Proud Bamboo Horse: Eat a small green plum

Chapter 506 I don't want to talk to you anymore!

Chapter 506 I don't want to talk to you anymore! (1)

"Did Gong Yan talk to her now?" Su Luoluo continued to ask her.

"It seems that there is no..." At most, they met each other and said hello or something.

And then... no more.

When they were not in love, she seldom paid attention to his affairs.

What's more, he was in high school, she was in junior high school, and of course there were things about him in school that she didn't know about.

Later, they fell in love, she went to high school, and he was there, so she slowly began to focus all her attention on him.

"Then it should be fine, don't think too much, even if the female classmate likes Gong Yan, but Gong Yan likes you, he loves you, don't worry if other people like him, after all, it doesn't hinder you."

As long as my man loves me, that's enough.

Shen Dianxin sighed, "I hope..."

Maybe this time she really thought too much.

When there was a rival in love in the past, she never thought about it like this.

Could it be because Chen Mei looks somewhat similar to her?
Shen Dianxin shook her head, not wanting to think about it.

After playing with Su Luoluo until about ten o'clock, Shen Dianxin was about to go back.

Because they agreed that when both parties show up to play, they must return before 10:30 in the evening.

That way you don't have to worry about the other party coming back late.

But whoever returns late will be punished.

Shen Dianxin called a car to go back.

When she arrived at the location, Shen Dianxin paid the fare and got off, then went into the elevator.

She was the only one in the elevator, and Shen Dianxin pressed the floor she lived in.

However, in the next second, she saw something she didn't want to see.

When the elevator reached the floor, there was a 'ding dong' sound, and the elevator door opened.

Shen Dianxin walked out.

Turning a corner and walking a few steps, they will reach their apartment, but before walking a few steps, Shen Dianxin was stunned.

I saw, in the distance, two people were hugging each other.

Those two people were none other than...Gong Yan and Chen Mei!

Shen Dianxin stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes in disbelief.

Because Gong Yan was carrying her behind his back, naturally he didn't see her.

Chen Mei wrapped her hands around Gong Yan's strong waist, and looked up at Gong Yan obsessively.

Ke Gongyan put his hands on her shoulders.

But the key is that her shoulders are exposed!
Moreover, Gong Yan didn't seem to have the intention of pushing her away?
"Gong Yan..." Chen Mei looked obsessively at the handsome man in front of her, eyes full of admiration.

Looking behind him inadvertently.

Tens of meters away from them, Shen Dianxin looked at them in a daze, with disbelief in her eyes.

The corners of Chen Mei's mouth raised slightly, she quickly retracted her gaze, and looked at Gong Yan again.

"Gong Yan..." She called his name obsessively.

"Chen Mei, let me go, I won't do anything to girls." Gong Yan's voice was unbearably cold.

His hands were pushing her, however, he didn't know where she got the strength from, and he couldn't move her no matter how hard he tried.

"No, Gong Yan, I don't want to let you go anymore..." Chen Mei looked at Gong Yan with a flushed face.

Because of the angle, the movements of the two of them, in Shen Dianxin's eyes, they were hugging and not letting go!

Damn Gong Yan, why didn't he push her away? !

Didn't you say yes, you only like her alone? !
But what is it now, do you not refuse anyone's embrace? !
Shen Dianxin's eyes suddenly became hot, and her nose felt sore.

(End of this chapter)

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