Xianwu star

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

"Program? What program?"

With a simple face, Wu Juntao, who seemed to be integrated into the whole world, asked unhurriedly.

Wang Zheng smiled freely: "A program that will affect the daily life of Zhongzhou, and even integrate into the lives of everyone in the entire Eastern Continent!"

"Brother Wang, please tell me more about it." Wu Juntao still had a calm expression.

Wang Zheng pondered for a while, and organized his words: "Let's put it this way, how does Brother Wu's Tianji Sect release some news to the public, and what is the frequency?"

Wu Juntao: "The channel, naturally, is the distribution of my Tianji Sect in various places. In addition to posting notices, there will also be some photo stones of events released.

The frequency is hard to say, but every once in a while, there will be jade slips recording the major events in the world during this period. "

Wang Zheng shook his head: "This method is too primitive and inefficient."

Wu Juntao was not angry either: "I don't know what advice Brother Wang has?"

"It's very simple. It's the program I mentioned. The content is completely organized by Tianjizong. Even the host and so on are also in charge of Tianjizong. I am only in charge of technical support here.

According to my plan, the program will start broadcasting every day when it gets dark.Tentatively less than half an hour, what about the content, it is the old line of your Tianji sect.

I believe that with my platform and the news of Tianjizong, the combination of the two will definitely become an indispensable program for everyone in Zhongzhou.

As for the name of the program, I call it News Network!
For such a win-win deal, Tianjizong only needs to pay the spirit of the contract, what does Brother Wu think? "

Wang Zheng explained slowly, presenting a great blueprint in front of Wu Juntao.

In fact, there is no way not to be great!
In the previous life, News Network was the unshakable TV overlord!From the elderly to the children, even with the rise of the Internet, it still cannot shake the status of the news network.

And the news broadcast is so powerful, what is it based on?
One is the powerful platform given to him by the government, and the other is the dense news network and professional talents all over the world.

In Wang Zheng's case, he has a platform that is not even worse than the official platform in his previous life. After all, Wang Zheng in the entire Eastern Continent is the one who has taken the first step.

As for the dense news networks all over the world, although Wang Zheng doesn't have one, the Tianji Sect does!There are also professionals in the Tianji Sect!

Otherwise, in the huge Central Province, the Tianji Sect wants to monitor the entire world, and without the help of talents, the snowflakes of information from all over the country will be enough to collapse the Tianji Sect!
In this way, it can be said that it is a strong alliance!Once they are really united, Wang Zheng is sure that within a month, his TV will become an indispensable thing in the Eastern Continent.

And other latecomers can't compete with themselves at all!
Even in the news broadcast alone, Wang Zheng has a huge advantage over the news broadcast in his previous life.

That is, Wang Zheng doesn't need to care about the main theme of doctrine at all, and he doesn't need to care about social stability and harmony.As long as Tianjizong dared to release it, Wang Zheng would dare to broadcast it!
Wu Juntao walked the world as the Tianji sect, and his foresight and wisdom were naturally extraordinary. Just from Wang Zheng's description, he could imagine what kind of commotion the news broadcast would cause in the Eastern Continent!
Similarly, he also knew why Wang Zheng wanted to cooperate with Tianji Sect so urgently. Wang Zheng simply wanted to use this opportunity to win the TV overlord status in one fell swoop.

And Wang Zheng was sure that in terms of professionalism and the current platform, if Tianjizong wanted to get on this emerging channel as soon as possible, he was the most suitable choice.

He also knew that this news broadcast was an important change for Tianjizong.Different from the backward methods in the past, Tianjizong can even be integrated into everyone's daily life through emerging channels, and even become a habit!
After pondering in his heart for a moment, Wu Juntao suddenly smiled. With this smile, the world brightened up a lot.

"Since Brother Wang is so kind, then Wu will undertake this matter for the sect."

Wang Zheng smiled satisfied when he heard this: "Believe me, Tianjizong must have made the most important choice."

Then, the representatives of Tianjizong and Entertainment City conducted pleasant and harmonious exchanges on cooperation matters, and finally reached an agreement.

The entertainment city has always been suspended in the sky of Zhongzhou. It is a huge floating fairy island that is almost a small continent. I don’t know how many people look up to it every day.

On this day, suddenly there was a purple air over three thousand miles above the entertainment city!
The noble, simple, natural and peaceful purple air filled the void. Such a scene undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

"Purple Qi is mighty? My good fellow, is that mighty one coming again?"

"It's not a small show, it shouldn't be for the King of Masked Singer."

"What's the situation? An enemy has come to the door? After all, Wang Zheng is too popular now!"

"Maybe there is a powerful breakthrough?"

All kinds of discussions sounded in places where the cause was within reach.Everyone is guessing what this mighty purple energy represents.

However, there are quite a few people in the Eastern Continent who practice Ziqi.From the martial artist's Zixia Divine Art, to the rumored Ziqi Supreme Jue, they all use purple qi as the core of their cultivation.

So for a while, no one guessed why.


Tap, tap, tap!
A green bull slowly stepped out of the purple air in the sky, like a stroll in a garden, stepped into the void, and within the void, there were mysterious patterns made of light, like a fairy road leading to the distance.

On the green bull, a young man wearing Taoist robes and a simple face sat cross-legged, the sky was full of purple air, and the atmosphere was myriad.

One person and one cow, stepping into the void, the dignity is indescribable, and the way is natural.

"Green Bull Daoist Robe, with a purple energy of three thousand miles, is he the one from the Tianji Sect!?"

"Wu Juntao of Tianji Sect is walking in the world today?!"

"Why did he come out of the entertainment city? Could it be that Tianjizong has something to do with Wang Zheng?"

"It's hard to say...Wu Juntao has always kept a low profile, and with such a great momentum, what he wants is certainly not simple."

Seeing that one person and one cow, countless people exclaimed in surprise, wondering about the deep meaning of Wu Juntao's move.

In fact, this scene was the result of discussions between Wang Zheng and Wu Juntao.

In Wang Zheng's thesaurus, Wang Zheng called this warming up of public opinion.

You must know that no matter what news or works, the usual method in the previous life is to release some irrelevant news before starting to catch the audience's attention.

Then the news gradually unfolded, allowing the audience to naturally shift their attention to what they want the audience to see.

The most simple and straightforward thing is that the male lead was once photographed entering hotels and restaurants with Teacher Boduo.

At that time, the whole news caused countless people to exclaim that they were gentlemen.

But in fact, it turns out that this is just a kind of hype, a kind of warm-up and guidance of public opinion.

This is what Wang Zheng and Wu Juntao are doing right now!
Using Wu Juntao's identity as a contemporary walker of Tianjizong, create a piece of news!
(End of this chapter)

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