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Chapter 582 Buddha's Fury Fire Lotus

Chapter 582 Buddha's Fury Fire Lotus

The speed at which a golden warrior launched a surprise attack was simply beyond what Xiao Mie could react to at this moment.

In a hurry, Xiao Mie's fighting consciousness played a role, and he put his hands together in front of his chest, and burst out a simple syllable in his mouth!

Immediately, I saw a strange text shining in purple light appear in front of Xiao Mie's handprint, exuding the meaning of the indestructible King Kong!
The quaint purple text appeared, and Xiao Mie's flaming fighting spirit all over his body suddenly seemed to solidify, turning into colored glaze and covering Xiao Mie's body!
Don't Fudo Mingwang!Wang Zheng imparted to Xiao Mie the unique defensive technique!
There is a way that three thousand different paths lead to the same goal. The nine-character mantra of Buddhism can be said to be the condensation of human beings' understanding of the truth. Even Western warriors can use the nine-character mantra to exert a little power of rules when the skills are suitable.

Fudo Mingwang is such a kind of exercise, which is based on martial arts, advanced to fighting qi, and integrated with the profound meaning of the nine-character mantra of Buddhism.

As soon as King Fudo Ming came out, Xiao Mie, who was covered in glass all over his body, seemed to have transformed into a real king of Hades, and he would stand still when all kinds of disasters came!

A muffled sound!
The big sword shrouded in black vindictiveness cut towards Xiao Mie at the waist, but under Fudo Mingwang's abnormal defense, Xiao Mie just shattered all the glass all over his body, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down.

It looked miserable, but was actually not seriously injured.

But Fudo Mingwang was defeated, Xiao Mie couldn't use Fudo Mingwang again in a short time.

The gap between the second level and the third level is too big. In the east, it is the gap between the foundation and the golden core. Xiao Mie is proud enough to be able to resist the blow of the golden warrior of the God of Power with Fudo Ming.

However, Xiao Mie was the Xiao Mie trained by Wang Zheng. Knowing that there was no way out, he took advantage of the black-armored soldier's surprise, and his fighting spirit surged, and he even launched an attack on his own initiative!

After adjusting his body shape, Xiao Mie, who was dressed in black, stood proudly. On his palm, a glass lotus flower with a width of two feet was slowly floating.

This glazed lotus blooms with dazzling brilliance, the red gold flame burns fiercely on it, and the surging thunder is like the veins inside the lotus.

The colored glazed lotus slowly spun in Xiao Mie's hands, although it was dazzling, the aura was not visible at all.

Xiao Mie tossed it lightly, and the glazed lotus came out of his hand immediately, and it rapidly grew in size as it spun, hitting the black-armored warrior who was covered in incomparably black fighting spirit!

The black-armored warrior's face was cold and stern, and he slashed out with a sword. The terrifying power made the void tremble continuously, tearing the glazed lotus easily!
However, it was such an easy task, but it changed the face of the black-armored warrior!
"It's not right! It's too simple! The power of the lotus flower is obviously extremely restrained, it's impossible for me to cut it off so easily!"

As soon as the thought came up, Xiao Mie's voice suddenly sounded: "Explosion!"

Without warning, the space in front of the black-armored warrior was slightly distorted at this moment. Although it was only a trace, it was also a terrifying force that affected the stability of the space!
The energy crash, a circle of energy storm mixed with strange fire and thunder, also swept out from the center at an extremely fast speed. The speed of this energy was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it drowned the black armored warrior !


In the energy storm, there was a painful roar from the black-armored warrior!There was some humiliation mixed in with the roar.

As a warrior of the Power God Cult, as a warrior who was infused with terrifying power in front of the Pope, he was actually injured at the hands of a silver warrior!

That's right!Just hurt!The terrifying energy storm only caused some injuries to the black-armored warrior.

After all, the dark battle qi with rules is too buggy, and the terrifying power seems to be able to smash everything. Even the power of the Buddha's Fury Lotus, after being smashed by the battle qi, only a small part of it acts on the weak places of the battle qi.

"I'm going to tear you apart!"

In the terrifying thunder fire, the pitch-black fighting spirit disappeared in a flash, and the black-armored warrior threw away the great sword in his hand, and rushed towards Xiao Mie with a face full of anger.

As the most elite fighter in the hands of the Pope, he wants to tear the person who humiliated him to pieces with the power that the God of Power is best at!
The terrifying strength and vindictiveness pressed down on Xiao Mie like a mountain, making Xiao Mie feel a sense of pressure all over his body, it was the oppression brought by pure power!

However, even under such oppression, Xiao Mie was still running the three thousand thunder movements to retreat continuously, and then a strange red light bloomed on the Xuanzhong ruler in his hand, and his fighting spirit like glass was cut by him with the force of dividing the sea out.

The flames devour the wave ruler!Xiao Mie's great skill!

Facing the terrifying alien fire that divided the sea, the black armored warrior opened his eyes wide, his fighting spirit was concentrated on his hands, and he tore it violently, and the entire wave of glazed flames was torn apart by the black armored warrior.

If Xiao Mie separated the sea at this moment like Moses in the myth, then the black-armored warrior is the master of the sea, tearing everything apart with a wave of his hand!
"Chop Suey! I will tear you apart with all my might!"

The black-armored soldier grinned, and appeared next to Xiao Mie in an instant. A pair of big hands directly grabbed Xiao Mie, and the terrifying force oppressed Xiao Mie so much that he couldn't move an inch.

In the secret room, Wang Zheng's eyelids trembled, but he finally regained his composure.

He can't make a move yet.

Lifting Xiao Mie high, a sick smile suddenly appeared on the face of the black-armored soldier: "I changed my mind, it's too cheap to tear you up, I'm going to smash you into a living flesh!"

As he said that, with a bang, Xiao Mie was slammed towards the steps by the black-armored warrior!

With a loud bang, the entire Tai Chi was blasted into powder by Xiao Mie, a humanoid cannonball. Although Xiao Mie had the blood of a unicorn in his body, but such a terrifying power was blocked from fighting energy, he was still directly seriously injured!
Blood with red gold luster flowed down his body recklessly, forming a small pool of blood in a short while.

The black-armored warrior stomped on Xiao Mie crazily, venting the sickness in his heart.

However, where the black-armored warrior didn't notice, the void twisted, and a golden necklace in the form of a girl suddenly appeared there, and was immediately soaked in a pool of blood.

Xiao Mie, who was lying on the ground in a daze, seemed to vaguely see the glass-like star field slowly rotating at this moment.

The power in that star field seemed to be exactly the same as his fighting spirit.

In a daze, Xiao Mie involuntarily focused his attention on the star field.

Starlights began to light up at this moment, linking together and transforming into the form of a young girl, pure and then noble.

After a slight blur, all visions disappeared, and only a golden statue in a praying pose was left floating in Xiao Mie's consciousness.

"This is... the Virgo Golden Saint Cloth?"

In his heart, Xiao Mie had such an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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