Xianwu star

Chapter 583

Chapter 583
Boom boom boom!
The black-armored warrior trampled on Xiao Mie, who had lost his ability to resist, as if no one was around. People from the Jia Ma Kingdom wanted to come to the rescue, but were stopped by other black-armored warriors. They could only watch Xiao Mie's vitality gradually decline with a look of regret.

However, what everyone didn't know was that just when Xiao Mie realized the concept of a Virgo Saint in his mind, the necklace covered in the pool of blood under his body had already begun to shine brightly!

The next moment, a star-like brilliance rose out of nowhere under Xiao Mie's body. Caught off guard, the holy cloth's initial awakening and the terrifying power infinitely approaching the sanctuary directly blasted the black-armored warrior away.

And Xiao Mie's body was also suspended in the beam of light that soared into the sky under a mysterious force.

On the ground, a magic circle appeared at an unknown time, and a huge golden box with the pattern of a praying girl slowly rose in the golden magic circle.

With a crackling sound, the box was torn apart, and the golden Saint Cloth of Virgo, presented in the posture of a praying girl, stood proudly there.

In the golden cloud, Xiao Mie's injuries recovered at an incredible speed.At the same time, the praying girl suddenly shattered and turned into metal parts covering Xiao Mie's body, causing Xiao Mie's aura to rise sharply!

Looking in disbelief at himself covered by the gorgeous battle armor, Xiao Mie only felt a sense of infinite power all over his body, and he even felt that there was an extra force in his fighting spirit.

That is a kind of power that belongs to the stars. Although it is not a sun star, it is also a fiery and domineering star!
"Is this what it's like to fly?"

Feeling the flying ability brought by the holy clothes, Xiao Mie's feeling of being oppressed and beaten disappeared instantly, and he felt extremely happy!After all, flying has always been something that humans have longed for.

"This time it's my turn!"

Thinking that he was almost beaten to death by the black-armored warrior just now, Xiao Mie couldn't help but licked his chapped lips, and glanced at the mysterious heavy ruler that was flying far away. The lotus slowly rotates!
Different from the glazed lotus before, the lotus in Xiao Mie's hand is still burning with golden mist, and there are even stars emerging in the rotation, which looks extremely beautiful.

"The power of the stars? Such a powerful power!"

Even if he was the caster of the Buddha's Fury Lotus, Xiao Mie still had serious eyes when he felt the Buddha's Fury Lotus fused with starlight.

In his perception, the power of the stars in the fire lotus is stronger than his own power of different fire!
After all, Xian Mie is just a warrior at the peak of silver, but the power of stars brought by the holy clothes is the power of rules!
"Magic crystal? The luminous lines on the holy clothes are magic crystals? No wonder I don't think it's too much consumption."

It stands to reason that Xiao Mie might lose his strength after one fight with such power in actual combat, but in fact Xiao Mie consumed the same fighting energy and energy as usual.

With a sweep of spirit on the holy clothes, Xiao Mie understood the reason of all this.And with this discovery, Xiao Mie can finally fight with confidence!

Lightly tossing the Buddha's Fury Lotus, the power of the stars, thunder and lightning, and different fires immediately engulfed the black-armored warrior who just got up like a tsunami!

This time, Xiao Mie's power contained the power of the stars, and the black-armored warrior's painful wailing sounded out of the terrifying torrent of energy!

As Xiao Mie's most powerful fighting skill, after adding the power of rules, Xiao Mie's lethality can be said to be explosive!Even the black-armored warrior with regular power in his grudge suffered a lot of damage!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Xiao Mie's eyes flashed, his whole body turned into a golden shooting star, he waved away, and the Xuanzhong Ruler returned to his hand immediately under the palm of his hand, his fighting spirit circulated, and the completely different power of the Flame Point Devouring Wave Ruler was used !
Amidst the monstrous thunder and fire, the ups and downs of starlight seemed to tear the world apart!
"Good boy!"

The swaying Bob saw that nice young man suddenly got on the same saint clothes as them, and he laughed. Although he didn't know why he put on the saint clothes, but as a Leo Gold Saint Seiya, he knew better than anyone else. How powerful is the power of the Saint Seiya!
Even in the face of black-armored fighters, as long as the difference in realm is not too large, a saint fighter has the power to fight.

After all, the Saint Cloth is too strong, so powerful that the Saint Seiya only needs to be responsible for the output, and it is not a problem to defend against such things.

Although the boy is only at the peak of the second order, his unique grudge is enough to make up for the gap in output.

On the ground, the four golden saints output crazily, and under the leadership of four golden comets, the situation of the Jia Ma Kingdom's ground war has miraculously turned around!

However, the battle in the sky is not optimistic!
After all, they are both at the fourth level, and what they are facing is the existence that has stolen the power of the Golden Immortal!The rules of Jinxian Power alone are enough to give the Power God Cult a huge advantage!

"Haha! Bastards, I didn't expect the power of this seat to increase again, right?"

In the Frost Dragon Realm, the armored dragon looked ferocious, under the disbelieving eyes of the Frost Dragon Knight, he shattered his fighting spirit with the palm of his hand, and tightly held his dragon spear!
No matter how he output fighting energy, the ice dragon fighting energy that was supposed to freeze everything was directly smashed to pieces after it came into contact with the Qi and blood of the armored dragon!
"Get down on my knees!"

The muscles all over his body surged wildly, and the armored dragon laughed ferociously, holding the dragon spear, it shattered the space with great force, blasting the ice dragon knight into the earth like a comet.

He twisted his neck, the bloodthirsty light in his eyes became even more intense, and the void around him began to twist, and he was about to travel through the void to chase after the dragon knight.

However, at this moment, a great fear suddenly rose in his heart, and suddenly he turned around and saw a big hand covering the sky, grabbing towards him amidst the terrifying yin and yang energy.

At this moment, for the first time, the face of Lianjialong revealed a frightened expression. The terrifying power he was proud of just after he had just been promoted was unable to break free in that big hand. They were all imprisoned by that big hand.

And the circulating yin and yang energy seem to be able to turn everything into nothingness!
"If you can't avoid it, you will die!"

The vertical pupil of Lianjialong has shrunk into a thin line, and a layer of cold sweat instantly covered the dark skin!
But right here, the void suddenly shattered like glass!Another big hand pierced through the air amidst the dark golden dou qi, the terrifying power seemed to wrinkle the world into folds.

"Lord Haynes!"

Lianjialong cried out in surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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