Xianwu star

Chapter 584

Chapter 584

Demigod Haynes!
The entire Western Continent is famous for its existence, after all, the realm of demigods is the pinnacle of human power.

It's just that Haines did not directly integrate the power of the Bull Demon King into his battle qi like the fighters trained by the referee because Haines used tricks to borrow strength in the process of cultivation, but tricks are tricks after all, so his golden battle qi is not heavenly in the same realm. The opponent of Peng Yaosheng.

But this time, it was obvious that Haines' aura had become stronger, not worse than that of the Demon Saint.

"Hmph! Did a demigod give up even the most basic pride? Can the power you get by tricks make you so confident?"

The voice of the demon saint resounded faintly, with undisguised killing intent and undisguised disdain.

Different from the glorious golden fighting spirit before, although the dark golden fighting spirit is now more powerful, it is obvious that this strength is the result of changes in external forces.

For a strong man like Yaosheng who has cultivated step by step, he naturally scoffs at this method.

The voice of the demigod Haines rang out immediately, and his tone was unusually calm: "Old guy, you are too rigid. As long as you can crush with strength, it doesn't matter where the strength comes from!"

While speaking, the two big hands collided without fancy, and the whole world suddenly turned into nothingness!The space is turned into powder under the force of terror!
And the armored dragon at the center of the power seemed to be lifted out of the world by a powerful force and placed in another latitude. That terrifying power did not have the slightest influence on the armored dragon.

The terrifying energy came and went quickly, and the world also healed after a while. In the sky, the demigod Haines and the demon saint appeared in the sky at the same time, standing far away.

In less than three seconds of quiet solidification, two powerful fifth-level powers suddenly shot violently.

I saw Haines swinging his fists, and the dark golden grudge spread to the surroundings.The battle energy kept vibrating, layer upon layer towards the demon saint.

Wherever the power passes, the void returns to chaos, leaving only the power of the four phenomena of earth, wind, water and fire in western legends to riot endlessly!

All vegetation, clouds, soil, and even air, all disintegrated and collapsed, turning into nothing!
Collapse, collapse, all collapse!This punch shattered the world with pure power, returning the world to its original state and destroying it!

Facing this circle, even the demon saint has a serious expression, because he knows that this circle is not just pure power, but the power of the law that affects the four elements!

However, the demon saint is a demon saint, facing that terrifying punch, he pointed it out.

"Yin and Yang change, silence!"

As soon as the demon saint pointed out, Haines immediately felt threatened.

He felt that the whole world seemed to be independent, as if locked by an annihilating force. In this space, a large amount of yin and yang emerged without warning.

Different from Earth, Feng, Shui and Fire violently smashing everything, Yin and Yang Qi strangling and obliterating everything with mysterious changes!
Even if he is as strong as Haines, he still feels weak for a while, and the life span in his body tends to be wiped out, just like being in the world of Liangyi, walking towards nothingness and chaos in the Liangyi world.

World class power!One is that the two instruments form the world, and the other is that the four images smash the world!

The terrifying power shook thousands of miles around. Earthquakes, magma, strong winds, thunder, all kinds of geniuses were naturally derived.This is where the fifth level is powerful and powerful, every move is like the power of heaven and earth!

The huge energy fluctuations directly produced a field-clearing effect. Even if they consciously restrained their power in the sky, a large number of lives still died instantly.

The entire sky seemed to be cut off, turning into a battlefield for two powerful fifth-order powerhouses.

The loud rumbling sound was like the sound of the avenue, and the heaven and the earth seemed to be shaking in the terrifying sound.

On the ground, even if it was a battle of life and death, the people on both sides still couldn't help but look towards the sky at their terrifying power.

horrible!It's really terrible!This is a battle at the demigod level, a battle that destroys the world at every turn!
However, at this juncture, Jin Peng and others finally made a surprise attack!
Since Jinpeng cast the secret technique, he has not recovered so far, so he is still a demon clan at the peak of Jindan, so he didn't attack those sanctuaries, but rushed towards the black-armored warriors instead.

How terrifying is Jinpeng's strength?As a half-step Tianjiao, he is a Tianjiao-level existence after using the secret method. Even if he doesn't open it, facing the black-armored warrior is like a wolf like sheep!

As for Jiao Nu, Vigorous Demon Bull, Golden Lion and the others, they killed the strong men in the sanctuary of the Power Sect respectively.

The dragon girl is surrounded by thunder, and her innate thunder technique is even more mysterious than the power of a sanctuary magician's thunder!
The Vigorous Demon Ox spouted white air from its nose, and the terrifying air and blood distorted the sky. It stared straight at the Lianjialong, and the loud sound of body collision resounded through the sky.

As for the golden lion, the Buddhist demon power is peaceful and majestic, joining forces with the old emperor who cultivated the lion heart king's fighting spirit, directly put the armored dragon knight at a disadvantage in an instant.

"Okay! Very good! I originally came here just in case, but I didn't expect to bump into you group of heretics teaming up!"

In the sky, Haines, who was restrained by the demon saint, let out a rage.

With one punch, the heavens and the earth were smashed into the sky for hundreds of millions of miles. After temporarily blocking the demon saint, Haines' eyes were full of murderous intent.
In the sky, the terrifying fist print has the power to shake the world, causing the souls of all fourth-order powerhouses in the east and west to die!
On the ground, the brilliance of dou qi covered the sky and covered the sky, and an unknown number of people were turned into flying ashes.

The four holy fighters were taken care of even more, even with the defensive power of the holy clothes, they all flew out one after another, not knowing whether they were alive or dead. After all, the person who shot was a demigod!

It can be said that the demigod's blow changed the situation on the ground drastically!

Even Kyle with the crystal wall and Xiao Mie with Fudo Mingo completely lost their fighting power.

"Evil obstacles, you dare!"

A yin-yang magic knife shattered hundreds of millions of miles of heaven, and the demon saint rose up in the wind, setting off a yin-yang storm and forcing Haines to deal with it with all his strength.

But a demigod is a demigod after all, with a sneer, a grudge broke through the limitation of space, and hit Xiao Mie.With his state of mind, it is natural to see that Xiao Mie's ring has the soul of a strong man, so he used a hasty blow on Xiao Mie's body.

Feeling the terrifying vindictive brilliance falling from the sky like an ancient mountain, Xiao Mie wanted to scold his mother, since he came to Wangcheng, he has been in bad luck!

Under the terrifying pressure, most of the blood vessels in Xiao Mie's body exploded, and his mind seemed to freeze.

At this moment, a long sigh sounded beside Xiao Mie's ear.


(End of this chapter)

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