Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 505 Women in love like to think wildly

Chapter 505 Women in love like to think wildly

"En." Gu Sanyan nodded.

Then they went back to the training place together.


That night, Shen Dianxin and Su Luoluo met for a leisurely time together.

"Why didn't you get tired of being with your family Gong Yan tonight?" Su Luoluo asked her.

Shen Dianxin said, "He said there was a high school reunion tonight, so I came out."

Otherwise it will be boring at home.

Lolo Su narrowed his eyes, "Oh, he's not at home so you think of me~"

Shen Dianxin laughed and said, "Why, you don't want to leave with your family, Gu Chen."

Lolo Su pouted, "No, he's drinking with his friends now."

"Aren't you afraid that he's drunk?" Shen Dianxin asked.

Su Luoluo waved his hand, "No, I know his drinking capacity." He looked like he didn't have to worry at all.

If he can't drink enough, wouldn't he be drunk every time he socializes?
So she was relieved that he drank.

But don't drink too much.

Because drinking too much hurts the body.

"Luo Luo, does Gu Chen have any female classmates in high school?" Suddenly, Shen Dianxin asked.

"High school female classmate?" Su Luoluo frowned slightly, thought for a while, then shook his head, "Probably not, I have never seen any female classmate around him."

Except that he is not serious to her every day, he has an indifferent face to everyone else.

Even for a girl, there is no expression.

He was so scared that some other girls didn't dare to approach him.

"Why did you suddenly ask this?" Su Luoluo asked suspiciously, a little puzzled why she suddenly asked this.

Shen Dianxin chatted with her while resting her chin, "Because the one who lives across from my house is his female classmate from high school..."

"Huh?" Su Luoluo was startled, "What a coincidence?"

Shen Dianxin nodded, "Yes, she seems to have just returned to China a few days ago."

Su Luoluo squinted her eyes and asked her, "You won't be jealous because of this, right?"

Shen Dianxin said, "No, I'm really jealous because they didn't do anything."

"But I think, every time I see his female classmate in high school, her eyes change."

Su Luoluo asked her, "How has it changed?"

"There is a great possessive desire." This is a woman's sixth sense.

Almost all women have a strong sixth sense.

"Ah? Possessiveness?" Su Luoluo froze for a moment, "You mean, Gong Yan's high school girl likes Gong Yan?"

Shen Dianxin nodded, "Well, I think it's..."

A person's eyes can never lie.

Su Luoluo said, "It's normal to like Gong Yan, right? After all, so many people like Gong Yan, you don't have one or two rivals in love anymore."

However, Shen Dianxin frowned, "But I feel that this time is a little different from before..."

"What's different?"

"I don't know..." Inexplicably, she felt that Chen Mei was a little threatening.

Is she thinking too much?

Chen Mei has no intention of breaking up the two of them now.

Moreover, every time she sees her, she greets her with a friendly smile.

Do women in love love to think wildly?
Shen Dianxin also felt that she was very helpless, why would she think about it if she had nothing to do.

Su Luoluo looked at her and said, "Probably not, you have so many rivals in love, which one have you seen Gong Yan talk to?"

"..." Shen Dianxin said, "He seems to be quite familiar with this female classmate, he seems to be some kind of vice president in high school..."

(End of this chapter)

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