In my face, I can still call someone, but whether you can do it or not depends on yourself. .”

Wang Zheng took a deep breath: "It's good to be able to call someone. As for whether it can be done, I have confidence."

Li Ruofeng smiled: "You are more pleasing to the eye when you are serious."

Not to be outdone, Wang Zheng said, "You're much more pleasing to the eye when you sing Xingqing, tsk tsk, you don't forget to pretend when you sing, I can only say that you are indeed Li Ruofeng."


Two days later, Wang Zheng's floating fairy island entertainment city.

On the highest floor of the main building, Wang Zheng sat opposite a young man with a simple face, but there was a misty divine light in his eyes.

The young man sat cross-legged there, wearing a simple cyan Taoist robe that seemed to be tailored for him by nature.

And behind him, the purple energy is mighty, and the vision is astonishing, like a dragon like an elephant!

"Wu Juntao, the Tianji Sect walks in the world. It is not a holy son, but it is better than a holy son. The record is unknown, but no one dares to underestimate it."

Wang Zheng made Wu Juntao a cup of tea leisurely and contentedly, and he slowly told him what he knew about Wu Juntao.

Wu Juntao raised his head, a very natural smile appeared on his simple face, he looked at Wang Zheng, but didn't speak.

Wang Zheng also knew what he meant, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe other forces are still trying to find out my details, I'm afraid my details are already very clear in Brother Wu's eyes, right?"

Wu Juntao shook his head, chuckled lightly and said:

"As the person who stirred up the situation in Zhongzhou, I, the Heavenly Mystery Sect, clearly understands Brother Wang's background and various experiences. But only Brother Wang's inheritance, I, the Tianji Sect, can't understand..."

Speaking of this, Wu Juntao frowned subconsciously: "It stands to reason that apart from a few Jedi, there is no news that my Tianji Sect cannot deduce or inquire about.

But Wang Zheng, your origin is very clear, but your mastery is extremely mysterious.I can't even understand Wang Zheng's actions. He obviously has a huge treasure in his hands, but he doesn't hide it. Instead, he reveals it to the world in an alternative way. "

When Wang Zheng heard this, his heart shuddered.

Fortunately, he had this kind of worry from the very beginning. From the very beginning, he said intentionally or unintentionally that he had a mysterious inheritance.

"It seems that people in the world should not be underestimated..."

Wang Zheng sighed in his heart, and said with a calm wry smile: "Actually, how can there be so many inheritances to master? Let's put it this way, Wang has indeed obtained a powerful inheritance. Specifically, it may be from the ancient times or even farther...

However, many of them have been incomplete, and perhaps the age is too long, and many things are only left with the essence, which is still applicable to this era.

But the truth is the truth after all, and it has never changed.And Wang really likes the feeling of attention, so he deleted and deleted these useless things. "

Wu Juntao looked at Wang Zheng calmly, and didn't find any flaws in Wang Zheng.

After all, with Wang Zheng's current level, he is definitely the kind of actor who can even fool himself.

It is simply impossible to tell whether Wang Zheng is lying or not just by sight without using extraordinary means!
However, at any rate, the Tianji Sect had mastered too many secrets, not inferior to Wang Zheng at all, so Wu Juntao didn't think too deeply.

Of course, his brain may not have imagined such a miraculous thing as the realization of the phantom.Otherwise, he can change careers and go to the starting point to be a street rusher with an average of [-].

"Then the purpose of Brother Wang calling me over this time through Brother Li is..."

No longer entangled with Wang Zheng, Wu Juntao went straight to the point.

Wang Zheng looked at Wu Juntao with clear eyes: "I want to cooperate with Tianjizong. But the premise of cooperation is that your Tianjizong collects so much information, some of which are hidden, and some are made public. What is the purpose?"

There was a flash of purple in Wu Juntao's eyes, and he said calmly:
"The purpose of my Tianji sect, this cannot be said. This involves an eternal event... As for the purpose of making it public, it is only to ensure that my Tianji sect can be active at the top of the Eastern Continent, have an authoritative right to speak and preserve its own inheritance .”

Wang Zheng nodded, and Wu Juntao's answer was pretty much what he expected.

"Since this is the case, there is a prerequisite for cooperation. To be honest, I have taken a fancy to the information channel of Tianjizong, and Tianjizong also needs the platform of TV."

Still in the natural posture of Taoism, Wu Juntao said without sadness or joy: "Specifically?"

Wang Zheng smiled confidently: "The specific is that I can unconditionally share the platform channel of TV with your Tianjizong, and all you Tianjizong has to do is to choose my channel."

The reason for Wang Zheng's self-confidence is very simple, that is, he knows that Tianjizong cannot refuse this platform.At least in the short term, this is the only platform to choose.

Just like the penguin who once monopolized social interaction in the previous life, in the short term, others have no other choice!

Wu Juntao's eyes were full of purple, and suddenly he smiled: "I think the premise of cooperation is also there."

"So, what is the specific situation of cooperation? What should my Tianji sect do? How much initiative do I have?"

Wu Juntao was already moved, and immediately raised several core questions.

Wang Zheng had already prepared for these issues: "You can give the initiative, and even the candidates. But the premise is that we must tell the world about the cooperative attitude of Tianjizong and Wang Zheng!"

"And the way of cooperation is that I can plan a program for Tianjizong that you decide the content yourself! And it's a program every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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